A Pride Beer for MAGA Hat & Catch and Release Bigfoot

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00:00:00:00 - 00:00:03:02
Speaker 1

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Speaker 1
Everyone in the service industry has a story. Crazy customers, wild orders and WTF

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Speaker 1
moments. Do you want to start a tab? The podcast here to bring you those tales from behind the bar. My name is Carl and I still got to read off

00:00:15:17 - 00:00:18:12
Speaker 1
a teleprompter for my intro.

00:00:18:14 - 00:00:19:23
Speaker 2
This isn't a teleprompter.

00:00:19:23 - 00:00:22:23
Speaker 2
Put you stuff to read your interest after how many episodes of the.

00:00:22:23 - 00:00:24:20
Speaker 1
24 is.

00:00:24:20 - 00:00:28:14
Speaker 1
I can barely remember the ending. Little on the intro. Can't leave me alone. Who are you?

00:00:28:14 - 00:00:29:11
Speaker 1
Give me shit.

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Speaker 2
I'm Riley. I'm his wife, and I have some bartending experience.

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Speaker 1
I have some Barton experience too. So on this lovely little podcast here, we read stories of the Internet through the eyes of the guest or the bartender.

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Speaker 1
Talk about it. Give feedback. Is there an asshole? Is there a hero? We don't know. We tried to discuss that. Figure it out. Then we read.

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Speaker 1
Then we rated one through five.

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Speaker 1
One being your average bartender. Story five being a unique situation that we'll probably never see in our little short lifetimes here on the planet Earth.

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Speaker 2

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Speaker 1
And so since we are a bartending podcast and we enjoy the adult beverage, we are still drinking

00:01:04:13 - 00:01:10:01
Speaker 1
more trash, more trail mix from my bridge. It's a kettle sour, beer with peanuts, chocolate and blueberry.

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Speaker 2
And you really you really need to

00:01:11:19 - 00:01:14:01
Speaker 2
adjust how you say peanuts.

00:01:14:01 - 00:01:14:22
Speaker 2

00:01:14:22 - 00:01:16:13
Speaker 2
gives you say, peanuts.

00:01:16:13 - 00:01:17:10
Speaker 1

00:01:17:12 - 00:01:19:07
Speaker 2
And the.

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Speaker 1

00:01:20:01 - 00:01:22:01
Speaker 2
It sounds like what you're saying a lot.

00:01:22:03 - 00:01:24:06
Speaker 1
And that's what's on your mind all the time, maybe.

00:01:24:06 - 00:01:30:21
Speaker 1
Yeah, I guess that's the end of this podcast. I'm so excited.

00:01:30:23 - 00:01:31:14
Speaker 1
All right.

00:01:31:16 - 00:01:35:03
Speaker 2
If you don't sit down, you have to leave. Sorry. Never said

00:01:35:03 - 00:01:36:06
Speaker 2
Don't talk to me like that.

00:01:36:06 - 00:01:38:05
Speaker 2
Talk to you However, I want to talk to you.

00:01:38:07 - 00:01:39:06
Speaker 1
We I to start off.

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Speaker 2
I would like to start off.

00:01:40:15 - 00:01:44:03
Speaker 2
so I have a story that is the perfect

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Speaker 2
way to end to round out Pride Month.

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Speaker 1

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Speaker 2
It's fun. I was going to. I was going to give a lead in about the asshole, but we'll just go with it.

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Speaker 2
Okay. The title is. Oh, sorry. This is posted on the bartender's subreddit by

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Speaker 2
this go underscore disaster. Of course. Love it.

00:02:01:08 - 00:02:02:05
Speaker 1
How long ago?

00:02:02:05 - 00:02:03:17
Speaker 2
25 days.

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Speaker 2

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Speaker 2

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Speaker 2
the title is

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Speaker 2
Guy walks up to the bar wearing it. Trump slash anti LGBTQ shirt and orders a beer. So of course, I gave him one of the big old pride flag on the label.

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Speaker 1

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Speaker 2
I love it.

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Speaker 2
Like the title says, some of our beer cans were just updated to include the Pride flag on the label. A guy walks up, orders a beer with cash out.

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Speaker 2
It was exact. So no change necessary. I go to him. I go get to get him the beer. And we had a few of the updated ones already out.

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Speaker 2
I totally had to give him the new one.

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Speaker 2
I angled it so he couldn't see the flag at first.

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Speaker 2
Walked up, cracked it up and took the money and smiled. Ended with me saying, Have a wonderful day. Then I walked away.

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Speaker 2
It was a boring day, but that shirt brightened. It up for me. I might get a lot of hate from this, but I don't care.

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Speaker 1
All right. We are here for pettiness.

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Speaker 2

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Speaker 1
And, yeah, fuck that guy. I mean, no. I mean, whatever.

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Speaker 2
I mean, yeah, because, like, in my business, like. And I don't know.

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Speaker 1
I like. I mean, I guess in the day you can wear where the fuck you want and you're allowed. This is America, and you're allowed to.

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Speaker 2
To express yourself. However you choose to express yourself. However, you are not free from the consequences of those choices.

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Speaker 1
Right. Exactly. And this time you're drinking a pride beer.

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Speaker 2

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Speaker 2
this is absolutely something I would have done.

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Speaker 1
Absolutely. We do

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Speaker 1
this alone once we got, sir. But I see. No, this is the only one I got. There's nothing behind this one.

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Speaker 2
And you already paid for it, So feel free to dump it out. I don't care if you don't want to drink. I don't care if you want to leave. You already paid for that beer.

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Speaker 2

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Speaker 2

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Speaker 2

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Speaker 2
I want I, as a person want to say that the person who is so publicly anti

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Speaker 2
another person's life

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Speaker 2
is the asshole in this.

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Speaker 2
Right. Like

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Speaker 2
I want to say, the person who is who is wearing the anti LGBTQ shirt is the asshole. Because like I said, mind your business. Everybody will live their lives the way they live them. And it's none of my business what other people do, right?

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Speaker 2
In your business, what I do.

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Speaker 2

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Speaker 2
the asshole is definitely the bartender,

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Speaker 2
even though I would have made the same asshole move, I'd have been the same petty

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Speaker 2
bitch about it.

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Speaker 2
But like,

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Speaker 2
that's premeditated.

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Speaker 2
Poking the bear.

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Speaker 1
But are you? So we're doing it.

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Speaker 2

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Speaker 2
was an asshole move.

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Speaker 2

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Speaker 1

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Speaker 1
I don't know. Maybe.

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Speaker 2
That being said, is it an asshole? I think.

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Speaker 1
It's more. It's a petty move. I think just because it's a petty move makes it an asshole move already, right? It's just. It's just being petty that, you know, fuck this guy going to give him the beer? The thing that.

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Speaker 2
He's. That's the definition of being an asshole would say, Fuck this guy. I'm going to do something. Blatantly piss him off.

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Speaker 1
You know, I mean.

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Speaker 2
That's just, you know, back then you were determinist. Yeah, you are. We've established

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Speaker 2

00:04:50:10 - 00:04:56:07
Speaker 1
No supporter, guys. No respect. No respect. I'm on God Damn podcast.

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Speaker 1
I don't know.

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Speaker 1
Yeah, I mean, it's just one of those famous stories. It's like it's little things just to you, like, for your own self enjoyment for the rest of your day, Right?

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Speaker 2
Just something to make your day go by more bearable. You know.

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Speaker 1
If that

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Speaker 1
if that was there to make your day a little bit brighter and easier, going great. I'm glad I'm here for it, you know? Right. Cause maybe. Maybe that person is having a bad day. Like, you know what? I put a smile and they could just kind of laugh, and then, like, the next shift comes in. Guess what, Steve?

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Speaker 1
This partner came in or this guest came in wearing this like this,

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Speaker 1
right? You know, so

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Speaker 1
I think almost everyone would do that in that situation. I mean,

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Speaker 1
it's like, set yourself up for a joke. I'll knock that fucker out for you, you know? So, um,

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Speaker 1
petty things like that I've done. I do. All the time. All the time.

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Speaker 1
But if, you know, if, if, if the circumstance brings it

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Speaker 1
to light or when we see the situation's brought to

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Speaker 1
form able to. Right. I'm able to be petty like that. To someone, I will do it.

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Speaker 2
And if they deserve it.

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Speaker 1

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Speaker 1
Well, you know,

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Speaker 1
I can't

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Speaker 1
you know.

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Speaker 2
Like I'm absolutely the kind of person that, like, if you deserve me to be petty to you, then. Right?

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Speaker 1
For sure. Though sometimes I still just do it because it's what

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Speaker 1
I can't really give in such a significant situation or something like that before. I know I've done it plenty of times in my 12 years of bartending,

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Speaker 1
you know? But yeah, it's just I mean.

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Speaker 2
It's fun to be an asshole.

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Speaker 1
It is fucking it relates to our last question, our last podcast episode where we want to know, do people like the type of bartender?

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Speaker 2
So I think this is different. But also, yes.

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Speaker 1
I'm going to read a story or two.

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Speaker 1
I think this is an average story. I think bartenders do this type of shit all the time, because even even that has nothing to do with Trump

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Speaker 1
or pride or anything like that. There's certain situations where things just come up and you're able to be petty, just because you can write.

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Speaker 2
Especially if the person is being an asshole to you. Right.

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Speaker 2
We live in we live in Iowa. So this is like

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Speaker 2
I'm sure this happens every day.

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Speaker 1
We see these more kind of

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Speaker 1
kind of people. We see these people where these episodes, it's a little bit more common around here, maybe not fully blunt. We like that. But

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Speaker 1
I mean, I think they were a red state, so, I mean.

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Speaker 2

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Speaker 2
uh, I'm gonna go

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Speaker 2

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Speaker 1

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Speaker 1
There you have it. So if you have a fun little story like this again, we don't always have to be banging out

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Speaker 1
fours and five stories. We like little ones and twos because they're just they're fun because it's more relatable, and

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Speaker 1
it's just fun to talk about. We do have a subreddit, any podcast description

00:07:22:06 - 00:07:26:03
Speaker 1
platform you're listening to click on the It's a subreddit is called Do you Want to start tab?

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Speaker 1
Leave us

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Speaker 1
a story for us to read on air and then we'll talk about it and dissect it and have fun with it. But if you would rather talk to us in person, we do have a voicemail number 563277007 to give out a call leaves a voicemail about a bartender story that you witnessed or that you were a part of.

00:07:45:00 - 00:07:46:18
Speaker 1
And we'd love to play that on the air

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Speaker 1
and just more ways for us to consume

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Speaker 1
amazing bar stories because there is endless possibilities out there right.

00:07:54:15 - 00:07:58:12
Speaker 1
So while you're also leaving that comment,

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Speaker 1
leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform as

00:08:03:02 - 00:08:08:20
Speaker 1
it helps the growth of the podcast immensely. And we really appreciate it and we love all the support that we've got here through the first

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Speaker 1
six months of our podcast Journey.

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Speaker 1

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Speaker 1
All right. So

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Speaker 1
are you a person that believes in Bigfoot?

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Speaker 2

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Speaker 2
I don't not belief, right?

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Speaker 1
I think out of all the mysterious creatures out there, this is the most plausible one. That could be. Could be a thing.

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Speaker 2
I don't know. I know.

00:08:27:20 - 00:08:34:05
Speaker 1
That's all I going to say about that, because I don't have more police than that. But I'm just saying, if I had to pick one, that could be true. This could be the one that could be true.

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Speaker 2
Yeah, maybe.

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Speaker 2
I don't.

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Speaker 1
Know. So anyways, this is off the ranker website where I got our last or my last story from last week on. Again, I'll leave the link to the story on description, but this is called a customer claims to have seen Bigfoot.

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Speaker 1
I was bartending alone Sunday morning at a brewery and this dude rolls from his SUV illegally parked, wearing a plaid button up

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Speaker 1
that had sleeves that were both different colors from the body and on each shoulder, two huge Bigfoot emblems.

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Speaker 1
I told the man I like this shirt because it was a cool shirt. He said, I've seen it

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Speaker 1
or I've seen it, I've seen it. It's a stupid little thing. Doesn't say I've seen it

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Speaker 1
because I have a goofy old man for a dad. I laughed and said, No, seriously, I've seen it.

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Speaker 1
I've seen the Bigfoot, the regular checked on his drink.

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Speaker 1
The man proceeded to tell me all of the Bigfoot he's seen for like half an hour.

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Speaker 1
I asked him, What parts are you seen specifically? He has no details. Then he said he had more shirts to show me, and he went to go get them from his car. He comes back in and tells me about his plans in the back of his SUV.

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Speaker 1
Some weird contraption. You can only see it when you open the door. It turns out it was a Bigfoot cage, his plant. And I swear to God, this is verbatim was to cash it and then call the news stations and journalists and bloggers and media.

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Speaker 1
or let them get their pictures and stories and videos and then let him go because he doesn't

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Speaker 1
or he doesn't belong in a cage.

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Speaker 1
They asked me if he could buy concert tickets. We are not a concert venue and love without purchasing anything at all.

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Speaker 2

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Speaker 2
I mean, I know there are people who are that fanatic about finding Bigfoot.

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Speaker 1
It's big for, like, a conspiracy, right?

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Speaker 2
It's Cryptids. Yeah. Yeah.

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Speaker 2
And I know that, like,

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Speaker 2

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Speaker 2
I just want to know how people can, like, be this fanatical about something

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Speaker 2
and still maintain a job.

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Speaker 1
Look, I'm not here to sit there and talk about go deep dive into what I'm about to say.

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Speaker 1
But it falls in the same thing as people who really believe in God and Jesus Christ and all that stuff that really happened, right? Like you're believing in something that no one's really ever seen before. You have a very big passion about it.

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Speaker 1
It just tends to be people who do Bigfoot

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Speaker 1
go fucking bonkers, dive in that.

00:10:44:18 - 00:10:52:11
Speaker 2
Deep rabbit hole, right? Because because unlike Christianity or a major religion, it's. It's not socially accepted, right?

00:10:52:11 - 00:10:55:13
Speaker 1
It's socially accepted and kind of but not like a no.

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Speaker 2
Because if you if you believe in Bigfoot and you hunt Bigfoot, you're considered crazy by society.

00:10:59:15 - 00:11:02:06
Speaker 1
That's true. But people still love to talk about Bigfoot, though.

00:11:02:08 - 00:11:04:14
Speaker 2
Yeah, like the idea of it. Like

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Speaker 2
it's. It's concept versus practice, right?

00:11:08:05 - 00:11:10:05
Speaker 2
Like, people can sit and theorize

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Speaker 2
and say, Oh, yeah, I believe in Bigfoot and not be considered crazy. But then as soon as you go, start hunting, right? And build a cage in your, in your vehicle.

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Speaker 1

00:11:19:05 - 00:11:21:05
Speaker 1
Yeah. I don't know. Then just

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Speaker 1
okay, take away the whole take away the premise of the story. Like the Bigfoot thing. You just say random, crazy people coming to the bar. Talk to your ear off. Wreck it. I'll have our our either orders one beer or I call water. See that show? All the time?

00:11:34:09 - 00:11:35:19
Speaker 2

00:11:35:19 - 00:11:48:01
Speaker 1
So that's kind of normal, you know, And right people, you know, I'm not here to judge people on their mental stability and all these other things because life is fucking crazy. But sometimes, you know, they just

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Speaker 1
maybe they're just kind of beers in them to where they just want to talk and whatever. I'm kind of here. It's interesting for sure.

00:11:54:01 - 00:12:01:18
Speaker 1
I wish I could record some of these because it'd be interesting to play them back for other people. But I'm not going to do that because privacy issues and.

00:12:01:18 - 00:12:02:19
Speaker 2
Shit like that, right?

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Speaker 1

00:12:03:07 - 00:12:04:12
Speaker 1
I definitely think it's

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Speaker 1
it is obviously for sure, but it's not like as long as you're not busy, right. Like it's.

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Speaker 2
Like it's not hurting anybody.

00:12:10:12 - 00:12:19:09
Speaker 1
Right. Like, I only got two other guests. They have beers. They're fucking listen to you. This guy fucking talk about Bigfoot for 30 minutes. You know, they're probably enjoying themselves, right? You know.

00:12:19:13 - 00:12:21:14
Speaker 2
As long as you're not hurting anybody, do you?

00:12:21:16 - 00:12:23:09
Speaker 1
Right. And as long as I'm not, like, super busy.

00:12:23:09 - 00:12:30:03
Speaker 2
At least he was ethical about Bigfoot. No, he wanted to return him to the wild. Yeah. Catch and release.

00:12:30:05 - 00:12:33:12
Speaker 1
Well, I did get a tag from the city, so I don't think we can keep them.

00:12:33:12 - 00:12:37:03
Speaker 2
So is it legal to catch a big fat

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Speaker 2

00:12:37:21 - 00:12:38:23
Speaker 1
Is it illegal?

00:12:39:05 - 00:12:42:00
Speaker 2
Well, I mean, I know that there are certain laws for, like, hunting and

00:12:42:00 - 00:12:43:23
Speaker 2
like trapping.

00:12:44:01 - 00:12:48:13
Speaker 1
Is it would be. Would Bigfoot be considered an animal or is it considered a mammal like us? You know?

00:12:48:14 - 00:12:50:12
Speaker 2
Well, a biscuit. Well, a mammal is an animal.

00:12:50:12 - 00:12:52:06
Speaker 1
I know. I was like, you.

00:12:52:06 - 00:12:57:18
Speaker 2
Know, like a humanoid. Yeah, well, if it's humanoid, that's. That's false imprisonment. That's true. And that is definitely legal.

00:12:57:18 - 00:12:58:11
Speaker 1
That's true.

00:12:58:11 - 00:13:01:02
Speaker 1
I don't know, man. I think

00:13:01:02 - 00:13:08:04
Speaker 1
there's another podcast who could love to talk about this for ever. Men, misfortune. Yeah, this is definitely the.

00:13:08:06 - 00:13:09:05
Speaker 2

00:13:09:07 - 00:13:24:14
Speaker 1
Section. We should send this off to them. Okay, guys, what's your viewpoint of this? Right. And let them go off like 3 hours so you don't know men and misfortune is we had a guest on TV, Tyler Campbell. He is host one of the hosts of that podcast, and they do mixed bag reviews

00:13:24:14 - 00:13:25:17
Speaker 1
or stories, I should say.

00:13:25:17 - 00:13:29:19
Speaker 1
And this is, I think, kind of right up in their alleys. So anyways,

00:13:29:19 - 00:13:37:10
Speaker 1
there's definitely no Ahsoka story. No, you know, everyone's just it's, it's not that unique, at least for me. You know, this is definitely like a 1.8

00:13:37:10 - 00:13:39:10
Speaker 1
know I think

00:13:39:10 - 00:13:44:17
Speaker 1
I think what gives it a little bit more instead of being a 1.2 that have point for me is that he has a cage.

00:13:44:19 - 00:13:46:02
Speaker 2
And his truck is he's.

00:13:46:02 - 00:13:46:15
Speaker 1
Built it.

00:13:46:19 - 00:13:47:09
Speaker 2

00:13:47:09 - 00:13:48:01
Speaker 1

00:13:48:01 - 00:13:51:02
Speaker 1
I would love to see the shirt he was wearing. I he doing right.

00:13:51:04 - 00:13:59:04
Speaker 2
You know, I'm going to give this an even to just simply for his catch and release plans. I like I like the ethical nature of it.

00:13:59:06 - 00:13:59:19
Speaker 1

00:13:59:19 - 00:14:01:07
Speaker 1
I get that.

00:14:01:09 - 00:14:13:18
Speaker 2
Because most people want to like I mean a lot of conspiracy theorists want to trap and kill a Bigfoot so they can have the skin. Right? And Pelton will. And so mean.

00:14:13:18 - 00:14:27:07
Speaker 1
the raccoon story. I can't wait till we tell the raccoon story on our Patreon. So if you're ever interested in hearing our raccoon story or any other stories that we have that Reilly and I have lived together now for almost ten years of our lives together.

00:14:27:09 - 00:14:30:17
Speaker 2
Oof, that's a long time. It is a decade is a long time.

00:14:30:21 - 00:14:34:01
Speaker 1
A long time. I can't commit to shit, let alone a person.

00:14:34:03 - 00:14:36:03
Speaker 2
Apparently you can.

00:14:36:05 - 00:14:38:10
Speaker 1
Actually commit to tool. And you, I guess.

00:14:38:16 - 00:14:39:00
Speaker 2
I mean.

00:14:39:00 - 00:14:39:12
Speaker 1

00:14:39:12 - 00:15:00:12
Speaker 1
so if you would like to support us and our commitment towards each other for another ten years, we do have a patron for $3 a month. We where we talk about our lives, our journeys together. And then also we have guests on the show where we talked to them more about their personal lives through their growth as a bartender and any other crazy endeavors they have.

00:15:00:14 - 00:15:12:05
Speaker 1
So again, $3 a month patron links in the description. If not, that's cool. You can do have free trial for seven days. Go check it out. And if not, we still love you because you're the seed. Your podcast shared it with all your friends or family.

00:15:12:15 - 00:15:16:08
Speaker 1
it. Just remember, don't be a dick. Tip your bartender and drink responsibly.

A Pride Beer for MAGA Hat & Catch and Release Bigfoot
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