Prom Bartender Brings Shade & Bartender Rats out Guests to Newspaper

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00:00:00:01 - 00:00:16:20
Everyone in the service industry has a story. Crazy customers, wild orders and WITF moments. Do you want to start a tab? The podcast here to bring you those tales from behind the bar. My name is Cora. I've been bartending for 11 years and have some stories to share.

00:00:18:17 - 00:00:26:18
I have about a year of total bartending experience, but I have a lot more experience observing other stories.

00:00:27:00 - 00:00:30:17
Yes, you do. I don't know where I was going with that, but yes, you do.

00:00:31:00 - 00:00:37:07
Yeah, that's I'm like that. I'm like that woman who is like, I just. I just like to watch you make drinks. Mm hmm. That's.

00:00:37:08 - 00:00:38:09
I get that all the time.

00:00:38:13 - 00:00:44:05
I know it would bias it, but it is very fun to watch you and your cohorts work.

00:00:44:18 - 00:00:46:10
I don't know why, but it is interesting.

00:00:46:10 - 00:00:53:09
It's wild. It's like watching puzzles get put together, and you have no idea what's happening. Yeah, except I do have all of the ideas about what's happening.

00:00:55:02 - 00:01:25:06
So, yeah, what we do here on this podcast is, is we read stories off the Internet, usually read it, but sometimes we have some other websites we gather stories from hint, hint, foreshadowing, and we read them, give you our feedback, and we say who the asshole was. If there was a hero, we say there's a hero. And then we write the story of 1 to 5 one being an average bartender story and five being a unique situation that you just don't ever hardly ever hear.

00:01:25:17 - 00:01:32:03
It said hardly a lot there. Yeah. Five Being a story that's very unique that you just don't hear about in the bartending world, right?

00:01:32:03 - 00:01:35:11
Like the either the response or what happened was rare.

00:01:35:15 - 00:01:52:09
Right, Exactly. So, yeah, that's what we do. And we also drink some things on this podcast because we are a bartender podcast. Yes. And I am drinking old fashioned caramel popcorn and caramel corn.

00:01:52:09 - 00:01:52:22
Old fashioned.

00:01:53:03 - 00:02:12:05
Caramel corn. Old fashioned. That's correct. So you take you brought some butter and some bourbon infused that takes some sort of bitters and piece it with pecans and copies, espresso beans and reset and then make an old fashioned with some demerara sirup. And you have this tasty little treat. Yes. And what are you drinking, Miss Riley?

00:02:12:08 - 00:02:13:19
I made a concoction.

00:02:13:21 - 00:02:14:08

00:02:14:16 - 00:02:22:05
It is Jasmine green tea with Suntory, Roku, gin, and a little bit of raspberry sirup and a little bit of lemon juice.

00:02:22:05 - 00:02:23:04
It's pretty delicious.

00:02:23:04 - 00:02:23:21
It's delicious.

00:02:24:05 - 00:02:31:05
It's nice. Little, little hot toddy. Yes. I mean, riff on a hot toddy, right? Because you're using tea and gin, so.

00:02:31:06 - 00:02:35:00
Yeah. Yeah. And it would probably be really good. Cold.

00:02:35:05 - 00:02:36:01
Yes, it would be.

00:02:36:05 - 00:02:39:06
They could make a jasmine green tea sirup, but I might.

00:02:39:06 - 00:03:00:22
Have to put that on the menu. Not this menu or menu. So Yeah. So what we're going to do is we have two stories today. Riley has a nice short, spicy one. Yep. And I kind of have a longer two parter that is interesting. A unique take on a situation. So, Riley, we would like to get started today.

00:03:01:02 - 00:03:06:11
I would. This was posted five years ago. From How neat is that? 93.

00:03:06:19 - 00:03:07:03

00:03:07:10 - 00:03:28:04
On the malicious compliance subreddit and if you're unfamiliar and if you're unfamiliar with malicious compliance, it is people conforming to the letter but not the spirit of a request. That's their tagline. But it's basically like somebody tells you to do something. So you do exactly that. Nothing more, nothing less. Even if it's even if you think it's dumb.

00:03:28:19 - 00:03:32:23
There's so many fucking subreddits on Reddit and they're all interesting, unique.

00:03:32:23 - 00:03:38:18
I am. I am here for malicious compliance. That's like the lady with the egg the other day.

00:03:38:18 - 00:03:58:00
Yeah, she. We're busy. She comes up to my bar or she comes up to my station and she asks literally, What is an egg? And my response is it comes out of a chicken and a lot of people eat it for breakfast. She That's not what I meant. I go with that too. But you asked, and I can only answer the questions that you specifically ask.

00:03:58:00 - 00:04:00:14
Me, right? Because she saw egg in the menu.

00:04:00:14 - 00:04:02:20
And she just wanted to know what was the reason for the egg in the.

00:04:03:01 - 00:04:03:12

00:04:03:12 - 00:04:06:02
Which I knew that's what she meant. But you know.

00:04:06:02 - 00:04:06:12

00:04:06:13 - 00:04:07:11
Hello, My name is Carl.

00:04:08:03 - 00:04:20:14
I'm an asshole. Oh, right. So this is titled Prom Bartender, which already is shocking. I don't know where we're going from here because why do you. Why is there a bartender at prom?

00:04:20:14 - 00:04:21:00

00:04:21:08 - 00:04:36:21
This happened years back. I went to prom with one of my best friends who really got off on saying and doing stupid things just for the fun of it. So this guy's already the asshole. For example, he wore a powder blue tuxedo to prom, mainly just to piss me off. Absolutely.

00:04:37:12 - 00:04:40:00
Dumb and Dumber must be one of his favorite movies for sure.

00:04:40:08 - 00:05:05:23
Stupid stuff. During the dance, we were all at the bar ordering drinks. Only sodas were served as we live in the States. My date, when it was our turn to order, asked very loudly to the very clearly fed up bartender for the strongest thing he's got, as if he had just made the funniest joke ever. Without hesitating, the bartender took out a beer glass filled it entirely with grenadine, and served it to my date with a straight face.

00:05:06:09 - 00:05:14:21
My date now totally deflated, took the glass and walked away. Totally unable to come back with a witty retort. Bartender, wherever you are, you are.

00:05:14:21 - 00:05:19:11
My hero has also gold.

00:05:20:20 - 00:05:31:10
Can you imagine just what it is like looking at this glass of sugar? Zero walking away. This kid had his tail between his legs, right?

00:05:31:16 - 00:05:35:02
It was good place, good play.

00:05:35:18 - 00:05:36:17
Good on. Yeah.

00:05:37:08 - 00:05:42:04
Yeah. I mean that bartender. I mean, like everyone. Awesome. You just straight faced. It did it all to you. He did.

00:05:42:06 - 00:05:42:23
That's what he said.

00:05:43:04 - 00:05:49:02
You know what I'm saying? Like that he did it. I'm sorry. Oh, yeah, he did that. He did it right. Just pour looked at. I'm just.

00:05:49:08 - 00:05:49:18
I'm sure he.

00:05:50:00 - 00:05:51:11
Stared at him the entire time.

00:05:51:11 - 00:06:02:11
Because, you know, this bartender is done. He's had this joke asked 50 times already or he's been asked for booze of some nature 5 billion times, because you're not going to dessert, asshole.

00:06:02:12 - 00:06:25:20
Can't get a dirty martini. Hello, kid. If you had a fucking dirty martini, you'd be fucking on the floor right now. So if you don't if you're not from the United States and I'm not sure how it is in other countries, prom is a is the last two years of high school. And is it a formal dance? People get dressed up sometimes it's held at the high school, sometimes it's not.

00:06:25:20 - 00:06:29:10
I'm going, we're going to assume this one is not held at the high school. So the stand.

00:06:29:14 - 00:06:32:23
It was probably an event center or something that the school rented out and.

00:06:32:23 - 00:06:35:22
Some poor schmuck, the guy who pissed off his boss at.

00:06:35:22 - 00:06:37:02
The bar after work.

00:06:39:19 - 00:06:44:10
All right, Bob, you know, you were late the last three times. You got barked, and you do need.

00:06:44:19 - 00:06:50:03
A prom from the fuck.

00:06:50:03 - 00:06:51:06
She smoked those joints.

00:06:51:06 - 00:06:53:21
Before I came.

00:06:53:21 - 00:06:58:10
But, you know, you can't get either, right? What kid has a dollar like, five bucks on?

00:06:58:10 - 00:07:01:20
All right? You know that they had to have the built in to that one. Yeah.

00:07:01:23 - 00:07:10:01
So. Yeah, that's hilarious. I never I was like, you know, the friend. I would just been laughing the entire time.

00:07:10:03 - 00:07:10:13

00:07:11:11 - 00:07:18:03
That's awesome. Yeah. I mean, I guess we call the kid the asshole, all right? Because, you know, I mean, yes, all teenagers are assholes, but.

00:07:18:08 - 00:07:23:07
This guy, you know, there's always that one that just takes it above and beyond. And he appears to be that way.

00:07:23:09 - 00:07:23:23
He is that.

00:07:24:00 - 00:07:24:05

00:07:24:19 - 00:07:26:05
I wonder what those kids do in his life.

00:07:26:05 - 00:07:27:11
Now I know.

00:07:28:02 - 00:07:29:04
What he's a bartender.

00:07:29:14 - 00:07:37:13
Probably. I feel like that that personality would very easily funnel into bartending.

00:07:37:22 - 00:07:45:05
Yeah, I get that story, too, because because of the bartender just, you know, filling up a glass of grenadine and calling it a day.

00:07:45:11 - 00:08:00:18
Yeah, I'm going to give it a 2.5 just because of, like, the. Yeah, it's very hard to shut those kids up. And the fact that he was able to shut that kid up, you're right. Gives it a little bit of a bump for me. Right?

00:08:00:18 - 00:08:05:06
Exactly. Good job, bartender. Yes, You are the hero of the story.

00:08:05:08 - 00:08:05:18
All right.

00:08:06:14 - 00:08:22:06
If we can all strive to be like you. It is funny, though. A lot of people think they're just hilarious and have these jokes like they think they borrow them for the first time, you know, or, you know, my name is Karl. And so the whole the. Good to see you, Karl. Have you heard of them before? No, man.

00:08:22:06 - 00:08:26:11
In 42 years in my life, ever since Billy Madison came out, I never heard that.

00:08:26:17 - 00:08:31:02
My my favorite is Karl. That kills people, right?

00:08:31:06 - 00:08:33:13
See, I enjoy that one, because it's funny.

00:08:33:18 - 00:08:34:23
If you have a better story.

00:08:35:13 - 00:08:51:17
Then go to our subreddit. Do you want to start tab? Link is in the description of any platform that you're listening this and leave it. Or if you're not comfortable with Reddit, go to our Facebook, Instagram or TikTok and DM us a story. Yes, because more stories the better.

00:08:52:02 - 00:08:58:15
And so even if you don't feel like your story is better, if you think you have an interesting story that you would like to share with the world, we would love to hear it.

00:08:58:15 - 00:09:04:23
Yeah. Even if you think it's aa1 or two perfectly fine, because those stories are just fun to talk about.

00:09:05:02 - 00:09:09:13
Because the people who work in the industry are going to appreciate that story more than a five. Mm hmm.

00:09:09:13 - 00:09:15:16
Yeah, Like a like a four or five story is going to probably come from a specific bartender with some crazy situation.

00:09:15:19 - 00:09:29:01
But then, like the ones interviews are coming from people who have experience things, and every bartender is going to be like, Oh, yes, I've been there. All right, So this is this is absolutely a commiserate, right? We're going to. Yeah, Yeah.

00:09:29:01 - 00:09:38:10
Even if it's like hospitality, right? Like a server did something that was crazy. We'll take those stories, too, because this is I mean, it's all hospitality. We all most bartenders were server or servers being bartenders.

00:09:38:10 - 00:09:40:09
So yeah, there's a lot of overlap, right?

00:09:40:09 - 00:09:41:01
So yeah.

00:09:41:10 - 00:09:47:04
You know, I got into the little bartending I did was serving and then with the bartender didn't show up.

00:09:47:08 - 00:10:09:06
Yeah, exactly. So and again it's the internet so you can log in and whatever username you want Right. And delete that user after you leave the story. Right. No one's ever going to know. My story has some backstory before we read into it. In 2011, Goose Island was being purchased by, I believe InBev, and InBev is a huge.

00:10:09:13 - 00:10:14:12
It's at this point, it's like a mega corporation of beard brewers.

00:10:14:12 - 00:10:15:01

00:10:15:18 - 00:10:19:18
And they own Anheuser-Busch and then pretty much every other.

00:10:20:04 - 00:10:21:00
They own most of it.

00:10:21:00 - 00:10:24:10
Yeah. Pretty much every other beer that you know the name of. Right.

00:10:24:11 - 00:10:39:18
And so actually, it's funny, It's like I remember when this happened because I kind of started bartending only like two years prior. So this is like huge news because we live in Dubuque, Iowa, and Goose Island is from Chicago. And so I just remember a lot of people were pissed about it, you know, and stuff like that. But you know what?

00:10:39:22 - 00:10:43:03
It sucks to see the little guys fall to the big guy, right?

00:10:43:03 - 00:10:50:23
But everyone has a price. And if someone offered you millions, millions of dollars to buy out your good little company, you're going to say, yes, please come again.

00:10:51:08 - 00:10:52:12
You know, most of the time. Yeah.

00:10:52:12 - 00:11:20:09
So, okay, so that's prior backstory. Now, what happened was three weeks prior to the final closing of a sale like this, because this takes months for something like this magnitude to happen. Right? Right. A lot of lawyers or lawyers and paperwork and whatever like that. And so Greg Hall at the time was the brewmaster of Goose Island and him and some friends were out for a birthday party, I believe two bangers and lace in Chicago.

00:11:21:00 - 00:11:22:04
Wicker Park, specifically.

00:11:22:04 - 00:11:48:18
In Wicker Park. Yeah. And so they were having an, you know, a night and Craig ends up peeing in two different pint glasses that night out in the bar area for everyone to see. And just something you just don't do. The bartender at the time, Matty Ingles, then had to clean it up and deal with it. And so then what happened was I don't know how long was a couple of days, Couple of weeks.

00:11:49:01 - 00:11:55:21
Greg Hall, the brewer who did the pin, wrote an apology note to the bar to apologize for his actions.

00:11:55:21 - 00:12:04:22
Okay, that seems fair because you you work in the industry, you know, you know, you got you got drunk, you fucked up and you you apologize, right?

00:12:04:23 - 00:12:23:15
You know, and so like that. So what Matty decides to do is take that apology note and send it to the Chicago Tribune to have a story written about it. I don't know what the reasoning behind it is. Is it because he's trying to fuck this deal? So. So but they don't get bought out or he's just fed up?

00:12:24:05 - 00:12:38:03
That would be way too, like, vindictive. Like, why would this bartender at this one bar have enough, like, mm. Wherewithal or like, a purpose to do that? It means he really likes Goose Island, but, like, still.

00:12:38:04 - 00:12:42:19
Yeah. I mean, he's holding on to this for weeks, right? Like, it's, it's weird.

00:12:42:19 - 00:12:57:23
I mean, which I mean, it is, it is fair because, like, if somebody were to piss in a pint glass twice, well, I was on my shift and I had to deal with, I would be pissed. Right. But also I would stop serving them after the first time.

00:12:58:12 - 00:13:18:16
Right. I mean, maybe this is back to back, though. I don't know. Maybe. So then what happened is there's this website where we got this story from called Beer and Whiskey Bro's dot com. They wrote a story about all of this talk about the the bartender and the brewer and all this other stuff. They had someone comment on the story.

00:13:19:02 - 00:13:27:07
And what we're going to read is the comment of the story and go from there and just talk about the whole situation. Okay. That makes sense. Yes.

00:13:27:07 - 00:13:38:14
So basically the story was written after obviously after it went to the Tribune Tribune and then other people wrote stories about it. Specifically, this website had a blog about it.

00:13:38:15 - 00:13:38:22

00:13:39:10 - 00:13:46:19
And then a guy named Bob commented on the blog post that this website wrote exactly what.

00:13:46:19 - 00:14:13:00
Greg Hall That's the brewer. What Greg Hall did is just despicable. Yes, I tended bar in college and at night to pay for my master's degree. And this may be the worst act I ever heard of. That said, I also know that I have never received a legitimate apology. Not for the time some clown smeared excrement on the bathroom wall, not for the imbecile who smashed a glass across my forehead for cutting him off.

00:14:13:02 - 00:14:14:00
That seems worse.

00:14:14:00 - 00:14:16:23
That's how those two stories are. Worse than that.

00:14:16:23 - 00:14:26:05
Yeah. Like, I'm sorry. Being like, somebody peeing in a glass in front of me is less aggressive to me than somebody hitting me in the head with a glass. Right. Anyway.

00:14:26:13 - 00:14:44:01
Not from the clown who slashed my tires when I stepped between him and his girlfriend so that he didn't land a punch on his girlfriend and go to jail. Never. Not one apology. When I read the brewmaster apologize, I thought this was a first. When I read the apology, saw how heartfelt it was. I was really taken aback.

00:14:44:09 - 00:15:09:19
It sounded like his celebration was more of a memorial, a force play by a major buyer, and he got out of hand. And surely regretted it. The problem I have, though, is not his behavior. In the end, he did apologize earnestly, I might add. The problem is the code was broken by both parties. First, when you are in the business, respect your fellow bartender enemas, including tearing off labels and leaving them on the bar is wrong.

00:15:10:05 - 00:15:30:07
Urinating in a glass goes way too far. When the bartender decided to forward the apology to the Tribune and relayed the whole story. My stomach drop these people, screw up. We have all seen it. And I know, reluctant as we may be to admit it, most of us have done it. Those who haven't are exempt. But it was a mistake.

00:15:30:07 - 00:15:50:23
He admitted it. He apologized. He didn't lie and deny. As every dirtbag I have encountered, he admitted it and apologized. And in a genuine, gracious way. Once again, no excuse for what happened. As things stand, however, I have a far higher opinion of the guy who sold his soul to Budweiser than the guy who sold his story to the Tribune.

00:15:50:23 - 00:16:12:16
I used to stop here. The bar I know all the time, and I know many of the bartenders. I've seen them do some pretty stupid things after hours. If May thinks he is right, I want him to know many of the loyal customers think otherwise. I will never go back there again. Never bragged about the place to out-of-town clients to draw them in and what I thought was my favorite place.

00:16:13:00 - 00:16:34:16
Never leave $50 tips at Christmas and never bother them again. Wrong is wrong, but two wrongs don't make a right. They made me empathize with someone I should despise. There are better ways to seek revenge. When I get the apology, I would have just instantly emailed them back that accept it. See you tonight. You're on dishes instead. This clown emails the Tribune done period.

00:16:35:00 - 00:16:41:02
That's. That's despicable. Like he fucked up. Absolutely. But like what? Hmm. Huh?

00:16:41:06 - 00:16:52:22
Why write? Like what? What are you trying to gain by emailing the Tribune? This story? Are you trying to side rail this sale like you think this one story is going to like? Well, I don't want to buy your company more.

00:16:52:22 - 00:17:04:17
That's not going to happen. Say no. I googled it really quick. It was Hull's 45th birthday, so it was his birthday. And from what it looks like.

00:17:04:17 - 00:17:06:12
What was the how much was the sale of the company.

00:17:06:12 - 00:17:26:19
For 39 million. And is his family right? He is. I have no idea, I think. But either way, the the article said as a whole and his group began to leave. Bartender Matty Eggleston said he heard Hall tell his friends, Don't drink that. So it's not like he it's not like he, like, whipped it out and did it right there.

00:17:26:19 - 00:17:39:17
It was. He must have like, done it under the table or something. Which, which is slightly better to me. It's still bad, but it's slightly better than just being like piss drunk, like standing up wherever.

00:17:39:23 - 00:17:52:04
I will say this Bob has some pretty fucked up notions of what he thinks Bad is like peeing in a glass out there on the bar floor or smearing shit on a wall or getting your tires slashed. Like.

00:17:52:12 - 00:17:54:07
I feel like those are worse. Yeah, I know.

00:17:54:19 - 00:18:00:16
I can deal with pee, right? Like, whatever. You put some gloves on, clean it up. Whatever. It's mostly water.

00:18:00:23 - 00:18:01:08

00:18:01:13 - 00:18:04:14
Shit is gross. And like. Like you can.

00:18:04:18 - 00:18:06:22
Yeah, there's. There's more.

00:18:07:06 - 00:18:07:19

00:18:07:19 - 00:18:08:07

00:18:08:11 - 00:18:09:16
Pathogens. Yeah. Just.

00:18:09:17 - 00:18:10:02

00:18:10:15 - 00:18:13:09
And then some slasher tires that's cost you a couple hundred bucks.

00:18:13:14 - 00:18:13:21

00:18:14:01 - 00:18:19:23
And you got punched out by a guy because you seven from his girlfriend. I mean, good job for that. But like, man, where the fuck did you bartend?

00:18:20:00 - 00:18:21:08
That was crazy, too.

00:18:21:08 - 00:18:30:03
I think yours is. He was also in tune into his bar and the others, just everyday life. And he hears this one story that never happened in this bar. He thinks he's way worse.

00:18:30:04 - 00:18:32:22
Right? That's a five for him. But it's not for anybody, All right?

00:18:32:22 - 00:18:38:04
Like you live lives every fucking day.

00:18:38:04 - 00:18:42:06
Okay? So, I mean, I assume we're talking about bartender code here where it's like.

00:18:42:06 - 00:18:45:04
A an unwritten rule, but just kind of, don't you?

00:18:45:04 - 00:18:51:09
Just the first unwritten rule that we can talk about is if you work in the industry, don't do stupid shit.

00:18:51:22 - 00:19:03:19
Right. And I get that right. Like the whole tearing up beer label thing that's super annoying. Like who? Like, just put it in the bottle and I get annoyed by that, but it's usually just by I guess he's drunk and have some sort of.

00:19:04:00 - 00:19:05:09
They need to do something with their hands.

00:19:06:01 - 00:19:21:05
It's a pigeon. But yeah, bartenders, you know, when you go places it's like when you go places you suck the dishes up, you pre bus from you know, you bring the glasses back up to the bar, you know, and stuff like that. I get all that. But yeah, I don't write out fucking people.

00:19:21:05 - 00:19:24:14
In the Well that stitches the other code is like.

00:19:24:15 - 00:19:25:02
Bitches get.

00:19:25:02 - 00:19:26:00
Stitches snitches.

00:19:26:00 - 00:19:27:01
Snitches get. Yeah.

00:19:27:08 - 00:19:42:08
I mean yeah. Don't run to the press because somebody did something that hurt your feelings or made you feel disgusted. Like people are disgusting every day. Right? And as far as I'm concerned, you're in is probably one of the least disgusting things people can do.

00:19:42:15 - 00:19:42:22

00:19:43:05 - 00:19:48:04
I would rather deal with urine than vomit. You know, I would rather deal with urine and feces or blood.

00:19:48:17 - 00:19:49:11

00:19:49:15 - 00:19:54:06
I would rather deal with urine than people spilling ketchup places.

00:19:54:06 - 00:19:54:13

00:19:55:02 - 00:19:58:01
Because it's easy to clean. And all you gotta do is spray unbleached on.

00:19:58:07 - 00:20:17:05
This is like I said, this is like this is kind of interesting take because of just like there's a lot of moving parts here and there, you know, Right. And stuff like that. So I am not giving Greg Hall a pass here like that hall pass and what he did. But you know, he's turning 45.

00:20:17:06 - 00:20:18:01
It was his birthday.

00:20:18:01 - 00:20:18:18
His birthday.

00:20:18:21 - 00:20:19:15
Hammered a.

00:20:19:15 - 00:20:22:15
Hammer, but he's about to make a shit ton of money. So it's like, all.

00:20:22:15 - 00:20:23:13

00:20:23:13 - 00:20:29:03
I'm I'm not saying it's okay to do it, but if you know, you're about to make a shit ton of money.

00:20:29:17 - 00:20:30:17
You're going balls to the wall.

00:20:30:17 - 00:20:33:14
You go to balls wall and you don't give a fuck, right?

00:20:33:15 - 00:20:52:09
I mean, well, I mean you to you get to the point where you don't get the fuck right because you're drinking so much, right? And like, obviously. Yeah, no pass. Like, you shouldn't be despicable in public. You shouldn't let your body functions go where they don't go. Mhm. However, at least they were in a glass and out all over the floor.

00:20:52:09 - 00:20:52:15

00:20:52:15 - 00:20:58:09
That would have been shitty. All right. So for a rating for that story I give it a four or five.

00:20:58:17 - 00:20:59:13
A 4.5.

00:20:59:13 - 00:21:00:01
Four point.

00:21:00:01 - 00:21:01:03
For somebody pissing in a bar.

00:21:01:14 - 00:21:11:13
That's that. There's so many complexes you saw Right. The in the bar, the apology note then the story board to the Tribune and then it's publicly noted for it and for the timing of.

00:21:11:16 - 00:21:12:04
This all.

00:21:12:04 - 00:21:19:04
Happened. There's it's it's a little piece of this little piece, that little piece of this. It all just kind of come up compounds.

00:21:19:04 - 00:21:29:07
I'm going to give it a 4.3. Yeah. Because of the abysmal and atrocious attention seeking behavior that's in the bartender behaved poorly.

00:21:30:01 - 00:21:43:09
There's no regrets. All the letters. So, yeah, I don't know. Like I said, I just find this is an interesting story, you know, because I like I remember Matt. I don't remember ever hearing this story. I just remember the smell of Goose Island.

00:21:43:13 - 00:22:03:11
This, to me, feels like a 15 minutes of fame situation. And I hate that more than I hate. I know somebody who is in the news right now who is about to make a ton of money and made it something despicable. So now I am going to tell the entire press so I can get my name out there.

00:22:03:11 - 00:22:12:04
And and here's what here's what happened. So now everybody feels bad for me. And now my name is in the papers, too, right? That's gross.

00:22:12:04 - 00:22:17:04
I of this many guys still Barton's because I mean, this is 12 years ago now. I can't believe.

00:22:18:01 - 00:22:18:17
It was a long time ago.

00:22:18:17 - 00:22:20:12
It was a long time ago.

00:22:20:12 - 00:22:31:16
But I think that I think that behavior is worse. The attention seeking. Look, somebody did something mean and they're there in the public eye. So I want to tell everybody about it. Yeah, go fuck yourself.

00:22:32:00 - 00:22:50:06
I think if the situation's worse, I don't know what worse it would be, but, like, worse than this. And they didn't apologize. And they and they're a huge public figure in your city. I'm not seeing a brewer like I'm saying, like an official, like city hall person or whatever like that. And they did some fucked up shit and they didn't apologize.

00:22:50:06 - 00:22:54:10
But he stands on one platform and does the exact opposite. Sure, sure. Go to the press.

00:22:54:10 - 00:23:02:04
But this is you know, this is a fellow colleague, right? Basically. I mean, Brewer, bartender, whatever. Same thing peeled.

00:23:02:04 - 00:23:03:00
Right, Right.

00:23:03:17 - 00:23:05:10
And he wrote you apology.

00:23:05:10 - 00:23:11:14
Like he apologized and he kept the mess pretty clean, right? As far as messes go. Yeah, I.

00:23:12:05 - 00:23:12:19
So I think.

00:23:13:21 - 00:23:33:09
I don't even think honestly, I don't even think Greg Hall is the asshole in this situation. I think he got drunk and did what drunk people do. And that's like, yeah, that's an asshole move, but it's not like malicious. I think he just got too drunk and I can. I can. If you've ever been out drinking, you've gotten too drunk.

00:23:33:09 - 00:23:35:05
So you can empathize with that, right?

00:23:35:20 - 00:23:44:03
Yeah, I don't know. I definitely think Matty's the asshole in the situation. He just. He just let his ego get in the way of, like, being super vindictive.

00:23:44:07 - 00:23:48:10
Yeah, he he I think he was attention seeking. Yeah.

00:23:48:10 - 00:24:07:08
So he probably. He probably thought it was going to bring light to the bar and help, you know, like, Oh, I feel sorry for you guys because you guys had to deal with this. Like, no, you totally probably backfired. You probably lost a lot of business and yeah, I don't know. And then also, like, I get Bobby's whole write up, you know, and so, like, I just think he's also skewed pretty well.

00:24:07:08 - 00:24:23:12
And I think Bob like, I didn't like the last three paragraphs of that where it was like, I won't or I used to stop you all the time. Now I know many of the bartenders that, that to me reads like a Yelp review where it's like, Oh, the bartender was mean to me and I'm going to go bash them online.

00:24:23:12 - 00:24:25:20
Right. Which also is attention seeking.

00:24:25:20 - 00:24:29:11
And you're like, this one guy. In fact, you're not going from this business.

00:24:29:11 - 00:24:47:06
I mean, depending on what that guy did to me personally or like to something that I stand behind, I can understand choosing not to patronize that business, but then to publicly blast that business just like Matty did to Greg. I'm like, How are you? Better?

00:24:47:12 - 00:24:57:23
Yeah, I don't know. Like I say, I just kind of. I don't even know how the fuck I found the story. I don't know what I Google. Then I'm like beer pee pee. Bartender Okay, let me read this story quick, you know? And I'm like, oh, this is.

00:24:57:23 - 00:25:00:12
This is this is a definition of people being petty.

00:25:00:13 - 00:25:03:09
Yeah, Everyone, everyone. This story.

00:25:03:10 - 00:25:06:02
Everybody. But Greg in this situation was petty, right?

00:25:06:09 - 00:25:06:17
So, yeah.

00:25:06:18 - 00:25:24:10
This is this is a lack of character. Like, again, the only person in this story who had any semblance of character was Greg. He apologized. You know, heartfelt. And I and from what I read, he sent them a case of beer to apologize, which to me is a good apology. Right. Like a heartfelt.

00:25:24:18 - 00:25:28:23
Heartfelt letter over that beer. We're in cracking open right now and say.

00:25:29:00 - 00:25:35:03
Yeah, man, Yeah, yeah, man. I'm a bartender. I get it. Things happen. Yeah. You know, I don't know.

00:25:35:03 - 00:25:50:03
I mean, I remember I went at Brick's, and we're still live in Cedar Rapids. I don't know if you and I were together yet. Maybe, but I. I was drunk one night, and I took a glass from that because they had these really tall flute style pint glasses.

00:25:50:03 - 00:25:51:02
The heifer glasses.

00:25:51:16 - 00:26:06:18
And I didn't have one of those at the house. Yeah. I'm like, Well, I'm going to take it with me. They took it with me and I woke up the next day. I'm like, Fuck, I took that glass. And then like two days later I came back and Tim was working there and I'm like, Look, dude, I'm sorry, but I took this glass.

00:26:06:21 - 00:26:16:15
Your glass? He's like, Thank you so much. People still these all the time. You're the first person to bring it back. I'm like, I don't want it. Like, I just I don't want this for you guys to be pissed off at me for the rest of my time here.

00:26:16:18 - 00:26:18:21
They wouldn't have known. But they wouldn't have known.

00:26:18:21 - 00:26:22:13
But I just felt bad. And so I returned it and, you know, and he was like.

00:26:22:23 - 00:26:31:06
Yeah, that like the Guinness glasses we have downstairs. Yeah, They're definitely taken from a pub in Ireland. Sorry.

00:26:31:09 - 00:26:32:00

00:26:32:14 - 00:26:44:23
But like when I got to the UK, they were like, Hey, if you need glasses, just take a pint glass. But in your put it in your purse, that was like, well standard practice every, every student at uni had pub pint glasses. Right.

00:26:45:00 - 00:26:46:08
But you were told to do it so.

00:26:46:09 - 00:26:47:18
Well it's still not right.

00:26:49:01 - 00:26:55:16
I don't know but fucking one please. And Madison said steal this coffee cup and we actually asked to steal it and then we got a bunch of shit for it, so.

00:26:55:17 - 00:26:56:00

00:26:56:01 - 00:27:05:11
No, but we think it should work. We, they literally gave us more merch because we asked about it. Yeah. So anyways, okay, that's a, that's a, that's.

00:27:05:16 - 00:27:06:04

00:27:06:10 - 00:27:26:00
As a tangent, but that's also a story for our patron. Yeah. One of these days we'll tell that story, but you don't hear other stories and help support the podcast Our patron Or do you want star tab? It's just $3. We have bonus content with our guests and some stories that we're going going to start sharing on their beer, just some extra content and supporters.

00:27:26:00 - 00:27:30:13
This $3, it's cheaper than a beer these days at a bar.

00:27:32:20 - 00:27:34:08
Unless it's a Bud Light on happy hour.

00:27:34:10 - 00:27:35:04
Yeah, that's you.

00:27:35:12 - 00:27:37:05
Then you can get to it too.

00:27:37:13 - 00:28:05:11
Or you can support us once a month. So we definitely appreciate that. If you do that. And yeah, just share this podcast with anyone. That also helps. Help helps us a lot, right? Because word of mouth is the biggest way to grow a podcast in the morning and also leaving us a review on whatever podcast platform you are more reviews, more people interact with us, it helps the algorithms or whatever, whatever.

00:28:05:11 - 00:28:06:05
You're rambling.

00:28:06:05 - 00:28:07:02
I know you're.

00:28:07:05 - 00:28:08:06
Drunk, I'm.

00:28:08:06 - 00:28:08:23
Not drunk.

00:28:09:00 - 00:28:09:10
You're getting.

00:28:09:10 - 00:28:20:06
There. I'm that. So? Yes. Do all those things and stuff and then don't remember. And don't remember and remember. Don't be a dick. Tip your bartender and drink responsibly.

Prom Bartender Brings Shade & Bartender Rats out Guests to Newspaper
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