Keep the Change, Underage Guests & But I'm the DD

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00:00:00:01 - 00:00:19:09
Everyone in the service industry has a story. Crazy customers, wild orders and WTF moments. Do you want to start a tab? The podcast here to bring you those tales from behind the bar. My name is Carl. I've been bartending for just around 11 years now and I have some excellent stories to share. I feel like you're going to be saying 11 years for the next 11 years.

00:00:19:15 - 00:00:47:17
Yep. I don't know how to do like 11 years for the past three. So I'm Riley and I have a little bit of experience in the service industry and a lot of experience sitting at a bar because I watch it, watch me work my magic with the ladies man might just even matter. But so what we do here on this podcast is we read stories off the Internet and we share them with you and then our viewpoints, all of them, and we have some fun with it.

00:00:48:01 - 00:01:10:02
We rate each story 1 to 5, one being just your average bartender story and five being it being a unique situation that you boss, we are not really familiar with or we don't see all the time. Just something that just kind of takes you back. Right. So get ready, put your helmet on and have some fun. But you're going to use that to two times in a row.

00:01:10:16 - 00:01:32:23
Use the first time I just finished it. Okay. We are this type of bartender. Yes, we do have adult beverages. Yes. And I. I'll start with because you have a funny story about your drink that I don't even know about yet. Right. So I am drinking some plantation Is a mocha rum neat. I am finishing up a reverse Manhattan.

00:01:32:23 - 00:01:55:06
And a reverse Manhattan is two ounces of sweet vermouth and one ounce of rye whiskey. And I have a nice raw rum Old-Fashioned with some demerara velvet platinum, orange Bitters and Smith and cross rum and plantation Dark rum. So you're going to pass out before the end of this episode? Absolutely. Are you going to be able to read your story?

00:01:55:08 - 00:02:19:19
Probably not. They'll be making fun. Bonus content. You can't read sober. Know? Yeah. So let's hear your story a little early. I'm calling it Reilly. Can't do math. It's a longing for a drink. It's appropriate. Why? Why can't you do math? Well, I was going to make an extra sweet martini, so it was going to be an ounce of sweet vermouth and two ounces of gin, you know?

00:02:19:23 - 00:02:38:00
And then I forgot what an ounce was on the jigger. Oh, my God. And putting three ounces of sweet vermouth into the mixing glass. Yeah. And it was like two ounces of gin. We're good. So you kind of have, like, a reverse sweet removed. Yeah. Martini, A little bit sweet martini. And so you have a sweet, sweet martini.

00:02:38:05 - 00:02:55:15
It's a it's an extra sweet with extra sugar. Sweet martini. We have a lot of sweet root to use up in this house, so it's perfectly fine, Right? How does it taste? It's. I mean, if you like sweet vermouth, it's really good. I forgot to use this. Rah, rah, rah, rah, rah. Do we want to start with the.

00:02:55:20 - 00:03:12:19
Yeah. Let's start with the long story. So we're recording this Sunday night, two nights after Saint Patty's Day, and we have a submission on our subreddit. So if you don't know, we do have a subreddit called. Do you want to start a tab? Link is in the description of any platform that you're watching or listening to this on.

00:03:13:05 - 00:03:35:13
We would love for you to put your story on there if you'd like us to read it and have fun with it. Yeah, if even if it's a not so crazy story. We love those stories too. Yes. So we have a submission by Ice Man 25 K. This is his second story that he posted on here. And this is kind of fitting again because St Patrick's Day just happened for us, right?

00:03:36:02 - 00:03:57:09
And it's almost always a show. St Patrick's Day story. The Philadelphia area takes St Patrick's Day very seriously with most of the local assholes becoming intoxicated assholes. My wife and I decided in 2017 that we should try to hit the city for St Patrick's Day and do it in our own way. Our last stop was an old bar with an Irish name that I've been to before.

00:03:57:20 - 00:04:18:10
This is. This was a mistake to come to as every single person around 25 plus or minus a few years as their. That sounds my like my least favorite type of bar meal, right? I had to pay a $3 cover, which made no sense to me as I've been to a lot of bars already with no cover. And they had bands along with Irish dancers.

00:04:18:22 - 00:04:38:13
I personally feel cover charges are to keep people out. The more you keep people out, the more they want in. So if I place a so if a place has a cover, I usually prefer not to go there. Not my crowd. We paid the useless cover, which I assume is just a money grab and go away. We have many issues, but I originally thought a bartender ripped me off.

00:04:39:04 - 00:04:59:20
But it was a waitress after looking back at my correspondence with the owner. The place is packed and a waitress tells me she'll get our drink order while at the bar. Our total for two drinks was $9.25, which was an awesome deal. I pay with a 20 and I panic because I don't have any more singles as I use them for the cover.

00:05:00:05 - 00:05:17:05
I asked my wife for five bucks and she hands it to me. Thinking Worst case scenario, the bartender is going to give me a $10 bill back. That's all she gives me back. $10 back. She kept the $0.75 because no one cares about silver. I said, All right. I guess you tipped yourself and gave my money back to my wife.

00:05:17:09 - 00:05:34:13
We drank downstairs and I could see the window where people were waiting in line to get in. I saw 11 college aged guys pass a driver's license. After someone was carded, they passed it on one by one to the guy at the end of the line. I thought that was impressive and it worked. And they got it as this was a place I liked.

00:05:34:13 - 00:05:54:15
I wrote to the owner to let them know that some of my issues there, including the person keeping the change and the underage issue based on the response, I was still not returned and probably never will again. Email from Owner on the change. I'm stunned to hear this. I'll look into it. What concerns me most is your acquisition that that we willing serve those under 21.

00:05:55:02 - 00:06:15:18
This could not be further from the truth. We have without doubt the strictest car policy in center sit in center city. In fact, if you review past complaints on various review sites, we are accused of being overly stringent on carding. Our 22 doormen that day are well trained and experienced and take their job very seriously. We have a zero tolerance for underage drinking.

00:06:15:19 - 00:06:34:22
In addition, we contract with the city of Philadelphia police officer stationed out front to assist with potential issues such as this. As I mentioned, we accept all feedback, good and bad. I do not ever like to argue with a guest as I consider each guest's feedback their own. I also wish everyone had the time of their lives every time they are here.

00:06:35:00 - 00:06:57:18
That is our goal. I'm sorry you didn't. Thank you again for taking the time to share your experience. My unanswered email response. So he wrote back in response. I find it interesting that you're willing to look into someone ripping me off for $0.75 rather than a security force issue about potential underage people. I know it's not the same thing, but your statement reminds me heavily on a vendor we used.

00:06:58:07 - 00:07:16:13
The VP echoed a statement similar to yours about how their staff were the best protected their own, just like you. Well, the guy I complain about isn't with their company anymore because they found out that he was the fraud I said he was. I think there should be a higher concern than $0.75, but there is a lot to unpack there.

00:07:16:19 - 00:07:35:15
So first of all, your mistake was going on St Patty's Day in fucking Philadelphia or ever, ever anywhere. I guess it would be Caribou Patty's Day. I guess it would be cool. Maybe one time to go check it out, right? Because it's Philadelphia. Huge Irish. You know, it'd be like going to Boston, right? So I guess you know, like me sounds like a good idea.

00:07:35:15 - 00:07:58:18
In theory and execution, it's probably a nightmare, right? So let's start off with the cover. I don't really. I in Iowa, there's really only covers if it's an event like, let's say, a drag show or a concert. That's usually the only reason for a cover smokestack, I guess would do covers randomly. Yeah, but they always give you a drink with your riot charge.

00:07:58:18 - 00:08:21:13
So. Yeah. And I get the whole. And then the his drinks were at 249 25. So you got two there for 50 each. So. So you're adding tax and we're moving on like we're still on cover, right? Yeah. So like, I'm trying to justify the reason for the cover for the drinks being so cheap that they're trying to get some money back in just to cover stuff.

00:08:22:00 - 00:08:42:09
He didn't mention whether or not they had a band or anything, but like, I think he would have if there was. Right. But oh, no, he said other places had Irish dancers and bands and it didn't seem this place did. The way he makes it seem like in the story or or the way it's written. Everybody had bands, including this place, and this was the only one they had to cover.

00:08:42:09 - 00:09:04:06
So he didn't say whether or not there was a band. Right. But like it's an Irish bar and st about is I honestly I am expecting everybody to charge everybody that has an O apostrophe at the beginning of the name. I am expecting a cover because you people want to get in and yes, it's to bring its it's creating exclusive exclusivity but it's also weeding people out, you know two fold.

00:09:04:17 - 00:09:24:10
I can see it too because you have the price staff double or triple the amount and so you can't a bar expenses like you are doing a lot of specials right? Guinness and Jameson Yeah you're pouring $3 for it all again this is when you usually would charge six bucks. So the cover kind of makes up for the, the discounts you're getting on the booze.

00:09:24:18 - 00:09:45:09
So I don't really agree with the cover perspective that we're getting. I guess I get it right. Like, if you been to six bars already, none. Church cart negative. This one. Yeah, I'd be. I mean, I'd be pissed if I had to pay cover. I just wouldn't go there. Right. You know, $3, whatever. So, I mean, you know, I've been I've been to bars where there have been $20 covers and I've said, Fuck this, all right, $3.

00:09:45:09 - 00:10:07:20
I throw that $3 every day. Right? Because that's two beers. Right. So anyways, that's I mean I get some people don't like doing it, you know. So anyways, that is what it is. And then okay, so then the whole tip thing, I've seen bartenders, I have heard bartenders doing this right when it's 925 and you give them, you don't give them the change back because they probably don't even have quarters.

00:10:07:20 - 00:10:27:07
They're they're not probably they don't even have quarters there. Right. So they're just going to dollar bills. But that's that's don't tell them they told us. 925 then tell them their totals $10. Right. Tell them the totals $10 or better yet, ask your manager or whoever controls your post system to round up and like like Seven Hills did everything for a while.

00:10:27:07 - 00:10:45:15
Everything was like if it if it came out to 649, it was $7 and it came up like if you can, you can do the math. The math exists to make everything an even dollar amount, especially on St Patty's Day or like a or a popular drinking holiday. Make all your drinks with taxed included an even number and even number.

00:10:45:15 - 00:11:02:20
That way you don't have to worry about silver. Yeah. At at the hotel I work at, we try to do that. So sometimes the bill is like 987 and I tell the guests it's ten bucks, right? And stuff. And so if they're paying, if they're paying with cash or if it's cash, we round up, obviously they pay with cards still the 987, right.

00:11:02:20 - 00:11:25:02
That's what it is. And the reason we do that is because we don't fuck with anything smaller than a quarter. We don't fuck with dimes, nickels and pennies because that's just a pain in the ass. And so it's just easier to deal with everything in quarters, right. And like when I was a server, if I total came out to 925 and it was and they gave me a ten, I just give them a dollar back like, oh, you can take my quarter, right?

00:11:25:12 - 00:11:41:08
Like I t, I don't care about the silver, you don't care about the silver, but you can keep it, right. But then again, it was my third job at the time, so it wasn't like I needed that. I wasn't scraping by that money to live. But yeah, that just sucks. And in a manager standpoint that that's what they're doing and right.

00:11:41:11 - 00:12:01:01
You know, maybe that's what maybe that's what the staff was told to do, you know? So it's hard for us to say, was this the bartenders just straight up stealing? Or maybe she just didn't have the correct change or policy or. Right. Right. If that's how she was taught, that's how she did or if it or if like she'd gotten yelled at.

00:12:01:05 - 00:12:19:16
So many times, or if she's only getting quarters or there's a number of reasons why she would have done that. Either way, there are ways to prevent that. Either give out the change right or fix it right. Yeah. There's also yeah. So, yeah, I mean, it's just different. Yeah, they should have handled that differently, but sometimes you just don't know until you're put in the weeds.

00:12:19:16 - 00:12:39:17
But again, it seems like this bar's been around a while, so it's not the fucking first Saint Patty's Day, right? You know? Okay, so next thing is the ID thing, So they're fucking going through the door, checks his ID, and this door guy is bluntly watching these motherfuckers passes ID to the back. Or if he's not watching them do it, he's looking at the same ID ten times.

00:12:39:18 - 00:13:01:09
Right? Did you not recognize the name? Right. And so, I mean, there's that back. So. Yeah. So like you're saying, the same person looks like the same 20 people. They just walk through the fucking door. Uh huh. I went to college with people whose siblings went to college with them and they looked similar enough that they would like they would share IDs.

00:13:02:02 - 00:13:20:19
Yeah, like one would go in and then 10 minutes later she'd go outside for a cigaret and then pass off her I.D.. Maybe that's my sister and I never did that because my sister was five before and I was six three. Yeah, but like, yeah, I mean, my brother and I, we, he, he took my ID from ages 6 to 18 because he didn't like his driver's license.

00:13:20:19 - 00:13:40:17
So he just took my I.D. because I was legal drive. So but so there could be also, like multiple entrances. Right. So like there's like three entrances. Maybe they're just like going back to the back in the crowd and, you know, you go to entrance a you go to entrance B, you're an entrance. C, Right. So there's like 12 like, yeah, it's still you can see that same I.D., you know, at that point, these fuckers don't care.

00:13:40:17 - 00:14:02:15
They're just they're just bringing in money and getting people drunk, right? You know? Right. And like, and the hassle to me in this situation is the owner because. Absolutely. Because he's gaslighting the GOP. He's gaslighting them, saying, oh, well, we care about this. We contract out to the police. We do this and this and this. Okay. But like, yeah, that's good.

00:14:02:18 - 00:14:25:04
That's good as a policy. But are you following up on policy? Are you executing the plans that you have in place? You know, and then it sounds like they weren't. I just I would just assume in this type of situation, St Patty's Day, a lot of laws and rules get thrown out the fucking window. Yeah. You know, like underage drinking, you know, they say, oh, we sent her in part like, no, I'm sorry.

00:14:25:05 - 00:14:45:05
Like you're probably obviously you're known as a bar that this happens to because of these fucking 12 kids. You know that they can, that they can do this and get in every time they're gone. That they didn't try to do it once they learned they could do this right. Otherwise they wouldn't have tried it on St Patty's Day, you know, because I guess that's the best part of the story there.

00:14:45:05 - 00:15:05:12
That's the part of the part that you get more in trouble with. So he's more protected about that because you lose your liquor license. So he's going to say, Gaslight, I'm saying we we're more into concerned about rape or we're not more concerned about this, but we take this super seriously. So I'm going to assume this is Iceman's last time going out on St Patty's Day and in Philadelphia.

00:15:05:23 - 00:15:23:08
So, I mean, I'm to the point where I pick up shifts and I do the overnight on St Patty's Day so I don't have to drive home at 10 p.m.. Right. I don't want to be, I don't want to be anywhere near a road any time between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m.. Yeah. I'm saying that is I don't miss me.

00:15:23:08 - 00:15:46:23
Yeah. I think St Patty's is the worst holiday to go out drinking on the day before Thanksgiving is worse. I don't think so. Not in this town. Oh, no, it is. No, it's not that. I will argue tooth and nail because I get off at 10 p.m. and the Wednesday before Thanksgiving there are cups posted every block in a three like three and ten block long and five block wide radius of our downtown.

00:15:47:17 - 00:16:03:16
It's wild. I just I just personally think from all the St Patrick's days I've been to and out drinking and partying, I just think this is the worst day to go out drinking on. Yeah. I mean, I understand what you're saying. I disagree. So which did you think is the worst day to go drinking out on? Just let us know.

00:16:03:16 - 00:16:24:21
Put a comment on our YouTube channel. You do? You thought I was because I'm like, what are you arguing more about this thing? You know, I was like, Who are you talking to? You are you are our faithful listener. I'm talking that we have been talking to them. No, we know there's more than one listener. We just hit we just hit 400 downloads in ten weeks.

00:16:24:21 - 00:16:43:05
So that's awesome. That is so we appreciate everyone. Yeah. If you have a comment just to our YouTube channel or through, shoot us a message on Instagram or Facebook, there's something now on Spotify, they allow you to interact with your guests. That way you can like pause and shit like that on Spotify and everything like that. So I'm going to go and see what that's all about.

00:16:43:06 - 00:17:04:20
So yeah, maybe I'll put a pull up there. And while you're doing that on your wonderful podcasting platform, give us a rating one through, you know, whatever, five stars, excellent or whatever, you know what we left out though, Because that we need to include in the poll is New Year's Eve slash New Year's. Right in the poll. I'll put like, you know, the day before Thanksgiving, St Paddy's Day and other I'm trying to think of if there's more 4th of July.

00:17:05:02 - 00:17:27:02
Yeah. Oh authorize different though because this whole 4th of July is a 48 hour before and after. I don't want to be anywhere near a road kiss people America people started drinking on the second and at least drinking until the night, at least with 4th of July. It involves food, right? Like you're grilling, you know, you're cooking out like so at least you're eating like, I mean, you know, like the same Paddy's Day.

00:17:27:02 - 00:17:46:10
It's corned beef and cabbage. Yeah, but it's but it's nice outside. So you eat more of that time, you know so well and same pattern, same Paddy's 4th of July is spread over days or a weekend or whatever you're do you start it, you start or like barbecuing for lunch and then you keep drinking. So like, you usually passed out.

00:17:46:14 - 00:18:13:21
I know it was holiday for one particular city, Mardi Gras. Oof! Oh, and that's a weeks long. So we just had no mine. And he's just like, Fuck this. But he's like, It's worth it for moneywise, right? That's that's like tourist trap towns that make their entire year's worth of livelihood on a weekend. Think about your bartender in Boston or Philadelphia, how much money you make in that one fucking weekend.

00:18:14:08 - 00:18:34:08
I mean, is it worth it, though? I don't know. So, yes, all that rambling or a bartender in one of those cities, Please let me know. Is it worth it? All right. But I really want to know, how much money are you really making? Right? And is it worth it? Right. All right. So that's a lot of rambling.

00:18:34:09 - 00:18:55:20
Yes. Let's go. Rating, story rating, story. I'll give you to just because of how kind of dismissive the owner was and what you know in the response, the detail, because the story itself are average stories, right? Yeah. Underage drinking. And every day the tip thing or the quarters thing, like I said, I've been I've seen places and I've heard that talked about before.

00:18:55:20 - 00:19:20:14
It was just a speed thing that just comes again to miscommunication well portrayed. I don't know communication, poor training, people choosing what they're doing without being told what to do, which is poor training or like following the status quo right. I'm going to disagree with you and I usually disagree with you. And I think it's more extreme. And I'm going to say it's less extreme.

00:19:21:01 - 00:19:53:10
I'm gonna put it at 1.5 because Philadelphia has colleges. Every college town I've seen has had some event of this underage drinking in every manager in one of those bars is going to shirk responsibility for the right. So, I mean, it's as close to a one as I can think of for one for every individual part. The fact that all three parts happened in one visit, it's at the point five for me, as if I'm sorry.

00:19:54:00 - 00:20:18:01
Yeah. Thank you. Ice Man 25 K for posting on our subreddit. Please keep submitting stories everyone. Carls favorite subreddit just for stories just got shut down so we need help. Yeah. Oh, had this summer. I just like got shut down because it was unmoderated. Yeah. Writing my story. No, that's the wrong one. Well, yeah, that's what I want.

00:20:18:01 - 00:20:43:18
Stop reading my story. You're cheating. Oh, okay. I see you're saying. Let's go. Are you ready for my. I'm ready. Okay. This was posted seven months ago by a deleted user on Reddit under the malicious complaints subreddit. Okay, so we're familiar with malicious complaints from a previous episode, but basically, you do you follow everything to the letter but not the spirit of a request.

00:20:44:04 - 00:21:09:12
That's their whole thing. So this is called alcohol free alcohol. Okay. Um, it says this is a short one. Back in the nineties I was in a club with my social circle. Now I'm a complete lightweight. But when it comes to drink and let me start over, my mouth is all gummy. Yeah, you're drinking like 40 ounces of sweet, smooth.

00:21:09:12 - 00:21:25:17
It's going to dry it out like a motherfucker. This is a short one. Back in the nineties, I was in a club with my social circle. Now I am a complete lightweight when it comes to drinking, so I was often the designated driver in our group. I don't know why that was in quotes. I want to know why that was.

00:21:26:01 - 00:21:48:10
So that means that she has like one or two drinks and not as many as everyone else. Right? Well, she the triple D, the designated drunk driver. Right. That is the guy who would not be drinking that night so he could drive everyone else home. On this particular night. It was $1 pots and spirits, a pot being a small beer and spirits meaning cheap, watered down spirits with a mixer, i.e. bourbon and coke.

00:21:48:18 - 00:22:10:13
As it was not drinking alcohol. That night I walked up to the bar and asked for a coke with ice. Bartender says, $3. I said, But it's dollar pots and spirits nine tonight. And she said, No, that's only pots and spirits. I then pointed out that I was designated driver, and surely she understood that the Postmates Coke was cheaper to pour anyway.

00:22:11:07 - 00:22:44:17
No, she wouldn't budge. I then asked for a bourbon and coke with no bourbon. She says. No worries, pours me my drink and charges me a dollar. I say to her and she legitimately didn't seem to notice anything wrong with the interaction. Okay, that's going to be a fucking clip for sure. I get that then. Sorry. Is it okay?

00:22:44:17 - 00:23:04:16
I like okay the whole like there's some people sometimes, you know, there's a group of people and one person is on the RD and they just ask for a pop or soda or I give some free. Yeah. You know, because like, cause what a good job. What is a cup of soda cost? $0.35, pops. Right. And I'm like, thank you for being, for being my friend.

00:23:04:16 - 00:23:26:21
For being your friend. Drive your friends on. Find a d d Right. But the whole designated quote thing, that means they had a couple of beers at the beginning of the night and they stopped drinking. That's what that means. But anyways, it I hate bartenders that I think that like you and like she then ordered the whole bourbon and coke without the bourbon like is this version of that dumb like she's not even realizing what she's doing right.

00:23:26:23 - 00:23:41:15
She didn't seem to notice anything wrong with the interaction is what got me like if I if like, you'd been drinking at the bar all night and I was the bartender and I was like, giving you a little bit of shit, and then you were like, going back and forth and thought it was funny. And I gave you, like, a look.

00:23:42:04 - 00:24:10:03
That'd be different. But if she didn't understand, I mean, I'm sure she probably she had to understand and understand dumb people. There's some people, there's dumb bartenders. Sorry, World. I know I'm a bartender and there's some dumb motherfuckers out there, and I'm not saying I'm the smartest motherfucker out there, so I missed some things right here. It reminds me of the episode of The Big Bang Theory, where Sheldon goes to Penny's job and he asks for a virgin Cuba Libre.

00:24:10:06 - 00:24:32:18
Yeah. And she's like, So you want a Coke? No, I want a Virgin Cuba Libre. Right? So you want to coke with a lime? Yeah. Oh, my God. So, I mean, yeah, I've had her with my whole joke to is to get a, a vodka tonic. Hold the tonic. Right. So you want vodka on the rocks or. No, it's, it.

00:24:32:18 - 00:24:50:16
You get a margarita. But can you hold the lime juice in simple sirup? So you want to kill on the rocks? No, no, no. I want the tequila triple. I think. You know, they're just, you know. But, yeah, I just. It's like she just went tequila on the rocks, and I just. One guy common place in order. So people are very it's, it's it's always interesting how people order certain drinks.

00:24:50:16 - 00:25:08:19
Right. Can I get potatoes and soda short. Okay. I always find it funny that they have to specifically say that like, I'm going to put it in tall glass no matter what. But then again, it's like, what? Dive bar do you go to in the normal? It just is like making you huge drinks all back in time. I just laugh inside.

00:25:08:19 - 00:25:28:04
I don't ever try like I don't crack that shit is that's just how they order And then. Or can I get a vodka soda tall, single shot? And I want to tell I'm like, just because it's as tall is single. But again, is it comes it's where they come from, right? Well, because most dive bars and you say, can I get a vodka tonic tall.

00:25:28:10 - 00:25:46:11
They take the vodka, they take the gun, and then they do that. Do that. The cup is full. Right. And it's tall. But this other guy the other day as a couple of months ago, but he orders, can I get gin and all of juice in a glass with rocks? I go see you want a dirty martini? Extra dry.

00:25:46:23 - 00:25:59:13
I don't want any. I don't want any dry. I go, That's what I'm telling. That's like that's what we're actually driving like, No, no, I just want this. And I go, So do you want me to just pour gin in a glass and pour olive juice on top and serve it? You like these? Like, No, I want you stirred up.

00:25:59:13 - 00:26:13:03
I go, So what you need to order and you get mad at me. I'm like, I'm helping you for later situations where they're not going to they're going to look at you fucked up, you know, I'm like this What you ordering? Because that's not what I want to go fucking find it. You want I made it for him.

00:26:13:08 - 00:26:32:11
And then his friend goes, I know exactly why you told them what he did, you know? And it was because. Because an extra dry martini means that I want you to put gin in the mixing glass for. I want you to grab them vermouth. Then I want you to wave it over the right. Now, you don't pour anything in it, but I want you to wave it over, put it back and then you stir it again.

00:26:32:11 - 00:26:46:00
That's it. Goes back to where the fuck he drinks at, and that's how he has to say it. But it's like I'm trying to teach you how you order at like 99% of the places right there too. But he was not having it that day. Or. Or you order a gin and olive juice on the rocks. But he.

00:26:46:03 - 00:27:06:18
He wanted to stir together, though already. He wanted a martini, but he just didn't want the on the rock because it is a long right. Can I get a gin dirty martini, extra dry. That's, you know, like in theory, that's a kind of long drink order to say. Yeah, but also if you don't understand it, you know, and also if you think a martini should be made with vodka, then you're wrong.

00:27:07:05 - 00:27:28:23
So gin should be that go to you. You. But anyways it was a controversial statements oh heating up here do you want to certain tab but yeah it was it was. I love giving people learning moments or teaching moments and it's fun when they don't want to be taught. You like being a condescending asshole. Yeah, it's fun. I pissed some lady off the other night.

00:27:28:23 - 00:27:56:01
Like Jodi was there, like, do dishes, and she was mad. You pissed that one woman off about with all passion? I was. I don't even know the story. Like, I don't even know what I said. I'm sure, like, it happens so much where I piss people off. Which ones? Okay. No, this is like, No. Oh, yeah. That's how I feel about that story.

00:27:57:13 - 00:28:29:11
That. All right, so do you. What? Do you rate that story? Um hmm. You know, 1.25. You do? Yeah. Because of the ignorance of the bartender. Not even like realizing. Like, arguing. Just. Just. Is that not more shocking than a one point? No, because it happens all the time. I mean, give it to because most bartenders will be like, Hey, listen, you need to order it this way because my manager is right there.

00:28:30:05 - 00:28:46:06
That's just a bartender who doesn't think for themselves, not even a bartender. This is a person who just doesn't like doing exactly what they're told. This is a subreddit, right? Like they're doing the. Well, that's what you said you wanted. So this is what I would charge you. And they like in their head, it doesn't click it. That's what you know.

00:28:46:06 - 00:29:17:00
So I. I will change my rating. I agree with you. That's the first time in fucking history you change something because of something I said. We have so much fun with these buttons. I want to push your buttons and move all of your buttons. Okay, so this episode has been off the rails since minute two in this podcast.

00:29:17:13 - 00:29:35:13
This is what happens when we don't record for like three weeks. Yeah, we just like what's going on and like, I'm sleep deprived. You just woke up from a nap and we start banging up drinks. Yeah. All right. So just please remember you. Bartender, Don't be a dick and drink responsibly.

Keep the Change, Underage Guests & But I'm the DD
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