Bartender Demands to Use Bathroom & You Better Tip More

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00:00:00:02 - 00:00:17:05
Everyone in the service industry has a story. Crazy customers, wild orders and WITF moments. Do you want to start a tab? The podcast here to bring you those tales from behind the bar. My name is Carl. I have 11 years of Barton experience and have some stories to share with everyone.

00:00:17:19 - 00:00:23:17
I'm really I've been observing Carl's bartending career for the past eight years.

00:00:24:01 - 00:00:24:19
Something like that.

00:00:24:22 - 00:00:28:15
And I've witnessed some of those stories.

00:00:28:20 - 00:00:46:09
So what we do here on this podcast is we read stories from the Internet and give you our feedback on it. Was the guest, was the storyteller an asshole? And that we rated on a scale of 1 to 5? Was this an average story that you hear at the bar, or is this a five where it's extraordinary, unique, or just what the fuck?

00:00:46:17 - 00:00:58:04
Quick disclosure. We read these stories directly as written off Reddit or any other website, so if there's some grammar, inaccuracies, tough bananas, you're going to hear them right?

00:00:58:13 - 00:00:58:18

00:00:59:16 - 00:01:00:12
What do we got today? Right.

00:01:01:06 - 00:01:08:18
My first story comes from a deleted user on the Am I the asshole thread. I love it.

00:01:08:18 - 00:01:18:03
I love the user deleted user. They write fantastic stories. They have a lot. It's so. Ah. Oh, you know what we forgot to mention? What? What are we drinking?

00:01:18:03 - 00:01:19:05
Coffee. Coffee?

00:01:20:08 - 00:01:30:13
It is 8:25 a.m. here in eastern Iowa, and you have to work in all of it. Yep. And so you're just drinking coffee with some cream?

00:01:31:06 - 00:01:31:15

00:01:31:15 - 00:01:36:07
I may or may not be drinking some coffee with some Irish whiskey in it.

00:01:36:07 - 00:01:42:20
I'm drinking coffee with a hefty dose of cream, and it's fine from a deleted user two years ago.

00:01:42:22 - 00:01:43:05

00:01:44:08 - 00:01:55:02
It's called. It's from the Am I the asshole subreddit? Okay. And it's called Am I the Asshole a Karen for reporting a bartender, a rude bartender to her manager, and.

00:01:55:02 - 00:02:08:12
For a quick updating disclosure. If you are not familiar with this subreddit, people put stories and then ask if they're the ass or not. So basically, exactly what we're doing in this podcast with people, it's all genres and all the stories in this subreddit.

00:02:08:13 - 00:02:12:20
Yeah, and that was definitely the motivation behind this podcast. So I love this.

00:02:12:20 - 00:02:14:19
Is a great yeah, this is a great subreddit to read.

00:02:15:21 - 00:02:34:14
I 21 female need to know if I'm in the wrong or not. My friends and I were at a casual restaurant slash bar and there were a lot of people there all at tables and masked up if they got up. So the restroom line was very long. My friend and I waited in line for I kid you not 30 minutes before finally going in.

00:02:35:02 - 00:03:07:16
It's a one room bathroom with one toilet, no stalls, etc. just a room with a toilet in a sink that seems not ideal. Anyway, we both went in. Yes, girls pee together sometimes haha, especially when drinking and we were there in there for probably exactly a minute before we hear banging on the door. I had just gotten undressed to pee and since it was crowded outside because of the line there were at least ten girls and ten men outside the door, waiting in separate lines for the bathroom.

00:03:08:23 - 00:03:35:22
And then we hear someone say, Open the fucking door right now. Those exact words followed with more banging, which eventually turned into someone yanking the door so hard that my friend had to yank it shut. Who else would have opened in front of everyone outside in the restaurant? And I was undressed, so I got dressed as fast as I could, did not even pee because I was afraid my friend wouldn't be able to hold the door closed any longer and I would be exposed to 20 people, ten of them being men.

00:03:36:22 - 00:03:59:21
We opened the door and said we had literally only been in here for one minute and had to wait. But it was a female bartender who I had tipped earlier, which I now regret. And she said, I work here. I get to be first, get out. You can pee after me. She went into the bathroom and slammed the door shut and my friend and I turned to the girl standing in line outside and we were like, What the fuck?

00:04:00:06 - 00:04:18:18
And the girl went, She works here. She has to deal with my drunk ass so she can do whatever she wants, deal with it. And I got mad and I started to say that I was a customer. And no, you can't just kick customers out of the restroom. And the girl said, okay, by customer. And my friend and I just left to go to the bathroom on the other side of the restaurant.

00:04:19:00 - 00:04:45:08
My question is, am I crazy for thinking about the bartender? That was wrong. My friend and our friends back at the table thought so, but the girls in line said we were being disrespectful to her because she worked there. We did not say a single word to the bartender other than Can you please wait a second? The bartender fully tried to rip open the door and would have succeeded in opening it if not for my friend holding it shut while I was exposed with my underwear literally around my ankles in front of multiple people.

00:04:45:15 - 00:04:58:13
She also cursed us when she said, Open the fucking door. We went to the manager after we ate and told them, told him about it and pointed her out. Am I an asshole slash a Karen for doing this or is the bartender in the wrong? Thanks for any help.

00:04:58:20 - 00:05:07:09
What did the manager say? You can't say you went to the manager and then not say what happened. But no, you are absolutely in the right Fuck that bartender.

00:05:07:16 - 00:05:08:01

00:05:08:02 - 00:05:15:09
Like you don't like. You can maybe jump up to the front of the line. Right. And wait your next turn. But you don't get to, like, kick someone out.

00:05:15:16 - 00:05:28:17
I mean, especially like, if you haven't been waiting for longer than 5 minutes, like, Right. I mean, there are so many problems with this story. Like why you sit in line for 30 minutes, but there's a restroom on the other side of the restaurant.

00:05:28:22 - 00:05:30:12
Mm hmm. So I don't just go to that one.

00:05:31:06 - 00:05:33:08
I'm assuming the line was just as long.

00:05:33:20 - 00:05:34:06

00:05:34:18 - 00:05:42:06
But, like, I didn't know what you were waiting for. 30 minutes. I would have sent my friend to scope out the other one and see if the line was okay.

00:05:42:06 - 00:06:07:15
That's true. But how packed is this fucking restaurant where it's during COVID? Obviously, because I know that's what you had to check to see how long it was post when people would mask up. So how packed is this place during the peak of the pandemic? You know, to where like you're still waiting 30 minutes. Right. And what kind of shit show is a restaurant providing that everyone and their mom is going to the bathroom all at the same time?

00:06:07:15 - 00:06:09:20
Right? Like, you know what I'm saying? Like, if this is a restaurant.

00:06:10:00 - 00:06:19:14
Yeah. Why? If this is a restaurant, why aren't there more restrooms? Right. Or why is everybody having to go to the restroom at the same time? I mean, but that's.

00:06:20:01 - 00:06:35:14
I don't know. I don't know. I just. That seems really weird that it's that many people are going to the restroom at the same time. But it's also like 30 people waiting 30 minutes and let's just say So is there two restrooms on that one site or is it two lines and they're alternating men and guys? I don't know.

00:06:35:14 - 00:06:46:08
So, yeah, I don't know. I would just assume there's two restrooms, one for guys, one for girls, because if there's two lines, it's usually what that means, right? Cause we've been we've been to bars.

00:06:46:21 - 00:06:51:11
Where, I mean, they're probably they're probably non sex specified, but.

00:06:51:15 - 00:07:04:22
Then you stand in line with boys. Like when we went to race because I was standing in line with men and women, you just alternate, you know, you just whoever goes up. But like if it's two separate, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. How long are people taking. That's I'm saying like how long are people taking to the bathroom?

00:07:04:22 - 00:07:09:14
And there's that many people, 30 minutes. Like, right. There must be 50 people in line to go to the bathroom.

00:07:09:14 - 00:07:25:21
Right. And why are there that many people in line? That's like, why why do the restroom facilities not or why does the restaurant not have enough to enough restrooms to handle their customer and their employees? Why do the why do the employees not have an employee bathroom? Right.

00:07:26:01 - 00:07:32:09
Yeah. I mean, none of this is on the AP at all. This is just us questioning it.

00:07:32:13 - 00:07:32:23

00:07:33:12 - 00:07:40:23
Also, I've never worked at a restaurant. I never even heard of a restaurant bar saying that the bartenders just to skip up to.

00:07:41:01 - 00:07:56:15
I, I mean, I understand if you're busy and you need to get back to the bar, people will be pissed. If you're bartenders waiting in line. Why is my drink taking so long? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And like, if I was a bartender and I saw a line and I really had to pee and I had to get back to work, I'd be like, Hey, I have to get back to work.

00:07:56:15 - 00:08:17:14
Can I please just cut here right next in line? I will be so fast. Yeah. And that would suffice, right? I think she absolutely Opie absolutely was not the asshole because I'm a pretty mild tempered person. But if you're ripping the door open on me in the bathroom and telling me to get the fuck out, no, fuck you.

00:08:17:20 - 00:08:20:01
I'm going to stand here and make everybody wait.

00:08:20:01 - 00:08:20:17
Now, you know.

00:08:21:01 - 00:08:25:21
Because I have to pee. And if I can't be, you can't be right. You can leave me alone until I pee.

00:08:26:06 - 00:08:47:03
COVID during that time really fucked with people's entitlement and just just general interactions with human beings all together. Like, it's like we pause that button of human interaction for a year or 18 months and we on pause. It was just like the wild, Wild West. Oh, my God, I get to speak to someone else that's not my fucking partner.

00:08:47:22 - 00:08:49:06
And it was a shit show for a while.

00:08:49:06 - 00:08:49:11
Oh, my.

00:08:49:11 - 00:09:08:11
Kids or my kids. I mean, I always wish they would put what country they lived in and these things, right? It'd be interesting to know. It seems like for the most part, this is the way people can sometimes talk in the way they use certain words. You can kind of pick up the from Australia or from the UK or from Europe.

00:09:08:21 - 00:09:17:03
Seems like this is either Canada or United States just with how they speak and how they are writing there. Any updates from the OP with this?

00:09:17:22 - 00:09:27:02
She said yes. There were around three other bartenders working with her and so many customers. So I understand cutting in line definitely, but not trying to pull the door open while I was inside, right?

00:09:27:10 - 00:09:28:01

00:09:29:00 - 00:09:47:02
The manager just listened, asked us to point her out and said that he would take care of it. He rolled his eyes out, we said, but not us. At the bartenders actions as we were explaining what had happened. And when he went back to work and then he went back to work. But I would expect him to call her outside and talk to her about it during a busy work.

00:09:47:02 - 00:09:52:05
I wouldn't expect it to fall under Shady Work day since she had customers. I'm not sure what he's going to do.

00:09:52:20 - 00:10:11:12
Man. So you're saying, you see, this is also two years ago, right? So that's 2021. You know, the pandemic is still kind of like at its maybe maybe near the roll off period, but still you're at a bar. That is just crazy, right? Like, it's and again, I'm not saying they're not allowed to go out and do their thing.

00:10:11:12 - 00:10:21:11
I'm just saying three bartenders, packed bar, restaurant and people are still just like getting back to right. What decent human beings do.

00:10:21:13 - 00:10:38:14
And she said somebody was like, you had to have been in the staff bathroom, toilet or staff toilet because they're blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. No. And she said, Nope, it's the full story. I was not it was not a staff bathroom. The line was all customers and there was no staff only sign on the door, just a women's side and a men's and on the other one.

00:10:38:14 - 00:10:40:18
Okay, so there's two.

00:10:40:18 - 00:10:43:08
And one of the waiters even told us where it was. And we asked.

00:10:43:11 - 00:10:47:09
Do you insist that bathroom it's the big ass sinuses. Employees only are.

00:10:47:19 - 00:10:50:06
The same if you're going to a staff bathroom, it's like.

00:10:50:06 - 00:10:51:00
In the back.

00:10:51:00 - 00:10:51:15
Of the kitchen.

00:10:52:01 - 00:10:57:02
Right? You have to go kitchen, right? You have to go through places to get there. It's not just right over open.

00:10:57:04 - 00:11:10:14
I mean, she got a resounding not the asshole. I absolutely agree. The bartender can honestly go fuck herself. Right. Like I. There are very few things that are going to set me off, but that's going to be one of them.

00:11:10:14 - 00:11:16:00
You know, it's. Yeah, So I read that story 3.1.

00:11:16:09 - 00:11:16:19

00:11:16:23 - 00:11:34:01
Because yeah, you any human being trying to open the other door because you think your bodily fluids have to come out sooner than someone else's and then being an employee where these people are paying you, they're tipping you and you just feel you're obligated to do whatever the fuck you want.

00:11:35:00 - 00:11:35:10

00:11:35:20 - 00:11:37:11
So 31 for me.

00:11:37:14 - 00:11:55:04
Oh, man, this is hard because like people trying to rip open in the bathroom door because they have to pee is not uncommon. But having it be having it be a bartender who gives no fucks about customer experience. But then, I mean, maybe she's been holding it for so long and she finally got a chance to get a break over there.

00:11:55:04 - 00:12:00:08
But like, still, you, you cut in line, you don't rip open the door. Like, who does that, right?

00:12:00:09 - 00:12:01:00
I don't know.

00:12:01:13 - 00:12:24:15
So I'm going to give it a 2.8. You know, I've absolutely had the door ripped open on me while I was in the bathroom, Probably on multiple occasions. Really? Yeah. Or like if you're in or if you're in a bar restroom that just has stalls, some people will rip those open if they have to pee. And women who have to pee who are hammered, are exceptionally strong or capable of pulling those things open.

00:12:24:15 - 00:12:33:21
It's insane. It's funny, it's crazy. But then again, I'm also the person who I wouldn't have gotten up. I'd have been like, No, I'm peeing right by Komarov's.

00:12:34:02 - 00:12:34:15

00:12:35:06 - 00:12:38:01
You what you want? I'm going pee. You can wait for me.

00:12:38:01 - 00:12:42:07
I'm going to punch you in the face and pee all over you at the same time because I can't hold it.

00:12:42:15 - 00:12:51:13
I was undressed. Men were going to see me. I understand. As a 21 year old woman, like I absolutely would not have had the confidence to be like, No, fuck you. But like, absolutely now.

00:12:51:16 - 00:12:55:05
Well, I mean, she said she had to get undressed, right? So she was wearing me.

00:12:55:05 - 00:12:56:14
She was wearing a romper or.

00:12:56:14 - 00:13:08:17
Something that she had to like, undo. Like if it was just like she was wearing like a sundress or something. Just had a pole. Right. Her underwear down. Some people might not give a shit, whatever. But again, I'm not saying that they should have done that or that.

00:13:08:17 - 00:13:09:23
You know that or.

00:13:10:09 - 00:13:13:22
You you are allowed to feel uncomfortable in whatever situation you are.

00:13:14:01 - 00:13:14:07
You know.

00:13:14:15 - 00:13:26:01
But I'm just like some women. It was just their panties down, pulled their ankles who might not give a shit. But when she said I had to undress, so she had, like you said, she had to, like, pull something off.

00:13:26:02 - 00:13:27:07
Or do whatever I must.

00:13:27:08 - 00:13:29:17
Yeah, because women in your fucking crazy outfit.

00:13:29:17 - 00:13:38:12
Hey, it's not our fault. I blame the fashion industry we don't like. Like we don't like it either. I What is pockets? Pockets.

00:13:39:14 - 00:13:50:01
I want pockets. I don't fucking tear when I have my wanky and I don't want cloth pockets. It happens to me all the time. I went like wiser, wiser, not better pockets line. I always got stupid. What?

00:13:50:09 - 00:14:01:05
The audacity on you. At least you have pockets and it's a wine key. It's going to rip your pockets. It's got sharp edges. And I know you don't shut. It always.

00:14:02:03 - 00:14:07:00
Does. That's what I'm saying. I don't want cough pockets. Make me a pocket that can sustain to a like.

00:14:07:01 - 00:14:08:14
You they made out of Kevlar.

00:14:08:15 - 00:14:15:21
Whatever the fuck. I don't know. I'm not fucking. I'm not a designer. I'm a bartender. I'm just telling you what I want. You figure it out.

00:14:16:08 - 00:14:18:23
Maybe you should figure it out because you're the one bitching.

00:14:19:11 - 00:14:38:18
If you would like to hear us banter and go at it on your bar story, go to our subreddit. Do you want to start a tab? Link is in description of YouTube or whatever podcast platform you are using to listen to. We'd love to hear your story, read it and talk about it and give you our feedback because it's fun.

00:14:39:05 - 00:14:50:02
And if you're listening to the podcast, you probably have a story and I get it. You might, you might be super embarrassed, it might be super sketchy, but it's the Internet. You can buy whatever username you want.

00:14:50:17 - 00:14:52:18
And you can delete that account immediately.

00:14:53:04 - 00:15:14:20
You all right? So yeah, it's going to do that. And also while you're doing that, you're scrolling through your podcast platform. Give us a rating, a little five star rating if you feel our stories are fantastic or if you feel really and I have voices made for podcasting, give us a little five. And if you don't give us a one, whatever, whatever is up to you, it's all good in the hood.

00:15:14:22 - 00:15:26:02
All right. So moving forward, I have a story from Bartender Story. It's the only subreddit I look at. Obviously, Riley actually spent some time. Do you dive deep into other subreddits?

00:15:26:12 - 00:15:38:00
Because we're going to read the same story as we almost read the same story today. We've been sitting on that one for a year since we started this podcast. I was one of the first three stories I found.

00:15:38:02 - 00:16:02:17
But the whole five weeks ago. Yeah, yeah. Okay. So this is better 21 days ago. And it's from is it Wittels? Eight, eight, eight. And the name of it is Bartender, bartender sitting at a bar back story. Female 34 I've been bartending half my life full time for 11 years. I work in an upscale place, my kind of lady.

00:16:04:01 - 00:16:22:02
Tonight I was on a second date at a nice restaurant, whiskey bar with over 100 whiskey and Scotch options. I had gotten done with work early and went to a bar near my job. We both like egg white cocktails. My date ordered a whiskey sour and I got an old fashioned the second round. He wanted a amaretto sour, so I got the same.

00:16:22:13 - 00:16:45:00
He isn't an American. And the bartender was having trouble with his accent in the bar, so I ordered and specified. Jesus, we want an egg. White sours. The woman next to me started telling me how I better tip. Well, because that's a bold move that I pulled asking for egg white. I explained that I'm a bartender. Also, the first Sarah order without the specification was made with an egg.

00:16:45:05 - 00:16:50:22
So obviously it's standard and eggs are readily available. Otherwise I ask about eggs.

00:16:51:13 - 00:16:54:01
You can tell that this story was before the price of eggs.

00:16:54:06 - 00:16:58:10
Yeah. And I was kind of thinking the same thing to you. I mean, they're still really available. There's this.

00:16:58:23 - 00:17:00:12

00:17:00:12 - 00:17:23:22
Otherwise I ask about eggs and never expect a place to have them on hand or go out or go out of their way for it. I was told to stay in your lane and learn where I am before I order like that again. Bars are my lane. They're my whole highway. She alleged that she was a bartender too, but I'm inclined to not believe her as she wouldn't even look near my direction and wouldn't even say if she worked in the city or further away.

00:17:24:06 - 00:17:43:05
She was obviously drunk and had her elbows across half my seat after that. So I was leaned in awfully close to my date. What the fuck? I've never been lectured before about a drink order that the bartender had no issue making or wasn't asking for a tasting of 20 wines or giving a drop by drop recipe that had never been made before.

00:17:43:15 - 00:18:04:11
Luckily, she was closing out and left shortly after, so we had a good laugh at her expense. I thought she was joking at first and quickly had me question if she was going to try to fight me. Ha ha ha. Has anyone else experienced something so absurd while trying to enjoy a drink? I always do that after Sara because it's like it's like every story just relate to because there's something, right?

00:18:04:14 - 00:18:09:10
Ten other stories that I've experienced. It's like, Yep, right. This is a thing.

00:18:09:10 - 00:18:29:00
I mean, I'll give. Okay, First of all, the other customers. Absolutely asshole. Like mind your business as far as the way that people bitch about egg whites, it was fairly that was mild. And when she's not screaming at the top of her lungs. Oh my God, I can't believe you want an egg.

00:18:29:01 - 00:18:49:00
All right. But it's not her drink. It had not. She's not even with that. She's not even with the she's not even with like I get it. Like, ooh, an egg white like. Oh, an egg white. Like I get that part right. But like you telling someone a bartender or you telling someone like, you better go out of your way to tip more that barge because they're going out of their way to make a drink.

00:18:49:00 - 00:18:50:06
Now they're making a cocktail. Get out.

00:18:50:14 - 00:18:50:15

00:18:50:15 - 00:18:51:14
Business. Right.

00:18:51:20 - 00:19:09:04
Oh, so it seemed it said it was a good restaurant, right, Ira? A restaurant, right. They were using egg whites and their whiskey sours anyway. Hey, plus B equals if I want if I want a Jeffrey Morgan version of in Amaretto Sour, I can get one of those.

00:19:09:08 - 00:19:29:19
No one said there'd be math on this podcast, especially algebra. All right. But yes, absolutely. Like when people just it's just so stupid when people talk, like, out of their ass for no reason. Like, you got to know where you're at before soaring drinks, bitch. I'm at a place that was specifically have egg whites, not at the dive bar.

00:19:29:19 - 00:19:30:15
Well, Highway.

00:19:31:04 - 00:19:38:12
I'm not I'm not at Steve's loungewear. You know, Probably not going to have it. Sorry, Steve. It turns about that.

00:19:39:08 - 00:19:40:08
Jesus Christ.

00:19:41:07 - 00:19:43:10
Anyways. Yeah, I don't know.

00:19:43:10 - 00:19:47:15
I just am meant to be here, like, the whole time. Yeah, just like.

00:19:48:03 - 00:20:04:09
All my shit. Yeah, I see. Like, if someone ever did that to me, I just look them like, You know what? I don't fucking care. You know? Like, I'm just. I just so over people just putting in insane shit that's like, who? Who? Why do you even speak to other people like that?

00:20:04:13 - 00:20:14:15
Right? Who? What makes you think that that's okay? Like who? Who who didn't teach you to mind your business in kindergarten and who didn't teach you the thumper principle?

00:20:15:04 - 00:20:16:13
What's that?

00:20:16:13 - 00:20:21:07
If you can't say nothing, I don't say anything at all.

00:20:21:10 - 00:20:24:22
Then I would never say anything bad. No. Then this.

00:20:24:22 - 00:20:26:09
Situation is this.

00:20:26:10 - 00:20:39:17
Right? Like I get it. You can ask like, Oh, an egg. White is like. Like, you know, whatever standard. But she obviously already knows and sustainer thing and she just she thinks it's like a super sentence. She's as if the guy is making her almost is.

00:20:40:03 - 00:20:40:13

00:20:40:13 - 00:20:42:18
Right a couple that takes 12 plus minutes to make.

00:20:43:05 - 00:20:44:15
Yeah 12 minimum.

00:20:44:15 - 00:21:02:11
Right so yeah no I mean she's definitely in the right. She handle way better than I would for sure. This reminds me kind of a time bar back door guy Brett. He has a bunch of tattoos. You know, some days he'll have his fingernails painted, whatnot, whatever. He's living his life perfect.

00:21:02:22 - 00:21:03:09
He works?

00:21:03:09 - 00:21:10:03
Yeah. You know, And he just. What he wants to do. You do you and whatever. I don't give a shit. I paid off my nails before, I mean.

00:21:10:12 - 00:21:13:06
And you got lots of people bitching about.

00:21:13:06 - 00:21:22:17
Yeah, well, I'm saying it happens. Have people come like to me like why does he get his fingernails painted? And they're asking me that, like, who cares? Like, I go, He's a grandma. I can do whatever we want.

00:21:22:17 - 00:21:28:20
First of all, why are you asking me right now? My business. Second of all, don't be an asshole.

00:21:29:04 - 00:21:47:09
Right? I don't ask you why you're wearing some stupid fucking belt buckle, right? That's fucking four inches by four inches, right? You think that's normal? You like it? Like everyone thinks that what they do is perfectly fine with everyone else. It it's not what they're into. It's a so, I mean, I'm not saying this doesn't happen to other cities.

00:21:47:09 - 00:22:12:11
I just feel like this probably happens maybe a little bit more here in Iowa when people because back in the day I was the alternative kid. So we dyed her hair, we wore baggy jeans and we were not your typical Iowans. So people question why we looked all the time. And it's just so it's like I have never had the audacity to go up to someone and bitch about something that they're doing or wearing unless it was like they were being violent or hurting another human, like physically hurting someone else.

00:22:12:11 - 00:22:21:04
But if they're just doing them okay, am I may I judge you in inside my head? Sure. But I'm not going to go up to you and say to you, why are you doing this right?

00:22:21:04 - 00:22:28:10
It's my prerogative to have opinions. It is not my prerogative to tell you that my opinions are the way it has to be.

00:22:28:16 - 00:22:48:09
All right. Someone left a comment over the last 20 years. I listen to Bart, I've listened to Bart and try to correct everything I've ever done. I put a CO2 gin fizz on the menu and people said it was rude because people would want them from other bars. I put a reverse Manhattan built on a menu, was told by another Barton that vermouth is gross and no one will drink it.

00:22:48:14 - 00:23:10:23
People seem to think their opinion matters. Just do your thing and they can fuck right off, literally. And then the Opie responds, Right. I honestly assumed she was being racist at first because of his accent and thought we weren't going to tip at all. I cannot imagine scrolling, scolding a random stranger at a bar for ordering a cocktail, the bar for ordering a cocktail, but the bar makes for ugly.

00:23:10:23 - 00:23:26:10
She was looking for a fight. Yeah. I've had other people tell me why I do things certain ways. I'm like, This is the way I do it. I don't like what? Like sometimes they ask because they want to know, right? But then they're. Then you can tell the tone in the way they say it. Like the question, Why are you doing it this way?

00:23:26:11 - 00:23:31:16
This is not the way I do it or this is it happens like because we're Wisconsin, Iowa, we there have been many discussions.

00:23:31:16 - 00:23:33:19
The old fashioned debate will always be a thing.

00:23:34:01 - 00:23:40:23
Right. And and it's like, well, this is the way I do it, man. If you don't like it. Okay, But I'm not going to care.

00:23:41:02 - 00:23:46:20
And if your idea of what this supposed to be comes from Wisconsin, you're the one that's wrong.

00:23:46:20 - 00:23:58:16
Well, yeah. Yeah, you're right. Exactly. But I think this is a reverse Manhattan moose. GROSS Like, well, you're not a bartender. Well, I mean, you walk in there, right? I shouldn't say that because it's probably a bartender dive bar that has one bottle removed, and it's been sitting out open for six months.

00:23:58:16 - 00:23:59:19
Right? They don't refrigerate.

00:23:59:19 - 00:24:00:20
It. So that's why it's gross.

00:24:01:04 - 00:24:06:14
Well, and also, if you don't like vermouth, don't drink it, right. Just don't drink that cocktail, right?

00:24:06:18 - 00:24:14:22
Yeah. Bitches be everywhere. She probably thought your date was cute. One thing you can always count on drunk.

00:24:14:22 - 00:24:18:19
Said he is pretty cute to be out.

00:24:18:19 - 00:24:27:18
One thing you can always count on drunk people to be is drunk. Yep. Any chance she's referring to the recent spike in prices?

00:24:27:18 - 00:24:30:15
That would make more sense than her actual intentions.

00:24:31:12 - 00:24:52:04
So I don't know. I Yeah. For this story, just give it a one or two. I'll give the story too, because again, people would just say dumb shit out of their mouths after three or four drinks. And if it doesn't, if they think they're because she's probably thinking that she's being supportive to the bartender, trying to help that bartender about like, you know what?

00:24:52:04 - 00:24:59:00
I'm going to stick my nose in their business and say my thoughts and saying you should tip right? You know, like something like that. Right.

00:24:59:00 - 00:25:00:13
So you said, what.

00:25:00:18 - 00:25:01:03

00:25:01:15 - 00:25:02:02
A two.

00:25:02:06 - 00:25:04:06
Or to a two or two or two?

00:25:04:17 - 00:25:28:05
Honestly, 1.5. I have I have seen this interaction sitting at your bar, you know, on several occasions. I kind of I'm one of those people where I kind of make it my job to like, find the people who are have the potential to be assholes, you know, and distract them. So like all over hear people muttering remark, and then I'll be like, Hey, guys, how's it going?

00:25:28:05 - 00:25:30:02
Can I sit here? What's up?

00:25:30:12 - 00:25:32:15
And that's why you're overseas for a lot.

00:25:32:15 - 00:25:32:22

00:25:32:23 - 00:25:34:23
You know, you just let them be assholes and let me take care of.

00:25:34:23 - 00:25:38:10
Well, no, I think it's funny to put them in their place, but in a very nice way.

00:25:40:01 - 00:25:41:16
Something's got to let me have my fun, too.

00:25:42:06 - 00:25:47:09
You get to have your phone all the time. Excuse me. That's mine.

00:25:47:09 - 00:25:59:02
One of our cats loves glasses of water for some reason. So. Yeah, that is our two stories for the day. So what did we learn today? Mind your own fucking business, literally. And wait your fucking turn.

00:25:59:03 - 00:26:01:10
Right? Do the things you learned in kindergarten.

00:26:01:16 - 00:26:04:03
Right? Be nice to other human beings.

00:26:04:03 - 00:26:25:03
God damn it. God. The more stories we read, the more I realized that, like people as they get older, the older we get, the more we forget the things that we learn in kindergarten. Like right, how to be nice to other people, how to wait our turn, how to mind our own business. It's wild, you know?

00:26:25:09 - 00:26:48:12
So like I said earlier, if you want to share your stories, follow us or go to our subreddit. A subreddit. Do you want to start? Have we have all the social media's ticktock, Instagram, Facebook? This is going to be on YouTube and share your stories. We want to hear what other people's thoughts and some of these stories are because it's you know, there's other bartenders, other people in the hospitality industry that do listen to this.

00:26:49:08 - 00:27:08:19
So maybe we screwed up, Right? You want to correct us perfectly. Fine. I'm I'm apartment. I don't have a soul. I don't care like I care, but, like, I'm not going. Well, like, oh, Susan in Texas does a few things. I think I'm doing this right. But yeah, also go check out our Patreon for three bucks a month.

00:27:08:19 - 00:27:15:22
You get extra content where we're interviewing our guests. We're going to start putting our own content down there, learn more about really me in the day that we fell in.

00:27:15:22 - 00:27:16:22
Love, you know.

00:27:16:23 - 00:27:26:08
You just kidding. That's gross. But always remember, don't be a dick tip your bartenders and drink responsible responsibly.

Bartender Demands to Use Bathroom & You Better Tip More
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