I Want a Bad Shot! & This Woman Bartender Needs to Go!

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00:00:02:16 - 00:00:27:02
Everyone in the service industry has a story. Crazy customers, wild orders and WTF moments. Do you want to start and have the podcast here to bring you those tales from behind the bar? My name is Carl. I've been bartending for over a decade now for so that's a better way to say that. Yes, I'm trying. I'm trying to be more professional as we move forward in this podcast journey.

00:00:27:04 - 00:00:49:01
Oh, yeah. Not the YouTube channel. No, just the podcasting. Okay. So yes, I have some stories to share with everyone and like doing what they do and you. And you like doing what you do. So because of that, you were using like as a fellow and like doing what I do. I was like, What? My name's Riley. I worked in the service industry for a little bit.

00:00:49:02 - 00:01:12:05
But I do enjoy watching people at bars. Yeah. So what we do here on this podcast is we read, we read stories off the Internet. Usually Reddit. And we discuss our stories from the perspective of the bartender or the patron that was at that bar. A patron. Patron. Patron is our support channel. Patron. Patron. Patron is a person at the bar.

00:01:12:06 - 00:01:41:22
Yes. Spending money. Yes. Creating crazy fucking stories because they're drunk sometimes. Most times, yes. Most of the time crazy stories do happen because somebody is drunk, but most of the time you don't have patrons making crazy decisions. Most of the time you're insane. Because I see that all the time. Yeah, not really. Exactly. So yeah, we then rate the story one through five, one being an average story, and then five being a unique situation that we've never heard or seen.

00:01:42:03 - 00:02:07:07
We almost had a five. I guess he didn't want us to say it was a five. So fuck you, Steve. I don't think it was a five because, like, I mean, it was close, but I'm sure they're wild or stories. I'm used to saying I'm used to you saying it's close, but you just see it. All right, so what are we going to do?

00:02:07:21 - 00:02:40:03
All the regrets? Yeah, I'm drinking a godfather. How did you make that Godfather? I use any scotch. Yeah, and an ounce of disaronno two ounces of scotch? Yes. Cool. I am doing a sidecar using the Rémy Martin, 1734 believe cognac with lemon juice. Cointreau And I did put a little bit of simple sirup in there because I didn't want to put sugar on the rim of my glass because this required you to go upstairs and get sugar.

00:02:40:12 - 00:03:11:01
Yes, exactly. So here we are. Cheers, love. Thank. Hmm. So, yes, we enjoyed drinking on this podcast about bartenders because it's fun. Yep. And I hate my liver, so I'm just gonna go and start with my story. Okay. What's it called? It is called customer request. Bad shot. So this was submitted. Oh, okay. Customer request brochure. So this is submitted on our subreddit.

00:03:11:01 - 00:03:36:19
We do have a subreddit or whatever podcast platform or YouTube channel you're watching this on. You can go to the details, see that we have a subreddit and submit your own story like this wonderful gentleman did his comprehensive or though his username is comprehensive. Signed 69. And yeah, so go and submit it and then we'll read it on our podcast and review it and have fun with it.

00:03:36:22 - 00:03:57:07
So I call in. First of all, thank you for you for a great YouTube channel podcast. I'm a keen follower of both. This is my first ever post on Reddit and wanted it to be to be to you. Oh, I know. Right? Like three. I almost cried a little bit. You're not capable from reading a bit of this app.

00:03:57:07 - 00:04:14:16
I'll start with a disclaimer writing on a phone. So formatting Also, English is not my native language, so at the end he signs his name. I won't say his name. We know who it is and he is from Denmark. So yes, English is not his first one, but we met him on C, the bartender's Facebook group. So he's a really great guy.

00:04:15:03 - 00:04:39:09
So yeah, just bear with us because we do read these as is. We do not fix the grammar or the spellings as is as much as possible. Sometimes that's really hard for me to not do that. Right. Okay. So he goes, I notice your stories are often about deciding who's the asshole. My story doesn't really have an asshole, but more about putting a cocky guy on place or in place as was all was in good fun.

00:04:39:16 - 00:05:01:11
Absolutely. This doesn't always have to have an asshole. But, you know, it was a fun story. Like if it was just a fun, crazy story that everyone had a great time. We want to hear those stories, too. Yes. So. All right. I used to work at a bodega ten years ago, so details might be blurry as I write from memory to place, targeted towards people in early twenties with cheap beer and shots where all the best stories.

00:05:03:02 - 00:05:26:21
A guy comes up to the bar and tries to play it and tries to be a bit cocky. He orders the worst shot I can make for him. I quickly assess the guy and know he expects something strong, like a bitter aquavit or some aquavit or something. With Tabasco being the kind bar it was, I had limited options and knew I had to throw some kind of curveball and create something unexpected.

00:05:27:05 - 00:05:48:23
I decided to make a shot in which I layer Baileys and lime cordial. So bases making a cement mixer? Yeah, he looked. He looked on with a spectacle, grimace on his face and uttered something along the line. If that really was the best I could come up with. He looked on with a skeptical, skeptical grimace on his face and uttered something along the line.

00:05:48:23 - 00:06:10:08
If that was really the best I could come up with, I replied to him to give it a go. And if it wasn't a best shot, then it would be free. I also told him to gargle it around the mouth before swallowing it. He said sure, and took the shot. A little science about creation is when you mix a cream base with a citrus, it will curdle, expand, increase and create nasty lumps.

00:06:10:16 - 00:06:29:16
So as soon as a guy gargled the shot, the expression on his face changed and he ran towards the toilet. A few minutes later he came back walking. Or a few minutes later he came walking back, came up to me and gave me a high five. The procedure told me that he had two baths and then he had to ask several bartenders a similar request and never had to succumb before.

00:06:30:02 - 00:06:55:00
He then paid for the shot, gave me a nice tip. Being in a country, Denmark without tipping culture, this is quite unusual. But for some reason he was pleasantly surprised at being able to make him part with just one shot on a closing out. I do not recommend trying the shot on your own. Yes. Yes. I think if you're in a tight situation, kind of like Steve, where he had those lacrosse guys think hurt me.

00:06:55:08 - 00:07:15:01
So he was out for another mission, you know, And I get why the cement mixer, that's what it's called, is definitely one where you. Is that actually what a cement mixer is? I thought a cement mixer had tequila in it. A cement mixer is He put the two together so he must have layered it because I guess since it was a cordial.

00:07:15:09 - 00:07:33:09
But here in the United States, it's a shot of Baileys with a shot of lime juice, and you do it boom, boom, back to back. But since he's since that, sure, he's able to probably layered it and then. Right. I'm thinking of a car bomb. Irish car bomb is James bomb. We don't call it an Irish car bomb anymore.

00:07:35:07 - 00:08:00:18
Okay, so that's James or that's baking person. Baileys and Guinness. Guinness. Yeah. So. Yes. Well, good job. I mean like. Yeah, there's that, that ask because a guy asked for it, you gave it to him and you won the award. Man who? I have the same thought that I had with Steve Story. And that is why. Why do people inflict that kind of pain upon themselves?

00:08:00:19 - 00:08:21:15
I don't know. I think the only time I've ever done that was this is going to seem really weird. But on my 21st birthday, I was drinking alone. And because all my friends weren't 21 yet, I would I'll do like the oldest of all your friend Group. Friend group. And so I was in Iowa City, and I remember I asked the bartender, Oh, it's my 21st birthday.

00:08:22:19 - 00:08:43:23
And give me whatever you think's best. Motherfucker gave me a three wiseman, and one of the Wiseman was out, so he he did it with, like, black velvet instead or something, and, oh, my God, I most puked instantaneously. Yeah. Four Horsemen, man. Yeah, I ordered a lot of. Well, no, because there's one more in it. Well, I understand that, but it still does the same.

00:08:44:05 - 00:09:06:21
Yeah. Yeah. All that Awesome. Well, no great story, like, you know. Okay, so I've actually never really had people come and say, hurt me before, right? Or like, give me the worst thing you have. And in for myself, like, I can see ordering like something like that for a friend that you want to play a prank on. Right.

00:09:07:19 - 00:09:27:21
Like your friend who bought you this. No shoes. Mm hmm. But. Oh, you met him for that Mark. Remember the guy that you you met at the hotel, and then him and his girlfriend came back over to the house, and I came back over afterwards, and they were like, shit house. Oh, it was that asshole, that part of the snow.

00:09:28:02 - 00:09:44:00
But that's that. That you met the guy that gave me the snow shoe. So anyway, sorry. That's us rambling and reminiscing, but yeah, I don't know. But I guess because I work more at classier places, right? Like, yeah, you know, like Steve worked at a speed bar. This guy worked at a dive speed bar kind of place, you know?

00:09:44:00 - 00:10:01:08
So maybe that's where people wanted to get hurt. I mean, hurt people. Hurt people. I guess maybe. Maybe we should do that one of these days. I maybe we just go out and sit and say, that hurt me, but just don't you? I refuse. I refuse any or I refused it at that point. It is eating something that's going to curdle in my mind.

00:10:01:10 - 00:10:25:13
I will just say this. The stipulation is don't give us, you know, a cement mixer in the in the curls. Oh, but yeah, no. Thank you so much. Comprehensive signed 69. We appreciate it and we appreciate you enjoying our podcast and YouTube channel. Yes. And if you ever have another story, definitely submit it. Okay. So, okay. Celebrating the story.

00:10:25:20 - 00:10:45:18
You know, actually, I'll give it a 2.2 because the guy asked for it. He and he was busy talking mad shit, saying, you know, you you know, no one else has been able to do this and you do it. No, no, he wasn't talking. Match it because he was he was he was doing the opposite. He was complimenting him for actually coming up with.

00:10:45:19 - 00:11:05:04
No, I'm saying before the show he seemed like, you know, he said after had own interest in that. But you're not. Let me finish my thought. Hmm. No. Okay. Maybe they may not talk about it, but he was to say no one else has been able to to take care of this. And so he took care of them and made them throw up and gave him a high fiber tip.

00:11:05:04 - 00:11:30:06
So. But I think you're confusing the the time in which he said that because he ordered the drink as for him to hurt him. And then and it wasn't until after he threw up. Oh, you're right. He's. Yeah, I know. It's it's on record right now. Well, the editor could leave it out, Ed. I mean, me. You know, I'm just making sure the listener knows.

00:11:30:16 - 00:11:54:14
So anyways. Yeah, but no, I mean, you know, it's good. Yeah, there is no asshole in in this scenario at all, because, well, the asshole is whoever hurt the guy that makes orders sucks like this. Who hurt you? Where's your friends at? Why are you drinking by yourself? Why is this a thing for, you know, maybe he maybe Denmark is so nice to him.

00:11:54:14 - 00:12:21:08
He just want to experience a little bit of pain, right? Like maybe so awesome living in Denmark. He's just sick of back. How amazing it is. You got it. You got to go through pain to know what good are You have to go through the bad to know what good is right? Know what you guy. That's horrific. I have seen somebody who took a shot and then immediately had to vomit and that is hilarious.

00:12:21:08 - 00:12:37:13
And I love it every time. Right. So I'm going to go to point A just because that reaction is always worth it, right? That's true. It is always worth it. As long as they don't puke like on the bar or something like that. All right. He made it to the bathroom, which is the Which is where? Which is where the higher rating comes in.

00:12:37:13 - 00:13:09:04
Yeah, I love it. I love that. Awesome. Well, we appreciate it. And like I said earlier, submit a story, follow the link in whatever podcast platform. And we love to discuss and have fun with your story. Yes and no. Ms.. Shay. Ms.. Shay, you have a story for us. I do. Okay. So I have a story and then I have if we want, I can read the the edit, which has follow up questions and responses.

00:13:10:03 - 00:13:39:12
Depends on how you're feeling. So this is from the malicious compliant subreddit from just Buckingham four years ago. Okay. It's called Refuse to be served by a woman bartender and ask for her manager. Allow me to introduce you to her. I heard you know how this story is not really about. This was originally posted in the pro Revenge subreddit, but it was told.

00:13:39:16 - 00:13:58:22
But Opie was told it was a better fit. Here. A bit of a back story. I worked at a pub on and off for about three years. Not full time, but rather on a 0 hours contract. Basically, I picked up shifts whenever I was back from uni and paid per shift. They had a decent turnover of back of the house staff.

00:13:58:22 - 00:14:21:04
So as someone who knew pretty much everything in there, I would generally be the person to fix issues whenever a new member of staff had a problem. I am on a barbecue shift, which means I'm running food outside. There's also a bar out there which was taken care of by a female coworker. We'll say f, C and every time and every now and then the manager would check up and make sure everything was alright.

00:14:21:23 - 00:14:43:11
We had three managers on at the time and they generally helped out wherever it was needed. Nobody was afraid to get their hands dirty. It was a quiet night. So we were basically chilling out there serving the occasional burger or drink. Well, I go in to help out on glasses since as always it was backed up. And when I came back out, this guy was basically standing angrily by the bar.

00:14:44:09 - 00:15:04:02
FC is visibly upset, not crying or anything, but clearly not having a good time. And as I walk up, this guy sees my apron and puts his hands on his hips. Finally, get me your manager. I want this girl gone, he says. Or words to that extent. Now, I'm understandably doubtful she's done anything that bad, especially since she's relatively new.

00:15:04:14 - 00:15:22:19
So before anything, I bring FC around the back and ask her. Turns out she's messed up this guy's pint and he's gone off about how women can't pour beer and that she shouldn't even be there. It was a man's job, etc., etc.. I told her I'd sort it out. Leave him with me and you continue to watch the bar in the meanwhile.

00:15:23:23 - 00:15:47:20
No, I wasn't going to let this go unpunished. So here's where the complaints comes in. Remember, there are three managers on the time, two on the floor currently both men and both perfectly capable of sorting this out. But the third was female. We'll call her Kate. Now, Kate was the most senior manager on, hence why she was in the office sorting out admin emails etc. and she took absolutely no shit whatsoever.

00:15:47:20 - 00:16:06:13
For reference, when she finally left the pub it was to go work as a prison officer. She was a damned good manager for getting things done, but she definitely was not afraid to stamp her authority if need be. In short, not someone you want to be on the wrong end of. You can guess which manager I went to.

00:16:09:14 - 00:16:31:14
She would at first, annoyed. I was trying to drag her all the way outside, but when I explained fully, she just stopped typing, stood up and told me to lead the way, which I did. Smiling all the way because I knew exactly what was coming next. Trumpets blaring. I let her down. This is like one of those scenes from the movies where it's like the badass woman in pumps.

00:16:31:22 - 00:16:51:02
All you hear is her her heels clicking right. I lead her down as the guy sees us approaching, his face just falls off a cliff. I have never seen anyone go from angry to oh, shit that quickly. Ever since it was just glorious. Kate is, of course, very polite, but makes a point of introducing herself as the head manager of the pub.

00:16:51:07 - 00:17:12:10
Not strictly true, but got the job done. He said it is about trying to have his point. Miss. He studies about having his pint messed up and she tells him he can have another one on the house. Then she proceeds to go behind the bar and port herself before handing it to him. I can feel how badly he wants to complain about it from across the bar, but eventually he takes his drink and walks off without another word.

00:17:12:19 - 00:17:32:03
Kate just gives me a look and a little smile before walking back to the office. Yes, it probably would have been more efficient to do literally anything else to resolve the whole thing. In fact, I probably could have just come to drink myself and and he wouldn't have gotten pissed off. But the end result was worth it. Edit Wow, this blew up a lot more than I expected.

00:17:32:03 - 00:18:05:07
I'll try to answer a few questions in the comments. It's a beer, dude. Like, right, Like. And that's that's the thing with sexist people. It's like it's just a beer. It's not the end of the world. But you're mad that a woman did something for you, right? So this is probably in the UK. Yeah. You know, because it pub there and it's a proper import uni uni and pint like, you know, we don't mean we drink pints here in the States but it could also be Canada or literally any country that the UK colonized, which is literally everywhere.

00:18:05:07 - 00:18:23:20
Right. But I'm just taking the gas here and that has nothing to do with the story at all. I'm just, I'm just randomly guessing. Right? But it's also it's the whole messed up point of paying people. The United States, they do not call. They don't you know, they they don't really say shit like that. You know, they just pour the beer and get it and call it a day.

00:18:23:20 - 00:18:41:15
Because most people, United States, actually hate it when there's a head on their beer because they don't understand how beer served unless you're like a craft beer drinker, you know, whatever. So anyways, so it means what kind of daily order, how she mess it up. Like that's, that's one of the questions he answers. Okay. Um, how did she mess up the paint?

00:18:41:15 - 00:19:01:16
I don't know for certain, but I'm like, 80% certain she had. Sure, she had too much head outside the bar has a limited selection of beers and cider, strangely enough. So not Britain, because they have a lot of ciders on tap. Um, on tap. But you have to roll the kegs down to where you're there yourself and get whatever manager is doing them to change them over.

00:19:01:16 - 00:19:20:16
Depending on who rolls them, they can be pretty lively, especially if they keg is full or almost empty. Interesting. Yeah. Okay. Tim's head. Whatever. I mean, because that head will turn back into fucking beer. It's how. It's. It's how it works, right? Like, you just let it sit there for, like, 8 minutes or whatever, right? It's in 3 minutes sometimes, I guess.

00:19:20:17 - 00:19:51:05
Obviously. Different beers. Yeah, it depends what a breakdown in that breakdown. But, you know, whatever. But it's less volume because there's more air in it now. But yeah, but I hate when people do that. Like I obviously will never experience any backlash or, or negativity because of who I am making drinks. I am a white male and you are the definition of the Aryan race.

00:19:51:07 - 00:20:18:21
Devontae Your your German surnames. Yes I am. I Blue eyes and Mississippi blond hair. That's the definition of the Aryan race, making sure other people understand because there's other listeners just like me who are like, what? Yeah, but you know, and so I can't say. And that's, you know, I can't really I can't, you know, and I have to, you know, I work with two female, three female bartenders, one who is black, and I work with a black bartender.

00:20:19:07 - 00:20:44:19
And I, as far as I have known in the year that I have worked with all of them, they have never been women. We discriminate like that. But I'm aware of, you know, that you're aware about. I'm aware of and, you know, and it's so it's like I've never seen it, never had to deal with it. But it's just like, I don't know why you just don't think anyone can just do a job, you know, like, we all make mistakes.

00:20:44:19 - 00:21:11:13
I've been doing this for 12 years. I still fucking still suck at pouring beer Sometimes it's our beer system sucks at the hotel. It is not. It is not maintained very well at all. So get off my back and come in and watch you pour a beer with a head that's three inches thick. I do not get out of here anyways, but it's just he's just trying to find a free the loophole of like just bitch a bitch to get free shit.

00:21:11:13 - 00:21:35:00
I don't think so. Like, I mean, because I have experienced people who want to do that, but then also like, if that was the case, he would have just been happy with her pouring him another beer. Right. Or like he, you know, he wouldn't have been like, give me your manager. He would he would have just accepted another beer and he would have drank the first beer first.

00:21:35:10 - 00:21:55:02
Maybe he didn't think he was going to get a free beer if he just asked the bartender for another pour. You know what I'm saying? Like, maybe he just thought that was the way to get it. And I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Like, yeah, obviously. Like I said, I have one kind of view on this and my own thoughts, but like, I just yeah, I've never went somewhere like and he would have been visibly pissed when the when the female manager came out.

00:21:55:12 - 00:22:22:17
Right. She probably carries herself. So well, you know, like shoulders back, you know, I think up I think of Lucy Liu in, um, when she's playing the dominatrix and Charlie's Angel and. Okay, Charlie's Angels never seem but sure. What? Don't even get me all the movies. Great cinema by any stretch. But like, Yeah, but, you know, so. Yeah, I don't know.

00:22:22:17 - 00:22:48:04
It's, it's, it's fucked up that people still I mean, this is four years ago, but I mean, that's just going to happen. It's I'm not justifying. That was four years ago. I'm just I was about to say like it's still going to happen in today's society. Right. And different cultures. First of all, go down this guy for situational awareness and knowing that he could have taken the easy way out, but going right, going for broke and actually just like doing the most to piss this guy off, I'm here for that.

00:22:49:08 - 00:23:08:00
Yeah. And also good on the manager that he went to for I can just see it. She just stopped typing, stood up and said, Let's go. Yeah I love that, you know. Exactly. You know, And any chance you can, any chance to put a bigot in their place, I am here for it. And there's a reason why she's the head manager.

00:23:08:00 - 00:23:27:20
And like, you know, there wasn't that man. But I would say there are times where you just see that shit because, like, there are times when people ask for a manager in the middle of a week at the hotel and there's no bearing, no manager on duty. It's me, the front desk people. And and if it's late at night, there's like, there's only, like four employees in the hotel, right?

00:23:28:03 - 00:23:45:05
So it's like, nope, you can't talk to one. They get mad at me. I'm like, Well, there's no one literally here. Do you want do you want a phone number? Here's the email I like. Like we don't have a manager on duty. 24 fucking seven, right? Can't afford that shit, right? But doesn't need one because like, we are allowed to handle shit and it's not like I'm in charge.

00:23:45:17 - 00:24:10:12
So you say, you know, like, whatever. Who gives a fuck what your actual title is because we're all going to handle the same way, right? So on what do you on a rating story of that. I'm going to give it a25, actually. You know what? I want to give it 2.8. Okay. Because it's a little higher than average because the male that went back there to try to figure things out then went to go get the other.

00:24:10:12 - 00:24:30:21
Like like you said, he figured it out. Like, you know, let's fuck with this guest even more by let me get my head manager right in charge and who's also a female and fuck this because he's also looking out for his and he's looking out for his coworker, right? Because like, if he just handle it, that guest is going to like, still kind of like, feel like he has power, right?

00:24:31:09 - 00:24:49:15
But if he goes and gets a female manager, that female bartender now probably has more more of maybe confidence and more just like he has in our back and she has my back type atmosphere and when you get more that they have my back, you're more willing to stand up to people and not just take their bullshit. Right?

00:24:50:00 - 00:25:15:15
Well, and I mean, putting a sexist person in their places is a good idea, right? So season 2.8, I think I'm going to go. Is this an uncommon occurrence? No. Did the guy handle it stealthily? Yes. But is it something that's like? I feel like that's something anybody who has any type of like situational awareness and sensitivity to bigotry would do.

00:25:16:08 - 00:25:39:23
So I'm going to go to point three. Okay. But at the same time, I'm going to it's a it's a round of applause, a standing ovation, 2.3 for me, Right. You're the you're the kid that graduated high school with a C minus. And when they call your fucking name, your family still like. Yeah, he graduated. He graduated. We have that same thing going on here the next month or two.

00:25:41:08 - 00:26:07:18
So what do we have any other like it is? There was a Oh, I mean, there were a few, but nothing, nothing stellar. Yeah. Yeah. So there we go. There was an easy on the rails. Yeah. I guess. Like, I'm not unlike our other episodes for the past couple times. I mean, when we have a guest, it's a lot easier to stay on track or is a lot easier.

00:26:07:18 - 00:26:24:17
Go off the rails. Off the rails. But also we this these this is our first drink of the day. Look at us. Go look at us, go. So it's a lot easier to stay on the rails when we're still sober. If you want to support our off the rails habits or even on the rails habits, we do have a patron for $3 a month.

00:26:24:17 - 00:26:49:09
We interview our guests. We call Last Call. We talk about their personal lives, figure out why they're partners, what they're doing in other aspects of their lives. It's some fun. Again, just three bucks a month if you want to go check it out. Leans in description. Also, I think and I think also we have all our social media is Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, all of it.

00:26:50:04 - 00:27:02:03
You can find us on there. And then also, if you want to support the channel, share this podcast with a friend. Tell them that you love us to death. And don't forget, don't be a dick. Tip your bartender and drink responsibly.

I  Want a Bad Shot! & This Woman Bartender Needs to Go!
Broadcast by