Your Kids Can't Be in the Bar & Hot Ticket with Chandler Tomayko

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Chandler Tomayko, aka The Chef with Little Red Shoes, joins us today on the podcast.  She is an entrepreneur, chef, bartender and an avid podcast listener of industry related shows.

Story One - What happens when parents bring their 4 kids into the restaurant bar on New Year's Eve?
Story Two - Why did Chandler get charged $162 for 6 Old Fashioneds?

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Thanks to our monthly supporters
  • Pawel
  • Billy Fredlund
  • Léo Vignol Lelarge
  • Sean Prior
  • Matt Straff
  • Chandler Tomayko
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Creators and Guests

Chandler Tomayko
Chandler Tomayko
I was born to cook. Now I bartend. I was raised proper but somewhere along the way the industry made me a blunt, hard-working, hedonist. #sorrynotsorrymom
Your Kids Can't Be in the Bar & Hot Ticket with Chandler Tomayko
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