You're Hitting on My Husband & Do You Like Cream? with Gnome

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00:00:00:02 - 00:00:16:09
Everyone in the service industry has a story. Crazy customers, wild orders and WITF moments. Do you want to start a tab? The podcast here to bring you those tales from behind the bar. My name is Carl. I've been bartending for almost 11 years now. I have some stories to share with the world.

00:00:16:14 - 00:00:23:21
I'm Riley and I haven't bartended that long, but I have some experience and I enjoy watching and hearing all of the stories.

00:00:24:05 - 00:00:37:00
It is 8:23 a.m. on a monday morning, so my voice is very raspy from doing a podcast last night on an episode for someone else. And I've been up since 4 a.m. for some stupid reason.

00:00:37:09 - 00:00:38:12
And bartending all.

00:00:38:12 - 00:00:59:13
Weekend and bartending all weekend. So I'm going to sound a little raspy. I apologize, but we move forward because our guest requested that we do this at eight in the morning because he's a busy man. He's a he's a fellow bartender. His name is Noam. He has a YouTube channel called Nome's Tavern, and he is located in New Orleans.

00:00:59:15 - 00:01:04:16
How are you? How are you doing? To day know who are I really?

00:01:04:16 - 00:01:10:13
The Mad Men. Also, because I've been bartending Mardi Gras, Right? Doing that.

00:01:10:21 - 00:01:19:13
Yeah. I think it's I think you're you get the A for effort and execution and I get like candy for execution effort here in Iowa.

00:01:19:13 - 00:01:26:16
So I'm like yeah I get to just go do I was like, oh, go ahead.

00:01:27:00 - 00:01:27:09
Go ahead.

00:01:27:16 - 00:01:31:18
Yeah. Cause, you know, it's like, yeah, I have a little bit of time on Monday, girl. And you're like, What is one degree?

00:01:32:00 - 00:01:33:20
Yeah, I know what that was.

00:01:33:20 - 00:01:34:05

00:01:34:08 - 00:01:38:18
Yeah. See, like us in Iowa don't really know. Explain to people, you know, I.

00:01:38:18 - 00:01:43:23
Mean, I think the only thing that we really get up here as far as Mardi Gras goes, is Fat Tuesday.

00:01:44:04 - 00:01:47:04
Right? But no, it's something this is something different. You saying?

00:01:47:09 - 00:01:52:17
Oh, I'm aware. I'm just saying as far as Mardi Gras goes, that's the only information that we have.

00:01:52:20 - 00:02:11:03
Yeah. Yeah. So Mardi Gras in New Orleans starts January six, and it is a party all the way till Fat Tuesday. And Lundi Gras is like Mardi Gras Eve where there's a bunch of parties set up for the for tomorrow, Fat Tuesday, right.

00:02:11:15 - 00:02:18:23
Lucky you. Have fun. Don't die. But I bet you make some pretty good bank during that time, right?

00:02:19:11 - 00:02:23:16
Yeah. That is funding three vacations right now. So nice.

00:02:24:22 - 00:02:25:14
That's awesome.

00:02:25:21 - 00:02:27:02
Is it worth it, though?

00:02:28:14 - 00:02:40:12
Yeah, it's pretty fun. You get some crazy people. I have a really funny story. I can't wait to tell you, but you get some crazy people and iron bars. Great show. It's not. It's not super bad.

00:02:40:18 - 00:02:59:03
Cool. Yeah. It always makes life a little easier when you work out a little cooler spot than, like, that just dive bar. Not even a dive or just like, a speed bar. Like, you know, where it's just volume. Volume bar. Yeah. So. Yeah. So. Yeah. Are you drinking anything this morning at 830 in the morning or maybe ten.

00:02:59:05 - 00:03:05:05
Maybe to your boss. Maybe it's not eight Mean this is 10:00 at night when we're recording this.

00:03:05:05 - 00:03:11:00
I, I'm doing the patients bitters because I had to keep the New Orleans classic alive. You know.

00:03:11:00 - 00:03:27:22
What? We are going to join you in that because we never did a shot of this usually or Angostura Bitters shot. But this is for New Orleans and for cheeses. Cheers, boys. Girls. Yes, It is so much different.

00:03:29:01 - 00:03:29:17
There's so many.

00:03:30:00 - 00:03:34:22
There's definitely some in these. And that bad boy.

00:03:34:22 - 00:03:35:10

00:03:35:16 - 00:03:43:20
Good. It's it's different because, like, I'm so used to anger stories just dries out your mouth. So, I mean, I'm guessing this isn't complex, but that you know but.

00:03:44:07 - 00:03:49:13
I don't think Anglos that complex because it's it's Christmas spices but dry.

00:03:50:11 - 00:03:50:21

00:03:51:01 - 00:03:52:11
This one was more complex.

00:03:52:11 - 00:03:55:03
But this is like muted absinthe, right?

00:03:55:22 - 00:03:57:01
It's exactly what that is.

00:03:58:09 - 00:04:10:23
All right. And then we're also drinking some actual coffee with some Mr. Black and a little bit of cream. And just to say why not? Because I think up to this, we're going to film some a mr. Black episode for our our YouTube channel. So.

00:04:11:12 - 00:04:12:18
Yeah. Oh, it's free.

00:04:13:02 - 00:04:36:19
So for if you're joining us for the first time, what we do here is we like to read stories off the Internet and discuss those stories about bartenders, bartenders, lives and just discuss who's the asshole. Could this story been handled differently and just have some fun? And then we write the story one through five, one being an average story, five being a complex or a very unique situation.

00:04:37:17 - 00:04:40:09
I don't we've had a 4.5. We haven't had a five yet.

00:04:40:09 - 00:04:43:03
So yes, if you have if you have five, submit them.

00:04:43:03 - 00:04:45:21
Please write. If you think get a five. Right.

00:04:45:23 - 00:04:50:07
Do you have any stories? Submit them please. But especially the wild ones.

00:04:50:17 - 00:05:03:07
Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So. And you can do that on our subreddit page. Do you want to start a tab? You can find a link for that in the description of whatever podcast platform you are on or the YouTube channels. Right. Do you have a story for us today?

00:05:03:10 - 00:05:06:15
I do have a saathi. Demba. Ba ba ba ba.

00:05:06:17 - 00:05:07:06
You're welcome.

00:05:08:18 - 00:05:16:10
I do have a story. Want to start us out? And I got to tell you, just from the title alone, the story is going to get a one.

00:05:18:19 - 00:05:19:04
Because it's.

00:05:19:11 - 00:05:21:03
Because it's so common.

00:05:21:07 - 00:05:30:09
But I mean, that's I mean, that's bartender life, right? Like it's just like you can probably really don't like a lot of stories like this. The same story just a different color painted on the page.

00:05:30:11 - 00:06:02:08
Yeah but it's but it's entertaining just the same so it's called are you hitting on my husband? Remember? I'm the one who tips you posted by I see ad 176, 722 days ago and bartender Sorry, subreddit. Okay, so I'm bartending, obviously. And there's three and there's the older dudes all from different groups. And I jokingly go, I guess is only good looking guys in here.

00:06:02:08 - 00:06:20:21
Ha ha ha ha. As if I'm just trying to crack a joke and be nice. This weasel of a human being goes and tells his wife I was hitting on him or some shit. Mind you, she's the last tab of doing a long ass night. Come storming up to me. Excuse me. Did you hit on my husband? I reply, laughing.

00:06:20:21 - 00:06:40:22
At first I thought it was a joke. I don't even remember who your husband is. I froze out of bewilderment and exhaustion. She goes, Just remember, I'm the one who tips you lmao I literally just walk away. My bar back stepped in and goes, I was with her all night and she never did anything inappropriate. I don't know what your husband is saying to you.

00:06:40:22 - 00:06:56:06
LMA Oh, what the fuck? Then I looked at the receipts and she had previously already left under 20% before the awkward rebuttals. Keep your $5, Karen. Sorry. You're paying for his dad's. You should have picked a better dude. Not my problem.

00:06:56:06 - 00:07:13:08
Yeah, that's. I never been accused of, like, you know, like. Oh, my God, you're hitting on my wife. Stop it. I've never done that before because I'm going to go do it right in front of people. Like, because, you know, I mean, not like like direct that direct. That's not even hitting on. That's just saying a joke. I see jokes like that.

00:07:13:08 - 00:07:18:21
Yeah, I guess it's only good looking guys in here today, huh? Yeah. That's shit. You say to get more money.

00:07:20:14 - 00:07:29:23
But, I mean, that's what I call the business. The cheers welcome. Where, like, everyone screams Norm. Like, it's just, like. Right. Say, I feel that, all right.

00:07:30:10 - 00:07:40:20
You're like, when that woman says, Oh, it's my birthday. And then I always go, Oh, how is your 21st 24th birthday today? I don't say 21st. You might say 24th. I mean, just give me the answer.

00:07:40:21 - 00:07:44:18
Yes, sweetie. Guys, you're such a pro at the bar.

00:07:45:09 - 00:07:46:19
Hitting on everybody.

00:07:47:19 - 00:07:51:03
You know I don't have tits or I'm not good looking, so I have to try hard.

00:07:51:04 - 00:07:51:10
I mean.

00:07:51:14 - 00:08:05:23
My kids aren't even that big, but I got two kids of this shit every fucking day when I was a server. Really? Yeah. Because I'm nice to you and making eye contact with you, like. I don't know. Do you want me to tell you the specials? Your wife is glaring at me from the minute I walked up to the bars.

00:08:05:23 - 00:08:08:07
I'm going to talk to you because at least you're kind of smiling.

00:08:08:23 - 00:08:18:12
It's like you really think I'm trying to take like, okay, I'm going to assume she's in her mid to late twenties, right? Uh, there's no right. I'm just assuming mid twenties.

00:08:18:12 - 00:08:19:14
Sure. The bartender.

00:08:19:16 - 00:08:28:16
The bartender? Yeah. And these people are probably in their fifties, Right? Right. It's like, do you really think this bitch is trying to take your husband out of the bar with her? You know, like, come on.

00:08:28:16 - 00:08:28:23

00:08:29:07 - 00:08:36:14
What? What has your husband done to you? Not like, physically, but, like, maybe. But like, has he cheated on you? Are you so self insecure?

00:08:36:14 - 00:08:40:15
Why do you feel like you need to piss on the floor to mark your territory right now?

00:08:41:10 - 00:09:01:06
Well, that's why. Well, devil's advocate, I think the assholes the husband, because the husband probably went up and went like, Oh yeah, that beautiful girls look me in the eyes and some more like, Tell me the next Beowulf was told to write about.

00:09:01:06 - 00:09:03:07
Yeah, that's actually a great point. Yeah, that's.

00:09:03:07 - 00:09:03:19
A good point.

00:09:03:20 - 00:09:04:04
Because, like.

00:09:04:09 - 00:09:07:12
Why does he have to go in, locked it right to go to his buddies.

00:09:07:20 - 00:09:13:13
Yeah. Mean you do that every day. I had five women at the bar tonight that I could have taken home if I wanted to.

00:09:13:19 - 00:09:28:18
Well, you know, I know that you're not going to go up to them because you're either going to ask, Can I join or. And. But yeah, I mean, I guess it's different, right? Like it shouldn't it be different? But it is different when it's a male bartender or a female.

00:09:28:18 - 00:09:36:05
But how toxic is your relationship to start with, to make it, to make you feel like you have to mark your territory that way.

00:09:36:12 - 00:09:48:10
But also feeling the sex thing itself, we love it. That's Oh my God. Yeah, We got to have a look. Glass.

00:09:49:17 - 00:10:05:08
Yeah, man, I. I love your viewpoint on who's the boss on this. Just like, why is he going back? I mean, maybe. Maybe his wife doesn't tell him that he's hot enough, you know, like, you're not handsome enough, you know? And so he's just, like, glad someone said he's good looking and he's just like, I think.

00:10:05:08 - 00:10:23:09
I think they're a pair of assholes. To be honest with you. I don't think I don't think we can distinguish between the two. I do think he's an asshole because there's something he has done to make her feel insecure in that relationship to the point where he has the where she has to verbally attack a bartender. However, you shouldn't verbally attack people for doing their job.

00:10:23:22 - 00:10:34:20
Everybody knows that in bartending there is a fine line between flirting and trying to, you know, engage with your customers. And sometimes that line is fuzzy, right, Because of the industry.

00:10:34:22 - 00:10:39:06
You're right. Are you are you married? No. Or girlfriend? Yes. Married. Okay.

00:10:39:08 - 00:10:40:03
Married. Do you?

00:10:40:03 - 00:10:42:22
Where do you wear your wedding ring while you're at work?

00:10:43:10 - 00:10:46:02
Yes, I do. I do. Okay. All right.

00:10:46:06 - 00:11:06:22
So I'm just asking because I don't oh, I don't actually own a wedding ring, but we have this saying triple A always appear available. Right? You know, like, I wonder if you're available for any one man woman non identify whatever. I'm available for you in any capacity that you think you might need me for.

00:11:07:08 - 00:11:18:13
Yeah, that's cool. I read as I read your and his girlfriend have that where she goes. As long as you can buy me a nice dinner, you can flirt as much. Yeah, right.

00:11:18:18 - 00:11:22:17
You got three feet of bar between you and the person you're flirting with. I don't really care at all.

00:11:23:14 - 00:11:30:23
Yeah, but I. I wear my rag because I mostly just forget. It's odd, right? No, I get it.

00:11:30:23 - 00:11:40:23
But, yeah, I just. I personally just don't like being on my fingers, so it's just like I like. Yeah. So when we first got married where we were before we got married, we talked about it and you were cool with it and I.

00:11:40:23 - 00:11:44:15
Was trying to get people to leave me alone.

00:11:44:15 - 00:11:45:22
But you didn't change your last name.

00:11:46:00 - 00:11:49:00
No shirt. And that's a lot of paperwork.

00:11:49:12 - 00:11:53:04
Too. So much. Oh, my gosh. So much paperwork.

00:11:53:07 - 00:11:56:16
And then she's like, she's like. And when we get a divorce, it's even more.

00:11:56:16 - 00:12:15:03
Paperwork, right? Because if we were to get a divorce, I'd have to go back to all of those places, try to get copies of my certificates. Well, and then you have to pay $10 for every certificate, like your marriage certificate or your divorce certificate for every copy in, like the Social Security Administration needs their own copy of the driver's license, Asian needs your own copy of your insurance.

00:12:15:03 - 00:12:21:15
These are own copy that's like it's going to be like 50 bucks. And then you have to pay for all the new cards and stuff. I'm not doing it.

00:12:22:04 - 00:12:22:22

00:12:22:22 - 00:12:31:13
So yeah, it's a really big site. We just went on the story, but so the asses we are agreeing are the husband and the wife on the story.

00:12:31:14 - 00:12:37:00
The couple is about two assholes. They have a toxic relationship that doesn't allow them to have fun, right?

00:12:37:12 - 00:12:41:02
Yeah. Because you guys start a lawnmower by pulling straight. Yeah, that's.

00:12:41:02 - 00:12:41:10

00:12:41:10 - 00:12:42:23
Right, right, right.

00:12:42:23 - 00:13:03:12
But you are right. This is. This is kind of an average story. Nothing. You know, It always, always makes you point to, like, when the people who like who tell you that they're going to, you know, you're going to take care you or that they're the ones you know, I'm telling you this, they're always the cheap bastards. No matter what you do, you could give them the best like experience in the world, hands down the you and tell you it.

00:13:03:15 - 00:13:05:05
And then it's like 15%.

00:13:05:08 - 00:13:18:08
If she was bitchy enough to me and if I. If I was able to think quickly about it because she said, you say it's I might not have been able to rocket it off, but if, if I had thought about it, I'd been like, What do you mean you can have it back? Can I play with your husband then?

00:13:19:04 - 00:13:21:15
Yeah. How much will it cost her husband?

00:13:23:05 - 00:13:24:04
I got a 20 here.

00:13:25:04 - 00:13:32:09
Can I just pay you? And then, like, we can. We can take this transactional relationship away. And also the husband disappears you off.

00:13:32:19 - 00:13:37:08
You have another Moscato on the house.

00:13:37:08 - 00:13:45:14
I'm at the age right now where I'm like, $5. I will lose that money if I don't have to speak to you right?

00:13:45:14 - 00:13:49:00
Or or on the flip side, I said, Well, then can I flirt with you?

00:13:49:07 - 00:13:49:13

00:13:49:21 - 00:13:55:09
And just to see your head explode. Like, either way, my job at that point would have been to make our head explode.

00:13:55:09 - 00:13:56:01
Yeah. I'm not in the.

00:13:56:01 - 00:14:13:10
Guy's that I believe in an asshole tax. I call them Schrodinger's customers where I hate them and love them. Right. I had what I had an open bar yell at me to make a drink better. But she tipped me over $20 at another bar, and I was like, You know what? Yeah, I'll take that. Yelling for a $20.

00:14:13:23 - 00:14:20:15
Right, Uncle Sam? Right, right, exactly. So $5.

00:14:20:16 - 00:14:21:23
No, no, $5.

00:14:22:17 - 00:14:30:15
There's a there's a there's got to be a good insult to compensation ratio.

00:14:30:15 - 00:14:31:04

00:14:31:09 - 00:14:34:11
So when you start working on that grass. Right. You know.

00:14:34:11 - 00:14:39:14
And like, like how much could I be degraded for X amount of dollars? What is the balance?

00:14:39:14 - 00:14:41:06
I'll do a lot for 500.

00:14:41:06 - 00:14:44:21
Listen to it that way. That's that's my mortgage.

00:14:45:18 - 00:14:51:07
If I can if I can take care of my mortgage in one little transaction with the person right. I'll do a little bit.

00:14:51:11 - 00:14:51:18

00:14:52:13 - 00:14:52:20

00:14:53:14 - 00:15:00:12
You give me I mean, all you want for $500.

00:15:00:12 - 00:15:02:23
I think there's a progression of that. All right.

00:15:04:03 - 00:15:04:23
It's called bowling.

00:15:04:23 - 00:15:05:10

00:15:06:07 - 00:15:08:06
So it's called being made to call.

00:15:08:06 - 00:15:14:05
But you're the lucky one. Out of all the millions of people in this world.

00:15:15:11 - 00:15:19:00
All of the customers you play would be thrilled to have my job.

00:15:19:10 - 00:15:20:21
They would say.

00:15:20:22 - 00:15:26:11
After one day they retire. All right. So, yeah, I give the story or one.

00:15:26:21 - 00:15:29:14
I'm giving it a one. But it's a funny story anyway.

00:15:30:02 - 00:15:40:19
Yeah, one one's all around. Like I said, sometimes, you know, I'm not going to say it like it's just going to help me. But yeah, sometimes you just need a one, you know, because it's.

00:15:40:19 - 00:15:41:12
One cleanser.

00:15:41:16 - 00:15:47:12
Right? Exactly. It's fun because, like, it's just because this one ragging on those fuckers. Yeah, it happens all the time. It's like, Oh.

00:15:47:22 - 00:15:52:20
This is a teaching moment. If you have been this person, don't be that person.

00:15:52:20 - 00:15:55:21
Oh, that's what we see here. Yeah, that's okay.

00:15:55:21 - 00:15:57:00
So yeah.

00:15:57:10 - 00:16:07:07
If you only tip 15%, you're like now you're not allowed to talk down to me at all. Be tip 20%. I can take a little bit of root, but if like 25%.

00:16:07:08 - 00:16:14:17
If you tip me 20%, I would, I would have accepted this without bitching. But you know, you tip me $5 on probably three drinks for drinks.

00:16:14:22 - 00:16:20:15
Mm hmm. I know. Like, what kind of bar was it for $5? I would have been like, No.

00:16:21:05 - 00:16:22:02
Do you want it back?

00:16:22:09 - 00:16:40:05
Like, Yeah, you know, I would. It's either you're not pretty enough to be $5. That's why I would call your husband daddy if he gets 25%.

00:16:40:05 - 00:16:41:23
All right. That's the first spit take on the.

00:16:42:10 - 00:16:42:18

00:16:42:23 - 00:16:48:03
This podcast so far.

00:16:48:03 - 00:16:50:05
I would call your husband that if that.

00:16:51:00 - 00:16:52:19
Did we get this call?

00:16:52:20 - 00:16:55:05
You call your husband Daddy, if you just sort of.

00:16:57:23 - 00:17:04:09
That's how awesome You're just gonna have like one on the right. Like you have to read it for like 10 minutes. Like, wait, what does this shirt say?

00:17:04:09 - 00:17:06:18
Like, Oh, okay.

00:17:06:18 - 00:17:08:22
She's writing this down right now so we don't forget.

00:17:09:23 - 00:17:14:23
A great day. Y'all getting saucy. 8 a.m. Now.

00:17:17:08 - 00:17:19:15
We might have to do our podcast at 8:00.

00:17:21:08 - 00:17:25:13
You must work 50 hours and then come on to Seattle. He delivers it all.

00:17:26:19 - 00:17:27:17
Does it get one.

00:17:27:17 - 00:17:50:14
Good story to start off with again? If you want to submit your story, do you want to start a tab on our subreddit? We have all the socials, tik-tok, Instagram, YouTube, shorts, YouTube, whatever. We have it all and you can DM us your store if you want. Yep. Email us. Do you want to see our tab? Gmail? I know it's a super long name to type out, but you can spell barely.

00:17:50:17 - 00:17:53:07
I mean, all of the words are four letters or less, right?

00:17:53:09 - 00:18:05:21
And it's something we all say at some point or at some write. It said something similar to that. But I'm rambling. I'm rambling. We'll let our guest, Mr. Nome. What are you going to bring the heat today with your story?

00:18:06:06 - 00:18:14:19
That's the first. Tell us tell us a little bit just a little bit about yourself. Tell us where you work, how long you've been bartending and what you're drinking.

00:18:14:19 - 00:18:25:13
So my name's Nome's. I work at a rum distillery that also has a rum bar. I'm the distiller there, slash bartender slash in charge of the menu.

00:18:25:20 - 00:18:26:07

00:18:27:06 - 00:18:58:12
Yeah, it's pretty fun. I've been bartending for only two years now. Wow. At this cocktail bar. But I've been in customer service all my life. Yeah, and we make a lot of rum cocktails. We're right at the parade route, so we get all sorts of people that come in and buy story. Today actually happened last Mardi Gras. One of the drinks is a painkiller and this guy walked in with his girlfriend and comes up to the bar and says, Hey, what's a painkiller like?

00:18:58:21 - 00:19:20:08
And I'm making a bunch of drinks. I said, Well, do you like cream? And it goes, What? I said, Do you like cream? And he goes, What if you just ask me? I said, Creme de la creme. And he said, You're asked to do that too. Like, what is your problem? It is truth. And they went to the other side of the bar.

00:19:20:15 - 00:19:29:17
So I think it says jokey, like who flips out about cream, right? But he asks the other bartender if he could tip him and not tip me.

00:19:31:00 - 00:19:41:05
So, I mean, that's a that's a valid question. Like, if you don't like if you don't like dairy products in your drinks, like.

00:19:41:17 - 00:19:43:00
You're not going to like a painkiller.

00:19:43:05 - 00:19:46:08
Right? Yeah.

00:19:46:08 - 00:19:52:10
So what I was a little mad that you over exaggerate, too. I'm like, wow, you're really homophobic, right?

00:19:52:11 - 00:19:56:01
Well, that is fragile Masculinity addicts finest.

00:19:56:04 - 00:20:03:20
Third of all, super stereotypical New Orleanians.

00:20:03:20 - 00:20:08:22
So Iowans and New Orleanians are not that much different now.

00:20:09:23 - 00:20:28:01
I think we're very laissez faire, like we're cool, whatever, you know. But yeah, I was I was I was kind of a little away. It wasn't like mad. It's just like, are you seriously upset and got homophobic over a guy? Asked you what it says? Okay. All right.

00:20:28:01 - 00:20:30:23
I asked you about an ingredient and you got mad.

00:20:32:05 - 00:20:36:09
It's not like, okay, Have you seen Zack and Mira make a porno? Yeah, that's a.

00:20:37:05 - 00:20:40:16
Creepy, not a bad like for you.

00:20:40:16 - 00:20:48:23
Like, what the fuck did you just tell me? I mean, I would give you an A-plus slap on the back, a $100 tip. I responded to that question.

00:20:49:00 - 00:20:55:14
After the second time. He said, What did you say to me? I would have I probably would have got into you into the Zach and Mary quote.

00:20:55:20 - 00:20:56:04

00:20:56:12 - 00:21:01:09
But I would I would have gone to I said, wait a minute. That had gone to the back, grabbed.

00:21:02:08 - 00:21:03:03
Some milk.

00:21:04:09 - 00:21:05:15
And reenacted the scene.

00:21:06:21 - 00:21:20:14
Well, Gallagher yelled out because I would say that kind of loud because this guy. Right. Has told the story a lot. And my coworker goes, Sir, this is a distillery, not a brothel.

00:21:20:14 - 00:21:22:16
Oh, I got two and one, two and one.

00:21:22:16 - 00:21:23:07
Two, two.

00:21:23:12 - 00:21:25:00
I need to know not to drink. Well, he's.

00:21:27:02 - 00:21:30:00
So he's literally your your coworker said that. Wow. You said.

00:21:30:23 - 00:21:31:12

00:21:32:10 - 00:21:33:08
God, that's awesome.

00:21:33:19 - 00:21:34:12
Oh, God.

00:21:34:13 - 00:21:37:17
So then, like, they got so they just got the one drinking left.

00:21:38:20 - 00:21:46:08
Yeah, they got the one drink because again, he thought I was hitting on him. It was just like, Hey, do you want to, like, a handy in the back?

00:21:47:09 - 00:21:48:02
Did you read.

00:21:49:09 - 00:21:50:20
That? Do you know how to read?

00:21:50:22 - 00:22:19:14
Did you read the menu? Because it says cream on there. Like I'm asking if you like that ingredient and if you like that ingredient, you're going to like this cocktail. I feel like that's pretty self-explanatory. You just get so offended because you are homophobic and your masculinity is so fragile that you're going to shatter if somebody even assumes you might possibly potentially or maybe like dudes.

00:22:19:14 - 00:22:19:23
Like I could.

00:22:19:23 - 00:22:26:17
Maybe I could like, you know, if he's busy and loud and they're like, I can understand. LA What do you say like the first time? Because maybe I didn't hear you say it, but.

00:22:27:00 - 00:22:27:11
That's why I.

00:22:27:11 - 00:22:31:13
Was like, Do you like cream? Like guy?

00:22:32:05 - 00:22:34:01
I'm a man. Yeah, that's awesome.

00:22:34:02 - 00:22:52:22
I feel like there should be a wall of shame for every man who gets offended by, like, something like that. So whether it's like being mad about asking if they like cream or they're mad that they got served at Cocktail and a Nick and Nora and this is a bitch drink, there should be a wall of shame. There should be a wall of shame.

00:22:54:09 - 00:22:55:16
Oh, my God. Yeah.

00:22:55:19 - 00:22:57:16
Even pink. I don't want a pink drink.

00:22:57:16 - 00:22:58:09
And on the other.

00:22:58:09 - 00:22:59:03
Side, delicious.

00:22:59:03 - 00:23:09:08
And on the other side of that wall, we the woman's wall of shame. For when they think you're hitting on the roses. You do. That's what we should. We should create a bar called the Wall of Shame or.

00:23:09:17 - 00:23:11:07
Have a wall every just like everyone.

00:23:11:07 - 00:23:12:04
Has a different shame.

00:23:13:12 - 00:23:22:08
We have a Polaroid camera that looks so like on the bottom. You would take a picture of them and then write why they deserve to be on the wall of shame. And then you take it up. Yeah, You should be.

00:23:22:22 - 00:23:27:20
Like the shoplifter wall. All right, Awesome tips.

00:23:28:04 - 00:23:29:03

00:23:29:17 - 00:23:33:09
Well, so you pass the test, You.

00:23:33:10 - 00:23:37:06
Know, I thought.

00:23:37:06 - 00:23:38:13
I was hitting on her husband.

00:23:39:19 - 00:23:44:12
They tipped only 18 and a half percent of best.

00:23:44:12 - 00:23:46:21
Well, it's you to add something extra in the jury.

00:23:48:16 - 00:23:50:11
They told me to make it old fashioned.

00:23:50:19 - 00:23:54:13
Once in Wisconsin. Old fashioned, but aspirin. Old fashioned. Then you got mad, right?

00:23:55:18 - 00:24:07:15
Yeah. Okay. So you probably I mean, you're out of rum. You're out of rum distillery. I mean, do you guys do you make biannual fashions down there? Do you even, like, even come or do you only do, like, rum cocktails?

00:24:07:18 - 00:24:25:19
We all can do rum cocktails. Even if we look like a bar. We're technically a tasting room. So we do rum old fashioned, which is always a fun time perception. Sure. Now, with the big thing is daiquiris is people like I had a bachelor party come in and they're like, Hey, I want five daiquiris. And it's like, Oh, the traditional.

00:24:25:19 - 00:24:41:00
Yes. And they're like, Yes, that's what we want. Of course we want the traditional. So I shake up the drinks right, right out and I hand it to them and they go, Well, when are you going to freeze it? And I said, Oh, no. I said, I'm not a bad man. Zillionaire.

00:24:41:16 - 00:24:48:18
This is your blender.

00:24:50:06 - 00:24:52:19
This is an Applebee's motherfucker. Yeah.

00:24:53:03 - 00:25:05:15
Then why should we make it like we make I like I did the John Stafford smile. I say, Yes, I did. Well, we were going to freeze. They were jerks.

00:25:05:23 - 00:25:16:16
They were jerks. Not for that. But later in the day, right? Well, yeah, that was just a start to a bad day.

00:25:16:16 - 00:25:17:10

00:25:18:15 - 00:25:29:18
I love that. Oh. Oh, you want the traditional. Yeah, yeah, I want the traditional. Well, this is what I want. And I ask you, if you don't know, then don't be mad at me.

00:25:30:18 - 00:25:36:19
And it was. Of course, I want the traditional way, right? Why are you asking me this dumb question? Right?

00:25:38:10 - 00:25:43:01
They saw you do it at one time or.

00:25:43:01 - 00:25:43:04

00:25:44:05 - 00:25:56:23
Well, congratulations. You pass the test. You are not the asshole of this story that you gave us today. Even though you probably find a you can probably figure out a way that you were the asshole for that phrase in a different way.

00:25:57:01 - 00:26:06:16
Coconut. It's should be. It's. It's like the South Park. Like, do you like fish sticks? You know what?

00:26:07:08 - 00:26:25:03
Maybe. Okay. Maybe he just watched. What's that movie with those friends that used to, like, go out in the middle of woods and play bro games and they didn't do it for like, five years. Has Nick Swardson in it and Josh Amell, we watched him. And so when you wound up.

00:26:25:03 - 00:26:26:22
Well, no, no, no.

00:26:27:08 - 00:26:46:05
Anyways, there's this movie that we watched and these guys go out in the middle of woods and do like these bro games to see who is the best bro. And anyways, this guy gets them back and he makes them all pina coladas. But some guy like.

00:26:46:19 - 00:26:48:15
A coconut.

00:26:48:15 - 00:26:59:06
You know, he jerked off and put it all in the pina coladas and they're like, Oh, this is like the creamiest pina colada that I've had. And then he tells them that you just jerked off and all. Woman Whatever, like that.

00:26:59:06 - 00:27:02:08
So yeah, so, so maybe.

00:27:02:08 - 00:27:13:03
He just, maybe he just saw that movie and was like, oh, you know, you look up Nick Swardson movies.

00:27:13:03 - 00:27:13:09

00:27:14:09 - 00:27:21:13
So yeah, I don't know, maybe so, but yeah, it's Anyways, let's go 1 to 5. What do you give your own story?

00:27:21:13 - 00:27:44:13
I would say a 3.5 because it didn't escalate but it was funny and unique, right. Like there was that escalation to it. He just didn't want to talk to me because he thought I was gay. Dick But yeah, but it's interesting enough to be like, Wow, when you're shitty person, you do look like an asshole.

00:27:44:13 - 00:27:50:18
That's like karma coming back around like your shit and everybody knows it now. Yeah, I can't hide.

00:27:50:22 - 00:28:12:07
I mean, it's funny that you are. They always have another bartender. They can go to someone else and talk to that person, right? Like the bar I work at. It's only me. They have to deal with me if they want to keep having drinks. And so like that. But I see I'll give it a 2.20 dude, 2.5 is overreaction for it.

00:28:12:07 - 00:28:15:06
And then going to the other bartender and complaining.

00:28:15:09 - 00:28:28:05
Yeah, I'm going to I'm going to split the difference and go three because it's not often that you get that big of a reaction, but men who are that fragile are common.

00:28:29:02 - 00:28:29:11

00:28:29:11 - 00:28:34:12
So like the aggressive overreaction is what seals the three for me.

00:28:34:12 - 00:28:50:05
Yeah. Yeah. So the name of the movie that was referencing is called Buddy Games. It's got Kevin Dillon, Josh Duhamel. Duhamel, Duhamel, DAX Shepard, Nick Sport Swardson And then, yeah, it's a stupid movie. It's not that great but like it's.

00:28:50:12 - 00:28:54:17
But it's pretty funny. It's funny if it was worth hung over morning to watch right.

00:28:54:17 - 00:28:55:09

00:28:55:22 - 00:28:56:08

00:28:57:20 - 00:29:14:23
So I think we didn't even mention yeah I did mention that you do have a YouTube channel. It's called Gnomes Tavern. Well, I was gonna say plug it. What I just did for you. Which what's the name of the story? They work because, I mean, obviously you're definitely be the first guest that has somewhere where people actually go.

00:29:15:06 - 00:29:17:12
People go to New Orleans all the time. Right?

00:29:17:12 - 00:29:24:12
So, yeah. So it's called Happy Raptor Distillery. And I actually have. So here's our banana foster one. Okay.

00:29:24:13 - 00:29:25:15
Oh, my God. I want that.

00:29:26:17 - 00:29:48:13
Yeah. So we're after distillery. We are a rum infusion, so we make a bunch of rounds and we throw wild stuff in it and see and make cool products acts here, right on the parade route and. Right. We're not in this directly in the city of New Orleans, so we need a break from the city somewhere to be in New Orleans or a great spot.

00:29:48:19 - 00:29:51:23
Cool. Nice, awesome. You guys open? Where are your hours?

00:29:51:23 - 00:30:01:23
Usually we're usually 12 to 7, Monday through Friday, I mean, Monday through Saturday, Sunday. But on the weekends we are. But we stay open a little bit later. Cool.

00:30:02:02 - 00:30:08:18
So you are open seven days a week, I guess. I guess in New Orleans you kind of have to, right? Because people just kind of like to get fucked up whenever.

00:30:09:05 - 00:30:14:12
So it's like it's like the city that never sleeps, but it's a city that's never sober, right?

00:30:14:23 - 00:30:15:10

00:30:16:02 - 00:30:18:17
Anything else you want to plug in? Have people go check out?

00:30:19:03 - 00:30:34:21
Yeah, just check me out on Instagram and YouTube. We are. We are writing a book. I'm a million book. Hopefully will be out in December. So we'll keep you posted on that. Just follow the Instagram and you'll get a nice.

00:30:35:12 - 00:30:41:12
Awesome will. Thanks for joining us. And just remember everyone, don't be a dick. Tip your bartenders and drink responsibly.

You're Hitting on My Husband & Do You Like Cream? with Gnome
Broadcast by