Can I Get the News on the TV? & Grandma, Couch, Comfort Check with Mila Hugo

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00:00:00:02 - 00:00:18:05
Speaker 1
Everyone in the service industry has a story. Crazy customers, wild orders and WTF moments. Do you want to start a tab? The podcast here to bring you those from behind the bar. My name is Carl. I've been bartending for 11 years now and have some sherry. Sherry. Jesus Christ is like the third time in a row I've done this.

00:00:18:17 - 00:00:21:18
Speaker 1
I have some stories to share with you.

00:00:22:02 - 00:00:28:01
Speaker 2
My name is Riley. I worked in the service industry for a little bit and I enjoy listening to the stories.

00:00:29:00 - 00:00:34:23
Speaker 1
And we are excited to have another guest on. Can we only find female bartenders as our guests?

00:00:35:14 - 00:00:39:06
Speaker 2
I mean, yeah, because that's they're the only ones agreeing to come sit with us.

00:00:39:07 - 00:00:43:21
Speaker 1
Right. So we have Maya. Who? Oh, my God.

00:00:46:07 - 00:00:47:12
Speaker 2
Are you awake yet? No.

00:00:48:00 - 00:01:02:03
Speaker 1
It was a long Super Bowl Sunday for us. So Maya is a friend that I met in Cedar Rapids, and she has lived across North America for the past couple of years, so. How you doing today?

00:01:02:04 - 00:01:03:17
Speaker 3
I'm fantastic. Are you guys.

00:01:03:22 - 00:01:07:13
Speaker 1
Good? So you are currently in Austin, correct?

00:01:07:16 - 00:01:08:15
Speaker 3
I'm in San Antonio.

00:01:08:15 - 00:01:12:16
Speaker 1
Same, don't I am. See, I can do things any street. Oh, you just moved, didn't you?

00:01:12:16 - 00:01:20:02
Speaker 3
Yeah. So I lived in New Braunfels, which is like in between Austin and. Yeah. And then I just moved to San Antonio, like, this month.

00:01:20:07 - 00:01:23:15
Speaker 1
Gotcha. Gotcha. And what do you do in San Antonio?

00:01:23:19 - 00:01:37:23
Speaker 3
Well, actually, I still bartend in New Braunfels like a haunted venue slash bar. Right. They also have a kitchen. And then I also do comedy on the side. And so, like, at that venue and bar, I also put on comedy.

00:01:37:23 - 00:01:43:02
Speaker 1
You go. So if you're in that area, go check it out. I know what you're doing. It's like every Monday or Tuesday, right?

00:01:43:04 - 00:01:47:18
Speaker 3
Every Monday it hosts them, right? Yeah. And then I have a women's showcase every Thursday.

00:01:48:02 - 00:02:06:08
Speaker 1
There you go. So if you're in that area, go check her out. All right. So what we're going to do today is we're going to read a story or read it or some other part of the Internet and react to it. And then we was going to share a bartending story that she has for us. And then we're going to write the stories one through five one, meaning that's just an average bartender story.

00:02:06:14 - 00:02:11:17
Speaker 1
And five is an extraordinary, unique situation that we would hardly ever see. Do you have a story, Paul?

00:02:11:18 - 00:02:27:16
Speaker 2
Do you have a story about that? This is from Reddit. Bartenders or the bartenders? Subreddit from the user token of tweets seven months ago. Okay. The title is The News at Bars. Question mark. Question mark. In all caps.

00:02:28:22 - 00:02:30:02
Speaker 1
It's an important question.

00:02:30:04 - 00:02:48:17
Speaker 2
Yes. Had a guest get real upset today when I told her we could not put the news on the TV. One of those I'm a regular here. I come in all the time, but only see twice or thrice a year. It was funny because I was so nonchalant about it. I explained how it's common bar practice. Wherever you go to never show news at the bar.

00:02:48:18 - 00:03:09:06
Speaker 2
She hit me with. Let me speak to your manager. I said. Okay. Calls him over. He says he'll be right over. She says so confidently, Sorry my name, but you are about to get overruled going full. Karen and I just said, Don't worry, he's coming. Manager comes over and tells her the same thing I said earlier. He even hit her with the.

00:03:09:15 - 00:03:21:08
Speaker 2
You can look at updates on your phone, old white lady news and the horse racing you never show at a bar. At least that's what I've been taught and seems to be common practice. What do my fellow bartenders think?

00:03:21:12 - 00:03:22:09
Speaker 1
Horse racing.

00:03:23:15 - 00:03:28:09
Speaker 2
I assume that has something to do with gambling and yeah, the way events can get rowdy.

00:03:28:14 - 00:03:29:20
Speaker 1
So do you have TVs at your bar?

00:03:30:03 - 00:03:45:08
Speaker 3
Just one. Which is why it's nice. It's just like we're speaking bars for an atmosphere. We do have a projector, and for major games like the Super Bowl last night, we'll put that on. Right. Special from the big thing. You know, like the big thing. Like the projector, right?

00:03:45:09 - 00:03:48:19
Speaker 1
Have you ever had anyone ask you to put shit on that wasn't sports?

00:03:49:13 - 00:04:03:02
Speaker 3
Not really. But like, I've worked at places that were sports bars and high time TVs, right? I wanted something specific. I was like, sure, you got like, I don't care, because it would always be music playing over it, right? Unless I was a major that.

00:04:03:07 - 00:04:15:12
Speaker 1
Yeah, I think I've had a couple of people ask for news a couple of times and I just tell them, Well, we just keep on sports like guys and they go, okay, you know, but never demanding it. Like why is it so important to watch news at a bar?

00:04:15:17 - 00:04:22:05
Speaker 2
Right. Well, and why is it so important or why why do you feel the need to talk to the manager about something like that?

00:04:22:18 - 00:04:41:12
Speaker 1
Entitlement. Yeah. I mean, I guess they're old white lady, right? So, yeah, I don't know. I mean, it's. It's so stupid. I don't know, like, where you're right because everyone has a a smartphone, right? They can look at all the news they want. You know, the biggest reason why if you don't understand, you don't put news on, you don't do two things.

00:04:41:12 - 00:04:46:11
Speaker 1
You don't talk about politics and religion at a bar. Right. That's kind of like a common.

00:04:46:12 - 00:04:51:09
Speaker 2
The the social the social rules that have become common practice.

00:04:51:09 - 00:05:08:19
Speaker 1
Right. And yeah, I mean, I've seen many arguments happen. At first it's all like, oh, you know, it's light hearted. I try and it right away cause I know in about 10 minutes this argument is going to ah, this discussion is going to start leading into name calling and then everyone's gonna get defensive.

00:05:08:23 - 00:05:15:18
Speaker 2
And then when you add alcohol to that, it is a volatile mixture that eventually leads into aggression. Mhm.

00:05:16:14 - 00:05:20:05
Speaker 1
What about you. You get that a lot down there in Texas. A lot of politics.

00:05:20:09 - 00:05:28:07
Speaker 3
Not a ton honestly, because like Texans we like talking about like, like to get to know you like having that conversation. The very personable.

00:05:28:08 - 00:05:28:17
Speaker 2

00:05:29:08 - 00:05:41:22
Speaker 3
Oh like I'm like, yeah, I smoke. You're from Toronto, Canada. I'm like, Oh, that's awful. It's like they'd like to know about you. And I'll talk about the common problem. They're so good at keeping it on a lighter. Right. Well, without telling them too much about myself.

00:05:42:09 - 00:06:02:16
Speaker 1
Right. I get that. Yeah, I guess. The bars. I mean, this. The hotel bar in the winter, I get a lot of people travel and people from all over. And that's when the politics and the news and the religion and the politics really start causing people like, Oh, you're from Denver, or, you know, what's the mayor, you know, like it starts getting to that and then all of a sudden it starts, you know, we're a red state.

00:06:02:16 - 00:06:07:22
Speaker 1
We're going to get starts getting down really quickly. So it just gets awkward and.

00:06:08:18 - 00:06:10:06
Speaker 3
Yeah, like that Airport bars.

00:06:10:10 - 00:06:10:23
Speaker 2

00:06:11:09 - 00:06:11:16
Speaker 3
Like the.

00:06:11:16 - 00:06:12:18
Speaker 2

00:06:13:02 - 00:06:24:21
Speaker 1
Yeah. I would love I would love to be an airport bartender on voting day when on a November. On a Tuesday. And just see how that day transpires.

00:06:24:23 - 00:06:25:05
Speaker 2

00:06:25:22 - 00:06:28:03
Speaker 3
It's so funny. Have either of you worked at an airport?

00:06:28:07 - 00:06:29:00
Speaker 2
No, no.

00:06:29:04 - 00:06:38:06
Speaker 1
I'm pretty sure I legally can't work in an airport bar, so maybe had enough. Have you.

00:06:38:08 - 00:06:51:10
Speaker 3
Know, I mean, I feel like it'd be such a hassle to drive all that way and then have to park wherever in the airport and then, like, fight your way to get to wherever seems to be in a bar and then, like, what a nightmare.

00:06:51:11 - 00:06:53:18
Speaker 2
Right. To go through that level of security every day.

00:06:53:21 - 00:07:05:10
Speaker 1
You're right. Yeah. I mean, I guess it depends. I mean, they're probably make a decent money, right? They're overcharging five x what? Normal prices for a drink, you know, And so people are still tipping, right? Because.

00:07:05:12 - 00:07:05:22
Speaker 2

00:07:06:09 - 00:07:10:23
Speaker 1
I don't know. Thank you. How was it? And did you ever get did you bartend when you were in Canada?

00:07:11:02 - 00:07:30:03
Speaker 3
I did. So I lived in Toronto and in Ontario. It's illegal to free for liquor, so I had to use jiggers. Right. And then in Ontario, you don't get like restaurants and bars don't get alcohol wholesale. So they're even more careful with portioning out drinks and stuff that's even more expensive.

00:07:30:14 - 00:07:40:01
Speaker 1
Mhm. How's the commerce? Do people talk about religion and politics there too, or is it still more just kind of conversational people sitting at the bar.

00:07:40:05 - 00:07:43:06
Speaker 3
Like people don't like, you know, they kind of go there with a friend.

00:07:43:14 - 00:07:44:00
Speaker 2
All right.

00:07:44:17 - 00:07:54:15
Speaker 3
Like, Oh, how are you? Okay, well, like small talk. Right. They never really bring up anything. Like, rarely have a like, awkward conversation. I guess I was there during the lockdown and.

00:07:54:18 - 00:07:55:19
Speaker 1
Right. That's true.

00:07:56:10 - 00:08:02:15
Speaker 3
I think some people are kind of like us. Like, it's not Everyone's like, it's nice to be out again, right? Right.

00:08:03:04 - 00:08:07:06
Speaker 1
People grab a human being that's not my partner.

00:08:07:08 - 00:08:11:02
Speaker 2
Right. And I also don't want to talk about the thing that's been ruining my life for the past two years.

00:08:11:02 - 00:08:15:12
Speaker 1
All right, so what do we want to. So obviously, the asshole in the story is the woman.

00:08:15:12 - 00:08:16:19
Speaker 2
Yeah, Karen's. They're going to Karen.

00:08:16:20 - 00:08:21:15
Speaker 1
Right. It's entitlement. I just think they get what they want because they're paying $4 for a beer.

00:08:21:16 - 00:08:24:23
Speaker 2
I can't stand people who are like, You're about to be overruled.

00:08:25:09 - 00:08:29:12
Speaker 1
I'm like, Oh, so my boss is going to side with you. It's like.

00:08:29:12 - 00:08:33:07
Speaker 2
Cool. It's Tuesday. I guess I know.

00:08:34:04 - 00:08:50:05
Speaker 3
The point where I'm not afraid to to say something back. Like, I don't care if it's like people know they're being rude and they don't and they get away with it, which is why they do it so much. Right. It's not back and be like, Hey, we're actually not going to talk to you like that, right? Can't. But like, I'll do it now.

00:08:50:06 - 00:08:57:12
Speaker 1
I do it all the time. It's fine. Like people like you should be more respectful. I'm like, Well, I'm a human being also, and I'm not your fucking child and I'm not your partner.

00:08:57:20 - 00:08:58:03
Speaker 2

00:08:58:13 - 00:09:00:12
Speaker 1
You can talk to them like that, but you shouldn't.

00:09:00:12 - 00:09:01:07
Speaker 2
But you can.

00:09:01:07 - 00:09:16:15
Speaker 1
Yeah. You're not going to talk to me like that? No. Right. Call you out on 100%. The whole I think the whole the customer was always right. Thing is one of the worst things ever to be said and modeled in the hospitality industry. Like, No, you're not always right, motherfucker.

00:09:16:18 - 00:09:33:20
Speaker 3
But you're also like, I mean, realistically, you shouldn't be serving someone alcohol that's acting like unhinged or out of line. Right. You'd be like, Hey, I don't know what you're on The painkillers before this and everything. And like, it's my responsibility to not serve someone that's acting like that.

00:09:33:23 - 00:09:34:19
Speaker 2
Right, Right.

00:09:35:23 - 00:09:38:17
Speaker 3
So it's like it's a safety concern. It's like.

00:09:40:00 - 00:09:40:00
Speaker 2

00:09:40:05 - 00:09:49:17
Speaker 1
Mean, I wonder I do wonder how many people are getting super fucked up in their hotel rooms and coming down for drinks afterwards. And it shouldn't be serving up zero idea. You know what they've consumed before they.

00:09:50:05 - 00:09:53:08
Speaker 2
Right. You can do all you can go off of is how they act.

00:09:53:09 - 00:10:05:19
Speaker 1
Right. I mean if three if three guys from a wedding party all go to the bathroom at the same time think they're so slick it's like, oh you guys, come on. But all right.

00:10:05:19 - 00:10:22:04
Speaker 3
So I work at a bar where this one lady came in, like, just a middle aged woman, like white woman, normal and like a beer and a half and she started, like, kind of dozing off at the bar and acting weird. And we had to call a cop, right? And like, she had to have taken Xanax before or something.

00:10:22:05 - 00:10:23:23
Speaker 3
Right. And you just don't know.

00:10:24:05 - 00:10:24:16
Speaker 2

00:10:24:21 - 00:10:31:00
Speaker 1
Yeah. It's fucked up. It can get crazy for sure. Right. But luckily what I do, I'm at a hotel bar so they just go up to the room.

00:10:32:00 - 00:10:33:17
Speaker 2
Most of the time.

00:10:33:17 - 00:10:42:19
Speaker 1
So. All right, what do we. So like I said, we're in, right? The story. A one through a five, you know, what do you rate it? Like I said, one's an average bar. Sorry. Five is a very unique bar story. What do you think?

00:10:42:22 - 00:10:48:06
Speaker 3
I think it's like a two. That's pretty average. It's not super, like, outlandish, but it's like. It's very relatable.

00:10:48:13 - 00:10:54:07
Speaker 2
Right? I'm going to give it a one. It's this is a run of the mill story. I think it's so common that like.

00:10:54:12 - 00:11:08:06
Speaker 1
Yep. I also agree with the one. So yeah this is just bullshit. The daily bullshit that we all have to put up with that's just like. Yeah, it just happens all the time. Unfortunately. Like that. Every shift for me at least. But it does happen a lot.

00:11:08:06 - 00:11:13:12
Speaker 2
Yeah. At least. At least enough to have a pocket response to it.

00:11:13:15 - 00:11:32:13
Speaker 1
Right, exactly. Cool. Cool. All right. And so if you want to share your story with us, we do have a subreddit. Do you want to start a tab link is in the description or in whatever pipe or on whatever podcast platform. You're listening to this. We have all your socials, Tik-Tok, Instagram, YouTube. I think that's own Facebook, right?

00:11:32:15 - 00:11:45:19
Speaker 1
There's a lot. We have them all. And yeah, you can share your story with us. DM's put on our subreddit and we'd love to read your story aloud and discuss what happened to you or what you saw. Maya, are you ready?

00:11:45:20 - 00:11:46:11
Speaker 3
I am ready.

00:11:46:15 - 00:11:49:06
Speaker 1
Let's unleash the story.

00:11:49:20 - 00:12:00:01
Speaker 2
We forgot to talk about what we were drinking. You know, I am drinking a wild, sour cherry pie flavor from distill brewing in what is it normal? And when.

00:12:00:01 - 00:12:04:03
Speaker 1
I am, I am drinking a cherry lime bohemian from.

00:12:04:20 - 00:12:05:05
Speaker 2

00:12:05:18 - 00:12:06:10
Speaker 1

00:12:06:19 - 00:12:07:11
Speaker 2
Right? Yeah.

00:12:08:20 - 00:12:11:12
Speaker 1
Out of where the fuck exile at a Des Moines.

00:12:12:14 - 00:12:13:15
Speaker 2
Milo, what are you drinking?

00:12:13:17 - 00:12:15:19
Speaker 3
I'm a topo Chico hard seltzer.

00:12:15:19 - 00:12:16:06
Speaker 2

00:12:17:01 - 00:12:21:10
Speaker 3
And these are, like, huge in Texas. Like, I didn't know what Topo Chico was really. It's like, all right.

00:12:22:07 - 00:12:25:20
Speaker 1
Yeah, like ranch water. People drink a shit ton that, don't they? Yeah.

00:12:25:20 - 00:12:27:00
Speaker 3
I'm surprised, you know, that It.

00:12:27:15 - 00:12:34:20
Speaker 2
We we went to. Was it Dallas, uh, in November and they were on every menu. Mm.

00:12:35:08 - 00:12:37:18
Speaker 1
So there's this thing, It's called the Internet.

00:12:37:22 - 00:12:54:19
Speaker 2
You learn things, but like, I mean, if you don't ever experience that, you don't really know to go out of your zone to look for it or know that you know what you don't know, you know, just you just being a smart ass, you're you're an asshole. Okay.

00:12:54:19 - 00:12:57:08
Speaker 1
All right. Let it rip whenever you're ready.

00:12:57:12 - 00:13:29:08
Speaker 3
Okay. So I worked at a bar, and I literally forgot the name of it. It was like a blues venue and a bar in Omaha, Nebraska. This was like 2016 and 15 maybe. Okay, this place and pretty poorly managed. The owner was cool, like the bar closed since then, but like, we'd have, like, lose bands play and like we'd have karaoke and they'd have competitions, had a cool little stage and stuff, but it was just kinda, it was dirty like bar and just like stained carpet.

00:13:29:08 - 00:13:46:17
Speaker 3
I don't know. It was just kind of grungy and dirty, but it was bigger. And so we had one of these, like, weird, like we also had like cover band, like eighties cover bands play and a bunch of weird, weird, weird, middle aged, like ladies would show up for it and they'd get into some like this high school stupid fight.

00:13:46:17 - 00:14:10:15
Speaker 3
It was super strange. And one time and like, we didn't make a lot of money. They're they overstaffed. And so the coworkers were just kind of over it to right once. And we had some couches in the venue. We see there's one family there and like their grandma is like getting pretty lit, kind of like, and like, I'm like walking around kind of getting bottles and it smells something kind of by the couch she's sitting on.

00:14:10:15 - 00:14:30:10
Speaker 3
And I'm like, that smells like who? Oh, no, that's not like people like, what's going on? And then like, at one point, one of the family members takes the grandma into the bathroom for like 40 minutes. 45 comes back and like, they nonchalantly tell my coworker who's bartending like, Oh, yeah, sorry, she just, like, pooped her pants, but it's cool.

00:14:30:10 - 00:14:42:02
Speaker 3
We cleaned it up and I'm like, What? And then, like, I just look over and I see that grandma passed out on the couch. The entire family was like, just tanked, like dancing to, like, the karaoke music for the night. And I was like, Is this real?

00:14:43:23 - 00:14:45:01
Speaker 2
Is this real life?

00:14:45:19 - 00:14:51:06
Speaker 3
Is this real life? And then like, whatever, I go and check the bathroom and there's just like, smears all over the toilet?

00:14:51:07 - 00:14:58:03
Speaker 2
Oh, no, it was it was that scene from Daddy Daycare where you like.

00:14:58:06 - 00:15:15:08
Speaker 3
It was like they attempted to clean it up, but it was like, this is like there's like the light is all over. And I was just like and like, I told my coworker, I was like, newer to bartending and I was like, Yo, should we, like, kick him out? And he's like, No, they're cool. And he was like, They're fine.

00:15:15:08 - 00:15:23:02
Speaker 3
And like, now I'm just like, whatever. And like, I mean, Rose plays disgusting and they just like, go and look over and see the grandmother. It's like, pass out like.

00:15:23:07 - 00:15:24:08
Speaker 2
Oh my God.

00:15:24:21 - 00:15:43:03
Speaker 3
Entire families is like, Yeah, I'm getting so drunk. And I was just like, Man, this this is crazy. Not a super bizarre story. And they eventually obviously left right like she got that drunk and she just like, put yourself and they're like, let's just keep going. And they like, did their best to clean her up and just like, man.

00:15:43:13 - 00:15:46:00
Speaker 2
Don't you have to keep people out if they're asleep at the bar?

00:15:46:05 - 00:15:47:02
Speaker 1
You're supposed to.

00:15:47:15 - 00:15:53:19
Speaker 2
I mean, you're supposed to kick them up before they get to that point. But yeah, you know, and like.

00:15:54:01 - 00:15:56:17
Speaker 3
They obviously shut up again. I was like very as a new.

00:15:57:00 - 00:15:57:16
Speaker 2
Right, right.

00:15:58:07 - 00:16:00:18
Speaker 3
Nervous and like, I don't want to upset people.

00:16:00:19 - 00:16:01:14
Speaker 2
All right. Right.

00:16:01:19 - 00:16:05:14
Speaker 1
You cared about people's feelings back then.

00:16:05:14 - 00:16:20:14
Speaker 3
And like, if someone snaps at you about something, you're like, Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. But now I'm just like, No, no, no. If someone acts stupid now, I'm just like, okay, waiver that you're bizarre. You're you're like making like I pick up people for being too drunk and just like, talking to people up and down the bar asking for cigarets and stuff.

00:16:20:14 - 00:16:31:00
Speaker 3
I'm like, No, get out. Or I'm like, You're not going to do that here, right? Like, I was just like, Oh, okay. I guess her family is like looking after her, but like, and just it was funny because I just kept on going like late.

00:16:31:16 - 00:16:49:20
Speaker 1
Because that was me and I started bartending beginning. I probably would have done the same thing to or like at the manager wall. But then I was like, This is what happens when people get drunk. I'm like to deal with people shitting all the time, you know, like it's just going to happen all the time. Like maybe you should go there and have comfort checks with them.

00:16:49:21 - 00:16:52:20
Speaker 2
Yeah. Yeah. That's like, I'm.

00:16:52:20 - 00:16:58:22
Speaker 3
Only like, in my bartending career, I've only had to clean up. Like, I don't know, poop and vomit, like, twice.

00:16:59:06 - 00:17:02:08
Speaker 2
Like, are you?

00:17:02:08 - 00:17:10:13
Speaker 3
I've never worked at party bars. I never worked at college like I was. I've always been strategic in working at, like, better quality places, right?

00:17:10:23 - 00:17:14:08
Speaker 1
But when it happens at those high quality places, you're like, Oh, well, it's almost worse.

00:17:14:18 - 00:17:22:07
Speaker 2
Like, fuck, because those places aren't set up to have that type of mess happen. Like all. First of all, why was there carpet in that bar?

00:17:22:21 - 00:17:34:16
Speaker 3
I don't know. And it's funny because, like every every city has like one of those bars where first spot and it's like a new bar every year. Yeah, this was the spot in Omaha.

00:17:34:16 - 00:17:35:11
Speaker 2
Oh, okay.

00:17:36:17 - 00:17:49:14
Speaker 3
Kind of in the middle of nowhere. And like, it was a big, cool venue, but like, it was in a weird area and no one wanted to go there and it was just like, odd. And so, like, again, like we're just like, I don't care enough to like, I mean.

00:17:50:06 - 00:17:51:10
Speaker 2

00:17:51:10 - 00:17:57:05
Speaker 1
Like, even, like, it's like, you got to clean a couch now, right? We can't just, like, wipe it off now. You got it, Like, right. And remove, like.

00:17:57:05 - 00:18:01:14
Speaker 2
Oh, you need. Yeah, you need to, you need to. What is it, the vacuum.

00:18:02:00 - 00:18:02:16
Speaker 1
Cleaner or something.

00:18:02:16 - 00:18:07:17
Speaker 2
Yeah, like a Bissell. You need a Bissell, right. Shampoo.

00:18:07:17 - 00:18:11:02
Speaker 3
It's like the bar clothes like a month or two later or something.

00:18:11:11 - 00:18:14:06
Speaker 1
I wonder why there's fecal matter everywhere.

00:18:14:06 - 00:18:17:23
Speaker 2
So they probably cover over serving. Yeah.

00:18:18:03 - 00:18:24:17
Speaker 3
Yeah. It was just, like, so bizarre because I was like, What are we to manual for this? You know.

00:18:25:09 - 00:18:27:13
Speaker 2
I guess we clean this up, but.

00:18:29:03 - 00:18:46:06
Speaker 3
We did like, wipe it like, I mean, I was like, avoiding the couch. I was like, I don't know what to do like that and has, like the are like some places like for, I guess some sports bar and stuff will have like the very flat, flat carpet and like with the lights on, it was like, decrepit. I'm like, that's where COVID came from.

00:18:46:06 - 00:18:48:13
Speaker 1
But it was.

00:18:48:15 - 00:18:51:11
Speaker 2
It wasn't beds. It was absolutely that carpet.

00:18:51:22 - 00:18:55:09
Speaker 1
So who can blame Omaha?

00:18:55:09 - 00:19:01:17
Speaker 3
It it was a weird night. I was like and it was it was also funny because, like, they were the only people in the place.

00:19:01:18 - 00:19:02:22
Speaker 1
Oh, my God. Oh.

00:19:03:18 - 00:19:16:05
Speaker 3
I think they hired a deejay or something. But they just had like, Oh, like I'm seeing all the flashing stupid lights, right? And like, the disco ball and then it's like half old lady on my couch. And her family was like.

00:19:16:05 - 00:19:17:12
Speaker 1
Grandma did it again.

00:19:17:19 - 00:19:34:06
Speaker 2
Hit it too hard? Yes, it's hard. Yeah. How do you let that happen to your grandmother or your mother or anybody? Like, how do you how do you not see it and just decide to say, fuck them. I'm still having fun. So we're going to stay here.

00:19:34:06 - 00:19:45:08
Speaker 3
Oh, it was such we had such a white trash to tell of that place, weirdly, just like super, just like white trash. And I was like, I don't like it was because it was so cheap. Right? Right. Like, y'all just came out of the woodwork for those.

00:19:45:13 - 00:19:45:18
Speaker 2

00:19:46:12 - 00:19:50:19
Speaker 1
They hit it bag on a scratch off of Hondo, and now they're ready to spend at.

00:19:50:19 - 00:20:00:19
Speaker 2
The bar. Leave it until they buy enough drinks to go through all of this money. Oh, I'll take it another $2. Bud Light, please do it.

00:20:00:19 - 00:20:03:20
Speaker 3
Scratch to get them ways.

00:20:03:20 - 00:20:11:04
Speaker 1
All right. Well, I think that's the first time I think I've ever heard of a grandma shitting herself on a couch at a bar in person.

00:20:11:11 - 00:20:15:13
Speaker 2
I mean, that's a that's a very specific first thing to hear. So I would. I would hope so.

00:20:15:13 - 00:20:25:20
Speaker 1
No, that's eight one, you know, walking grandmas and shitting themselves, like, do they not have her in a diaper yet? Come on, Grandma, Time for a diaper that her.

00:20:26:12 - 00:20:38:22
Speaker 3
Uh, is even funnier because I forgot about that story until you're like, Oh, about this podcast and, like, tell a story. And I'm like, Which one should I tell them? It's like being came out of nowhere. It was like, Oh my right.

00:20:38:22 - 00:20:41:12
Speaker 1
So we're also therapeutic session to write.

00:20:41:19 - 00:20:44:19
Speaker 2
To work out, to process through your trauma of poo.

00:20:46:07 - 00:20:51:03
Speaker 1
Yeah, I'm definitely give that story four or five or point.

00:20:51:03 - 00:20:54:12
Speaker 3
What's the worst mess you've had to clean up at a bar?

00:20:55:00 - 00:21:19:17
Speaker 1
Mine I've actually been lucky to where we have other people clean other people's shit up or little shit, but just, you know, things that happen. So the worst thing that I remember happening, I was at Seven Hills brewing it Saturday afternoon, you know, I mean, it's not even it's barely new. Maybe one. We've been only open for like 2 hours at the max, and all of a sudden you see someone running towards the bathroom.

00:21:20:14 - 00:21:29:02
Speaker 1
They don't make the bathroom and they throw up. And like the running pass and throws up, like, right behind these two women. So it gets on them.

00:21:29:03 - 00:21:29:22
Speaker 2
Oh, no.

00:21:30:05 - 00:21:43:18
Speaker 1
Make it in, guys. Like he's trying to like, you know, hold it in with his mouth and projectile everywhere. And we're like, What the fuck just happened? And someone's like, Why are you guys getting that guy's drunk? I go, We've been open for an hour. There's no way.

00:21:43:18 - 00:21:46:15
Speaker 2
He's like, No, he has to actually be sick.

00:21:46:15 - 00:22:01:07
Speaker 1
Yeah. And so what happened? Yeah, His wife goes, Yeah, I guess he was complaining, like, in the morning about his stomach hurting or something like that. We just thought it was like some little thing and. Right. So it was some bug or something. So yeah, he puked all these two women, and I didn't have to clean it up because we have the manager on duty.

00:22:01:07 - 00:22:11:02
Speaker 1
At the time it was not me. So they clean up and like, there's actually a special things that you're supposed to use to clean up when it's throw it, right? Yeah. Special cleaning agent specifically for.

00:22:11:10 - 00:22:14:17
Speaker 2
Yeah. It neutralizes the body.

00:22:14:17 - 00:22:30:20
Speaker 1
Fluids and stuff like that. So this guy, he paid for that entire table's meal. You know, these women were outraged, but it's like, you know, make feel like he's not drunk. He's sick, like there's something wrong. So. Yeah, right. It was just really work, just watching this guy, Right? You're like, why is he.

00:22:30:20 - 00:22:33:22
Speaker 2
Oh, that's why he's right.

00:22:33:22 - 00:22:35:02
Speaker 1
Yeah. So the guy.

00:22:35:10 - 00:22:37:17
Speaker 2
The question comes or the answer comes before you finish the.

00:22:37:17 - 00:22:54:10
Speaker 1
Question, right? Yeah. And so like, yeah, that bill was like $300 because he paid for his tables and this other person's tables and like to hear sucks. But that's, that's like the worst bodily fluid story I've seen at a bar like you. I don't work at places where people get.

00:22:54:16 - 00:22:55:00
Speaker 2

00:22:55:00 - 00:23:04:18
Speaker 1
Super shit face. I mean, yes, it happens, but I've never worked at a dive bar. I've never been put in that situation where people are just getting a Bolivian ID all day every day, right?

00:23:04:22 - 00:23:32:18
Speaker 2
Yeah, I think it's not like a mess or anything, but as far as like, cleaning anything out, when I worked at the Mexican restaurant cleaning up refried beans took forever. If they got spilled because they're just greasy enough that they keep they make the floor stay slippery. Right. But then you also have like the texture of the beans that you have to get all of them up, but you can't scoop it, but you also can't wipe it is it's terrible.

00:23:32:18 - 00:23:33:14
Speaker 1
Oh, my gosh.

00:23:33:20 - 00:23:34:02
Speaker 3
It's like.

00:23:34:18 - 00:23:45:00
Speaker 2
Yeah, it's it's a nightmare. And like, when it would get down into the crack of the of the booth, you're done. But you got 20 minutes that you have to that you got to be here doing this.

00:23:45:01 - 00:23:54:00
Speaker 3
It's it's weird to be that people run to a bathroom with you in a restaurant or at a bar when it makes more sense to literally, like, run to the parking lot because you're probably closer to the front door, right?

00:23:54:15 - 00:23:54:23
Speaker 2

00:23:55:01 - 00:24:10:17
Speaker 3
And I'm like, I've had that before on a sports bar I worked out where, like, this one dude got lucky drunk and like, his friends were like, we just and he's like, he's like, passed out and they're like, can we get like a box for him just in case? And I, like, freaked out and I was like, Get him outside right out.

00:24:10:18 - 00:24:11:18
Speaker 2

00:24:11:18 - 00:24:20:06
Speaker 3
Like, I was cool. Waitress until the end. And they're staring at me stunned. I was like, right now. And they're like, sitting there, like, still staring at me. I was like, right now, right.

00:24:20:06 - 00:24:24:15
Speaker 2
If he is this drunk, he needs to not be in here, right? Yeah.

00:24:24:17 - 00:24:32:04
Speaker 3
Was like the waitress sounds like freaked out. And I was like, I don't want to make him mad by putting them off, Right.

00:24:32:04 - 00:24:48:06
Speaker 1
You know, cutting people off is really hard to do at person. It's still hard, like, because you're right, Like, he's like, you got to have to put that away. But usually I try to walk it to like the friend or their husband or wife or someone or with like, yeah, they're done. Like it's easier to tell them because they're usually somewhat coherent, you know?

00:24:48:07 - 00:24:51:08
Speaker 2
Right. And they know how to break the message in the best way.

00:24:51:16 - 00:24:53:11
Speaker 1
Like, All right, Timmy, let's go.

00:24:54:03 - 00:25:08:02
Speaker 2
You know? Right? Yeah. Or you can do what I do and tell the bartender that they're cut off before they get to that point. I have Karl off so many times. The bartender just ignores you and ever you up to the bar. If I get you. If I got you all.

00:25:08:20 - 00:25:29:18
Speaker 3
Those nights at the bar at work that we keep, like a card on file, like by default. So if someone gets, like, stupid and they're argumentative, you can just close them out and not worry about it. Or if they leave their tab, you can close it out of the night. And to resolve that right. So it's like it's like the best method is having a card on files and like, not worried about.

00:25:29:18 - 00:25:31:09
Speaker 3
It's like, okay, walk out, I don't care.

00:25:31:14 - 00:25:32:14
Speaker 2
Right, Right.

00:25:32:18 - 00:25:36:07
Speaker 1
You know, what are you ladies right? This story.

00:25:37:11 - 00:25:44:07
Speaker 2
I'm going to go. They let her sit in it. They didn't clean it then. They kept her there.

00:25:44:07 - 00:25:45:07
Speaker 1
And they cleaned.

00:25:45:07 - 00:25:53:16
Speaker 2
It up there. They knew they didn't. They knew they didn't. Right. That's why they said something instead of just leaving it be. Mm.

00:25:53:22 - 00:26:02:09
Speaker 3
Go. They were like just cool like, like to think about our, the coworker went up to them and they're like now she's, it's fine, she's cool and they stop going and I like.

00:26:02:10 - 00:26:05:02
Speaker 2
Oh no, take her home.

00:26:05:05 - 00:26:09:09
Speaker 3
It was like, this has happened before hasn't it?

00:26:09:09 - 00:26:10:16
Speaker 2
Which is worse.

00:26:11:03 - 00:26:17:07
Speaker 3
Again, Grandma she's just like that. No more tequila for her.

00:26:17:07 - 00:26:34:21
Speaker 2
So I'm going to go 4.5 as well. That is, that is ridiculous on so many levels because like, I mean, yeah, people, people will insist that their friends are okay and oh yeah, we can say we can say they're okay. But like, you don't do that to grandma and you don't do it when your friend is asleep on the in the booth.

00:26:35:00 - 00:26:36:01
Speaker 2
Mm. Yeah.

00:26:36:06 - 00:26:37:09
Speaker 1
What do you give your own story.

00:26:37:11 - 00:26:54:05
Speaker 3
I don't think it's like an outlandish, crazy story. Like, it's not like something insane happen, but like, on the gross scale, it's definitely a five. Like, honestly, like a factory default, like Rose bartender story. I give it like a four because it's not super crazy, but it's still like, Oh.

00:26:54:19 - 00:27:13:04
Speaker 2
Right, right. People, if it if it wasn't a grandmother, it would be maybe like three, right? But because it was somebody is grandmother, somebody's mom who had I don't know, that's borderline neglect.

00:27:14:00 - 00:27:23:06
Speaker 3
Of like room. And then like I think just like how the audacity behind like how they're like, it's cool. No, it's fine. And you're like.

00:27:24:00 - 00:27:42:04
Speaker 1
Okay, so, Mila, thank you so much for joining us. We are going to shift this to our last call on our patron, where if you want to hear more about some of Amelia stories and why the fuck it, she went around to Omaha, to Canada, to Texas, to Iowa. We'll find out a little bit about that and her comedy.

00:27:42:04 - 00:27:46:02
Speaker 1
And what bar do you work at if you want to? You don't have to say you don't want to right now.

00:27:46:02 - 00:27:48:07
Speaker 3
It's called Phenix Saloon in New Braunfels.

00:27:48:16 - 00:27:55:07
Speaker 1
Okay. If you want to go check her out and her comedy. I know you're doing that a lot lately, and how's that going?

00:27:55:07 - 00:27:59:11
Speaker 3
Good. Super good. It's there's a lot of comedy to be had in Texas, right?

00:27:59:11 - 00:28:00:03
Speaker 2
I bet.

00:28:01:14 - 00:28:03:22
Speaker 1
All right. Do you have any sources that you want to plug at all?

00:28:04:06 - 00:28:12:18
Speaker 3
Yeah. So on Instagram, I'm lipstick and spy all one word spelled accordingly. And then I have a Facebook page that really Hugo comedy.

00:28:13:10 - 00:28:19:07
Speaker 1
Perfect awesome. And then also remember, don't be a dick. Tip your bartenders and drink responsibly.

Can I Get the News on the TV? & Grandma, Couch, Comfort Check with Mila Hugo
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